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[Other systemsCehuiSource

Description: 测绘相关源码 包括:角度化弧度、弧度化角度、计算两点间的方位角、B_三次样条函数(曲线拟合)、贝赛尔曲线。-Surveying and Mapping-related source, including: the angle of curvature, arc angle of the calculation of the azimuth between two points, B_ cubic spline function (curve fitting), Bezier curves.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Tranlynn | Hits:


Description: 用C#写的双圆弧拟合程序。采用平均转角法。智能控制误差-Biarc
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: wangchuan | Hits:

[OpenGL programGraph

Description: 图形学完整课件,包括光栅图形学,图形裁剪,基本几何,二维几何,图形变换,三维几何,几何造型,光照模型,曲线与曲面,曲线拟合与双圆弧逼近,交互技术等。-Graphics complete courseware, including raster graphics, graphic cut, basic geometry, two-dimensional geometry, graph transformation, three-dimensional geometry, geometric modeling, illumination models, curves and surfaces, curve fitting and double arc approximation, interactive technology.
Platform: | Size: 7930880 | Author: 朵朵 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCircle

Description: 拟合圆弧的源程序 非常适合初学者查看!!! 是一个很使用的文档-Fitting arc of the source is very suitable for beginners view! ! ! Is a use of the document! ! !
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 郑飞 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingAutoCADCurvetech

Description: AUTOCAD 曲线技术,重点分析双圆弧、样条线和NURB拟合技术-AUTOCAD curve of technology, the focus of double arc, spline fitting lines and NURB
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: yjy | Hits:

[Special Effectscircle-line

Description: 对图像的边缘点使用最小二乘法进行圆弧拟合,对图像轮廓进行多边形逼近,算法实用快速,可靠-The edges of the image point arc fitting using least squares method, the image contour polygon approximation algorithm practical fast, reliable
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: gao | Hits:

[Software Engineeringbijin

Description: 离散点列的局部双圆弧逼近.pdf论文 用来拟合小线段,可以使小线段光滑,连续。-Discrete points of local double circular arc approximation, papers, can be used for small line segment fitting, continuous and smooth
Platform: | Size: 344064 | Author: lslsyqyq | Hits:

[Special EffectsOpenRadar7.0

Description: 激光雷达数据采集或读取、显示、直线拟合、角点提取、圆弧拟合、位姿解算等-Lidar data acquisition or read display, fitting a straight line, corner extraction, arc fitting Pose solver
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 楊某 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsCurveFit-2.0-win32-vc10

Description: CurveFit是一个用于曲线拟合优化的开发包(SDK)。在许多领域都有广泛的应用如广告,标识,服装,皮革等。在这些领域设计的图形经常使用样条曲线等高阶线条表达的,切割加工的时候需要把他们转换成机器能接受的直线和圆弧。CurveFit是这样一个库,他实现在保证几何图形精度的前提下尽可能地优化拟合这些图形,输入一些参数和数据他就能生产优化后的结果,他可以减少高达90 的线段数量。这个开发包 (SDK,曲线拟合库) 支持大多数平台,从 32位/64位Windows到Linux/Unix 系统,他也支持 .NET和 JAVA 环境. CAD/CAM系统的开发人员可以把它集成到自己的软件里面拥有超强的曲线拟合功能, 提供的详细的演示程序及源代码可以帮助你只需要很少的编程知识就能方便地集成到你的系统里面去。 - CurveFit is a software development kit (SDK) to optimize curves. In many industries like ads, clothing, leather, the designed drawing by special software is in curves, the curves would be converted to line and arcs if user want to cut out them by machine. CurveFit is the library achieves this function that simplifies the lines and arc and keep the drawing in acceptable accurate level. This library accepts solver parameters and data , then generate optimized result. It can decrease up to 90 lines and arcs quantity significantly. This SDK (curve fitting library) supports most platform from 32-bit/64-bit Windows to Linux/Unix system, it supports .NET and JAVA environment also. Developers of CAD/CAM-systems can integrate it into their software, sample demo program with source code help you integrate it with your existing system or product and minimal programming knowledge required.
Platform: | Size: 12581888 | Author: nestprofessor | Hits:


Description: 自动根据采样点进行拟合,采用最小二乘法,效果很好。-Least squares fitting circle through the border at several sampling points , and then fitted to the arc , good results
Platform: | Size: 1739776 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph DrawingVB--Spline-curve-fitting-program

Description: Spline曲线拟合的VB源代,根据鼠标的轨迹画出弧线,鼠标在右侧窗体的空白处单击,会留下圆圈,留下一定数量的圆圈后(至少两个)后,点击左上角的“运算曲线”按钮,即可将圆圈圈成线,绘制出图形。-Spline curve fitting VB source code, based on the trajectory of the mouse to draw an arc, a mouse click on a blank form on the right side, will leave the circle, leaving after a certain number of circles (at least two), click the upper left corner of the operation curve button, you can circle indicates a line drawn graphics.
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: 陈默然 | Hits:


Description: 圆拟合算法,用于从扫描线点云数据中拟合圆弧,从而提取出弧段点集。-The circular fitting algorithm is used to fit the arc the point cloud data of the scan line to extract the set of arc points.
Platform: | Size: 61488128 | Author: 王鹏 | Hits:

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