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Description: 这是我自己收集的关于linux编成的校技巧,具体细节大家自己看吧,特别是关于图像处理方面!-This is my own collection of linux skills into the school, the specific details of all his duties with his club, especially on image processing!
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: zc | Hits:

[Embeded Linuximageviewer

Description: 一个已经移植到嵌入式平台上的图象处理程序源代码,可以处理gif,bmp,jpg,png-Has been transplanted to an embedded platform image processing program source code, can handle gif, bmp, jpg, png
Platform: | Size: 3427328 | Author: leelqrose | Hits:


Description: 对ARM而言,初始化的配置是你是否掌握它的关键,它是主程序能否工作的基础。它要你掌握ARM的汇编,CPU的中断处理,硬件的结构等。本实验的目的就是一步一步教你完成S3C44B0的初试化配置,顺利进入C程序。-On the ARM, the initialization of the configuration is whether you have the key to it, it is the main program can work. It want you to grasp the ARM compilation, CPU
Platform: | Size: 1430528 | Author: 石云 | Hits:

[Video CaptureARM_image

Description: 利用ARM7(LPC2210)与CMOS感光芯片(OV7620)实现了一个紧凑型图像采集、处理系统;通过合理利用LPC2210数据总线的工作方式,有效地消除了0V7620对系统数据总线的干扰。SCCB控制,图像数据的采集、处理以及传输都由一片LPC2210完成,特别适合于对功耗、体积要求较严格的嵌入式应用-Using ARM7 (LPC2210) and the CMOS sensor chip (OV7620) to achieve a compact image acquisition, processing system through the rational use of data bus LPC2210 work, effectively eliminating the system data bus 0V7620 interference. SCCB control, image data collection, processing and transmission by a LPC2210 to complete, especially suitable for power, volume more stringent requirements of embedded applications
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: 张颖 | Hits:

[Special Effectsjpeg

Description: ARM 基于 LINUX 的图象处理的代码-ARM-based LINUX image processing code
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王宇舜 | Hits:


Description: intel ,pxa270 平台的烧写工具,通过rndis-intel, pxa270 platform programmer tool rndis
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: hugo | Hits:


Description: 硬件 部 分 ,我们建立了以ARM处理器为核心的开发板,通过CMOs摄 像头实时采集图像信息并通过液晶显示器显示。操作系统部分实现了实 时嵌入式操作系统的开发和移植,并在系统上扩展了文件系统模块,使 之支持图像信息的存储和更为广泛的应用开发。图像算法部分实现了图 像采集、BMP编码、图像存储,以及对所生成的数字图像进行数字处理 等功能。-Hardware part, we set up the ARM processor as the core to the development board, through the CMOs camera images in real-time information collected through the liquid crystal display. Part of the operating system implementation of real-time embedded operating system development and transplantation, and expanded on in the system file system modules, to support the image information storage and a wider range of application development. Part of the image algorithm implementation of the image acquisition, BMP coding, image storage, and digital images generated by digital processing functions.
Platform: | Size: 2421760 | Author: 兴中 | Hits:

[Special EffectsPic

Description: 這是一個圖像處理程式,利用裡面的一個SBITMAP類別加強Graphics::TBitmap類別的使用簡易性,內部的影像處理皆使用此類別,此程式的主要目的是求出 圖像的邊界or字的骨架(自己決定) 再由機械手臂繪出(內有程式解說圖檔)-This is an image processing program, use it to strengthen a SBITMAP category Graphics:: TBitmap categories of the use of simplicity, the internal use of the image processing are in this category, the main purpose of this program is to find the image of the frame border or the words (their decision) is drawn from the mechanical arm (with the program guide image)
Platform: | Size: 980992 | Author: MDM | Hits:


Description: arm-linux平台的视频监控程序,usb摄像头采集视频,opencv图像处理,gsm dtu无线数据发送-arm-linux platform, video monitor, usb camera capture video, opencv image processing, gsm dtu wireless data transmission
Platform: | Size: 572416 | Author: 放假 | Hits:

[Special Effectsvga_loop

Description: CCS环境下调试成功的,适用于达芬奇DVS6446 ARM端的视频采集回放程序,实现了图像的灰度化,阈值处理和直方图均衡化-Debugging environment, the success of CCS applied to Leonardo da Vinci DVS6446 ARM side of the video capture playback program to realize the gray of the image, the threshold processing and histogram equalization
Platform: | Size: 89088 | Author: 胡惠灵 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developcode

Description: 基于ARM和CPLD的嵌入式数字图像处理系统-CPLD Based on ARM and embedded digital image processing system
Platform: | Size: 755712 | Author: 郭晶晶 | Hits:

[Special EffectsJPEG_TLM

Description: 基于ARM-soc designer开发环境的jepg图像处理-Based on ARM-soc designer image processing development environment jepg
Platform: | Size: 9193472 | Author: 刘瑞宏 | Hits:


Description: 作为远程监控系统的一个具体应用,设计了一种基于Zigbee 技术的彩信远程监控系统。本系统包括监控网关和智能终端两部分。监控网关由Zigbee 模块、S3C44B0X ARM控制器系统和GSM/GPRS模块组成;智能终端由Zigbee 模块、图像处理模块和报警传感器模块组成。当有报警信号时,用户可以通过手机收到报警现场实时图片,也可以发送短信索取监控环境的图片信息。-the Remote Monitoring System of the MMS based on the Zigbee technology is developed through the analysis and research of the status of the intelligent monitoring home system and the features of the Zigbee technology, which is a specific application of the remote monitoring system. The system includes two parts: monitoring gateway and intelligent terminal. The monitoring gateway is composed by the Zigbee module、S3C44B0X ARM MCU system and GSM/GPRS module;the intelligent terminal is composed by the Zigbee module、Image Processing module and Alarm sensor module. When a warning signal is occurring, men can receive the scene picture in real-time through the short messages sent from mobile phone, users can also receive the scene picture in real-time by the developed system.
Platform: | Size: 52358144 | Author: czcyh | Hits:


Description: 作为远程监控系统的一个具体应用,设计了一种基于Zigbee 技术的彩信远程监控系统。本系统包括监控网关和智能终端两部分。监控网关由Zigbee 模块、S3C44B0X ARM控制器系统和GSM/GPRS模块组成;智能终端由Zigbee 模块、图像处理模块和报警传感器模块组成。当有报警信号时,用户可以通过手机收到报警现场实时图片,也可以发送短信索取监控环境的图片信息。-the Remote Monitoring System of the MMS based on the Zigbee technology is developed through the analysis and research of the status of the intelligent monitoring home system and the features of the Zigbee technology, which is a specific application of the remote monitoring system. The system includes two parts: monitoring gateway and intelligent terminal. The monitoring gateway is composed by the Zigbee module、S3C44B0X ARM MCU system and GSM/GPRS module;the intelligent terminal is composed by the Zigbee module、Image Processing module and Alarm sensor module. When a warning signal is occurring, men can receive the scene picture in real-time through the short messages sent from mobile phone, users can also receive the scene picture in real-time by the developed system.
Platform: | Size: 5725184 | Author: czcyh | Hits:


Description: 火牛STM32开发板的摄像头例子程序,工程全部打包上传,绝对无错,是开发32位ARM芯片、数字图像处理的重要参考,-AC adapter STM32 development board camera example program, works full package to upload, absolutely nothing wrong, is to develop 32-bit ARM chip, an important reference for digital image processing,
Platform: | Size: 295936 | Author: jinyong | Hits:


Description: 基于ARM和CPLD的嵌入式数字图像处理系统(v10).-CPLD based on embedded ARM and digital image processing system (v10).
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: yongge | Hits:

[Other Embeded programourdev_511981

Description: 介绍一种嵌入式数字图象处理平台的实现方案, 通过 A R M和C P L D 技术,构造一个具有 通用性、可扩充性、灵活的数字图像处理平台作为嵌入式机器人控制系统的一个子系统-Introduction of an embedded platform for the realization of digital image processing program, through the ARM and CPLD technology, to construct a versatile, scalable and flexible platform for digital image processing embedded robot control system as a subsystem
Platform: | Size: 1553408 | Author: LQH | Hits:

[Special Effects06d4

Description: 自己编写的图形图像处理程序,实现机械手臂的运动-Write your own graphic image processing procedures, to achieve the movement of mechanical arm
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: 丘比特 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeExp14-draw-pictrure-code

Description: arm图像处理代码,对于初学者来说是一个很好的借鉴-the arm image processing code, is a good reference for beginners
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: ming | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developsvgsw

Description: Principal component analysis of multivariate data analysis projection, Three-phase photovoltaic inverter and network simulation, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: sjkmet | Hits:
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