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eMule Plus 是一款文件分享软件。是架构在 eDonkey2000 多重来源文件传输通讯协定 (MFTP),它不需要依赖一个中心服务器,能快速搜寻及下载建立在 Donkey 网路上所有已分享的文件。 eMule Plus 允许您传输任何类型的文件,它能自动交换来源传输文件及蒐集文件清单将同一类型的 文件分类以利下载及分享,使用者能从多重来源下载一个相同的文件以确保传输是快速的。 文件能在下载中进行上传,这确保文件能被快速的分散。 eMule 主要特色: .分享并下载任何类型的文件。 .不需中心服务器,服务器能在任何的位置和 IP 位址。 .支援文件下载续传功能。 .能搜寻到所有已上线的使用者而且不用在同一个服务器内。 .在同一时间内从不同使用者内下载文件。 .同时上传和下载相同的文件。 .下载能由一个区间的分割而自动进行并完成。 .使用者能建立蒐集文件清单,确定并得到所有属於共同的文件。 .动态连结埠,经过设定 donkey 能使用任何的连结埠。 -eMule Plus is one file-sharing software. EDonkey2000 is in the framework of multiple sources File Transfer Protocol (ars) it does not need to rely on a central server. can quickly search for and download on the Internet Donkey all share documents. EMule Plus allows you to transfer any type of document, It automatic exchange of documents and source transmission list of documents to gather the same type of classification of documents to facilitate the downloading and sharing, Multiple users can download a source of the same documents to ensure that transmission is rapidly. Documents can download for uploads, ensuring that documents can be quickly dispersed. EMule main characteristics :. Share and download any type of document. . No central server, the server can be in any location and IP add
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.64mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

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youhua hfghdfgfh fghgf hgf
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.61kb Publisher : orientalcds

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 35.52kb Publisher : chengchongxin

JAVA版的蚂蚁算法(Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms) -JAVA version of the ant algorithm (Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 79.99kb Publisher : 张强

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JAVA版的蚂蚁算法(Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms) -JAVA version of the ant algorithm (Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 80kb Publisher : 张强

eMule Plus 是一款文件分享软件。是架构在 eDonkey2000 多重来源文件传输通讯协定 (MFTP),它不需要依赖一个中心服务器,能快速搜寻及下载建立在 Donkey 网路上所有已分享的文件。 eMule Plus 允许您传输任何类型的文件,它能自动交换来源传输文件及蒐集文件清单将同一类型的 文件分类以利下载及分享,使用者能从多重来源下载一个相同的文件以确保传输是快速的。 文件能在下载中进行上传,这确保文件能被快速的分散。 eMule 主要特色: .分享并下载任何类型的文件。 .不需中心服务器,服务器能在任何的位置和 IP 位址。 .支援文件下载续传功能。 .能搜寻到所有已上线的使用者而且不用在同一个服务器内。 .在同一时间内从不同使用者内下载文件。 .同时上传和下载相同的文件。 .下载能由一个区间的分割而自动进行并完成。 .使用者能建立蒐集文件清单,确定并得到所有属於共同的文件。 .动态连结埠,经过设定 donkey 能使用任何的连结埠。 -eMule Plus is one file-sharing software. EDonkey2000 is in the framework of multiple sources File Transfer Protocol (ars) it does not need to rely on a central server. can quickly search for and download on the Internet Donkey all share documents. EMule Plus allows you to transfer any type of document, It automatic exchange of documents and source transmission list of documents to gather the same type of classification of documents to facilitate the downloading and sharing, Multiple users can download a source of the same documents to ensure that transmission is rapidly. Documents can download for uploads, ensuring that documents can be quickly dispersed. EMule main characteristics :. Share and download any type of document. . No central server, the server can be in any location and IP add
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.64mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

DL : 0
youhua hfghdfgfh fghgf hgf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : orientalcds

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小游戏--俄罗斯方块的代码,不过是单机版的-Tetris game code, but a stand-alone version of the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 280kb Publisher : chengchongxin

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Airline Reservation System
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Mayank

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BMC Remedy ARS API test. (Just connecting to the ARS server :)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 260kb Publisher : stalker

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我们小组的Java作业,是一个简单的航空订票系统。-Java work of our group, is a simple airline reservation system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 117kb Publisher : gavin

mimo ofdm synchronization i-mimo ofdm synchronization ieee
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 511kb Publisher : iyad

code for the kalman filter that uses the sensor data as inputs-code for the kalman filter that uses the sensor data as inputs
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : glatho

用于四轴飞行器的姿态算法,内含各种矩阵加减乘转置、求逆等运算,及姿态kalman滤波算法,可适用于低速旋翼机的姿态导航-For four-axis spacecraft attitude algorithm, containing a variety of matrix addition and subtraction to multiply the transpose and inverse operations, and attitude Kalman filtering algorithm applied to the low-speed rotorcraft gesture navigation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 247kb Publisher : 刘小码

实现aes在CBC模式下的加密解密,对于初学ARS的人来说是很好的资料,代码简单易懂-Aes encryption and decryption in CBC mode, is a good information for the beginner ARS, easy-to-understand code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.11mb Publisher : 张绍宇

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本程序是关于实现ars的代码,实现的比较简单,看具体情况再补加代码-Ars of the program code, and is relatively simple to achieve, and look at the specific situation supplemented plus code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 高强

SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)是由美国农业部(USDA)的农业研究中心(ARS,Agricultural Research Service)Jeff Amonld博士1994年开发的。模型开发的最初目的是为了预测在大流域复杂多变的土壤类型、土地利用方式和管理措施条件下,土地管理对水分、泥沙和化学物质的长期影响。它是一种基于GIS基础之上的分布式流域水文模型,近年来得到了快速的发展和应用,主要是利用遥感和地理信息系统提供的空间信息模拟多种不同的水文物理化学过程,如水量、水质以及杀虫剂的输移与转化过程。现在使用的SWAT2005版本可以在Arcview、ArcGIS等常见的软件平台上运行,具有良好的用户界面 -SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Center (ARS, Agricultural Research Service) Jeff Amonld Dr. 1994 developed. The original purpose of the model developed to predict the complex soil type in large watersheds, land use and management measures under the conditions of the land management of water, sediment and chemicals in the long-term impact. It is a distributed hydrological model based on GIS basis, and in recent years has been the rapid development and application of spatial information is provided by the use of remote sensing and geographic information system to simulate a variety of different hydrological physical and chemical processes, such as water, water quality and pesticide transport and transformation process. The now use SWAT2005 version can run on a common software platform Arcview, ArcGIS, has a good user interface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : 李明

swat 源文件 :SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)是由美国农业部(USDA)的农业研究中心(ARS,Agricultural Research Service)Jeff Amonld博士1994年开发的-swat Source File: SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Center (ARS, Agricultural Research Service) Jeff Amonld developed in 1994, Dr.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 667kb Publisher : water

swat模型 中文理论说明 :SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)是由美国农业部(USDA)的农业研究中心(ARS,Agricultural Research Service)Jeff Amonld博士1994年开发的-swat model Chinese theoretical description: SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Center (ARS, Agricultural Research Service) Jeff Amonld developed by Dr 1994
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.08mb Publisher : water

DL : 0
本程序是关于实现ars的代码,实现的比较简单,看具体情况再补加代码-Ars of the program code, and is relatively simple to achieve, and look at the specific situation supplemented plus code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : qun7440297
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