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[Other resourceArtGalleryManageSystem

Description: it is art gallery manage system:include of author manage system、production manage system and production business manage system. it do by delphi 7.0.
Platform: | Size: 1255843 | Author: 小心 | Hits:


Description: 一个简单的艺术画廊管理系统,在VS环境中编写,有简单的增加,列单,交易等功能,可以继续补充完善,很好的初学者入手教案。-a simple art gallery management system, the VS environment, which had been prepared, a simple, single out, transaction capabilities will continue to supplement and improve the good beginners start with lesson plans.
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: 谢晓翎 | Hits:

[Other DatabasesArtGalleryManageSystem

Description: it is art gallery manage system:include of author manage system、production manage system and production business manage system. it do by delphi 7.0.-it is art gallery manage system: include of author manage system, production manage systemand production business manage system.it do by delphi 7.0.
Platform: | Size: 1255424 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Description The art galleries of the new and very futuristic building of the Center for Balkan Cooperation have the form of polygons (not necessarily convex). When a big exhibition is organized, watching over all of the pictures is a big security concern. Your task is that for a given gallery to write a program which finds the surface of the area of the floor, from which each point on the walls of the gallery is visible. On the figure 1. a map of a gallery is given in some co-ordinate system. The area wanted is shaded on the figure 2.-DescriptionThe art galleries of the new and very futuristic building of the Center for Balkan Cooperation have the form of polygons (not necessarily convex). When a big exhibition is organized, watching over all of the pictures is a big security concern. Your task is that for a given gallery to write a program which finds the surface of the area of the floor, from which each point on the walls of the gallery is visible. On the figure 1. a map of a gallery is given in some co-ordinate system . The area wanted is shaded on the figure 2.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zas | Hits:


Description: The art gallery problem or museum problem is a well-studied visibility problem in computational geometry. The motivation for the problem is the real-world problem of guarding an art gallery with the minimum number of security cameras that can each rotate to obtain a full field of vision. In the computational geometry version of the problem the layout of the art gallery is represented by a simple polygon and each security camera is represented by a point in the polygon. A set S of points is said to guard a polygon if, for every point p in the polygon, there is some q\in Ssuch that the line segment between p and q does not leave the polygon.
Platform: | Size: 320512 | Author: maryam | Hits:


Description: 这个是一个艺术图库网站的源码,只有源码部分,需要的话可以酌情修改。-The Art Gallery is a web site source code, only the source of the necessary discretion to modify.
Platform: | Size: 1211392 | Author: mars | Hits:

[Software EngineeringHAP_AAA_LOGO_2008_v2.1_BWW

Description: AAA Logo是一款Logo设计软件。通过简单而强大的方式,设计专业的Logo,几分钟内就可以用于网页或者打印出来。内置60个模板,也可以自己定制模板。附带包含2000多个Logo对象和剪贴画的图库。所有内置Logo对象都是基于矢量的,可以轻易的缩放和旋转。也可以对任意单独对象应用不同的样式,得到几乎无限的对象和效果组合。 -AAA Logo is a Logo design software. Through simple and powerful way to design a professional Logo, can be used for web pages within minutes or print them out. Built-in 60 templates, you can also customize their own templates. Logo included that contains more than 2,000 objects and clip art gallery. Logo for all built-in objects are vector-based and can be easily scaled and rotated. For any single object can also apply a different style, are almost unlimited combinations of objects and effects.
Platform: | Size: 16224256 | Author: wang shi | Hits:


Description: gdi绘图源代码,可以画直线,可以画院,可以画山性,可以话,可以化,可以,可 可饿可 可可 可靠-gdi drawing source code, you can draw a straight line, you can Art Gallery, you can draw mountains sex, you can, then be able to transform, you can, cocoa cocoa cocoa hunger can be a reliable
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 陈伟 | Hits:


Description: source codes for art gallery problem in java
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: zh | Hits:

[SQL Serveralljs

Description: data of art data of gallery
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: m.muzammil | Hits:

[Successful incentiveArt_Galler206399542007

Description: This a solution implementation to well-known art gallery problem using polygon triangulation and 3-coloring methods. As in my computational-graphics course, i was requested to implement a solution program to art galley problem stated above. So using cut-ear triangulation and 3-coloring algorithms i did implement the above program in screenshot.-This is a solution implementation to well-known art gallery problem using polygon triangulation and 3-coloring methods. As in my computational-graphics course, i was requested to implement a solution program to art galley problem stated above. So using cut-ear triangulation and 3-coloring algorithms i did implement the above program in screenshot.
Platform: | Size: 328704 | Author: atul goel | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLibrary-Art

Description: 库艺术是一个以当代艺术为核心的画廊网站。格调神秘高雅,视觉冲击力强。-Library Art is a gallery of contemporary art at the core site. Mysterious and elegant style, visual impact.
Platform: | Size: 25518080 | Author: ccaci | Hits:


Description: You can do the following things in this project ************************************************** 1.You can upload images and share with Friends. 2.Comment in image gallery,You can send messages 3.send images 4.view galleries 5.post comments on gallery images 6.Also i include a download facility in the dynamic header update method. please see following comment,i attached project in that comment in a archive format.There is two folders , one is project another is Database .Download and unzip it
Platform: | Size: 1145856 | Author: dave | Hits:

[Static controlArt-Gallery--090101

Description: A program that reads simple polygon and then find out all the concave vertices and label them.
Platform: | Size: 25882624 | Author: harry | Hits:

[WEB CodeLewiesGalley

Description: 上传、管理和显示图片在你的个人的艺术画廊。可以很容易地添加图片和改变。它还提供了类别。管理,转到管理。asp和类型管理员/密码来登录。用户帐户可以添加和改变管理部门。你可以删除用户帐户只要1帐户将依然存在-Upload, manage and display images in your personal art gallery. Can easily add pictures and change. It also provides a category. Management, go to the Administration. the asp and type administrator/password to login. User account can add and change management department. You can delete user accounts as long as the account will still exist
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 阳光和雨露 | Hits:


Description: 用java编译的大型美术馆管理系统,功能齐全。-Java compiler with a large art gallery management system, fully functional.
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 梦醒凌天 | Hits:

[WEB Codepptupian

Description: 软件介绍 漂漂美术馆图片小偷是一个不错的小偷程序,基本设置更改Config.asp。-Software introduction Beautiful art gallery. The thief is a good thief procedures, basic settings Config.asp.
Platform: | Size: 109568 | Author: bmpudn43 | Hits:

[Web Serverartschool

Description: 婴幼儿艺术教育网站模板,全套模板,DIV+CSS布局,包含about.html,contact.html,gallery.html,index.html,schedule.html等多个网站模板页面。-Infant art education website templates, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including about.html, contact.html, gallery.html, index.html, schedule.html site templates and other pages.
Platform: | Size: 4332544 | Author: bob | Hits:

[Special Effectscolorful-abstract-art-gallery-wallpaper

Description: Hinh anh Mau me color
Platform: | Size: 2010112 | Author: anhviet30 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net