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[Windows Developsila wyporu

Description: sila wyporu
Platform: | Size: 2222 | Author: kolozapasowe | Hits:


Description: 基于树型结构的在线逆向组合拍卖模型的pdf -Tree structure based on online reverse auction model portfolio pdf! ! !
Platform: | Size: 237568 | Author: jiale | Hits:


Description: 求解组合拍卖NP问题的遗传算法-Solving combinatorial auctions NP problem genetic algorithm! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Platform: | Size: 246784 | Author: jiale | Hits:

[Graph programasdasdasd

Description: 几种常用的特征分割方法,有基于熵,梯度和局域的-Segmentation of several common features, there are based on entropy, gradient and localized
Platform: | Size: 4150272 | Author: 方舟 | Hits:


Description: 实现最小二乘法的最先进的程序代码,参考别人的,也有自己修改的地方-Least square method to achieve the most advanced code, reference others, also have their own place to modify
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张勇 | Hits:

[Other Web CodeMsvDraw

Description: 高速公路收费系统是高速公路管理的重要组成部分。建立智能化的收费系统是加强高速公路管理的一个重要环节。这个系统的建立将会较好地解决交通收费业务中手工撕票收费这一传统方式所出现的各种问题,提高收费效率,杜绝跑、冒和漏收,能提高高速公路的整体功能。-sdas sdasd dgdf dsdfsdf asdasdasd asdas
Platform: | Size: 3269632 | Author: langren | Hits:

[WEB Code194c-(1)

Description: ASP开发的投票系统 投票系统 有数据库的连接操作-asp.net asdasdasd
Platform: | Size: 766976 | Author: liqiang | Hits:


Description: 可实现奇数阶幻方的填充,并得到最终的幻方图。-Can realize the odd order magic square filling
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: haifeng | Hits:


Description: 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 话费钓鱼 -Phone calls phone calls fishing fishing fishing fishing fishing fishing phone calls phone calls phone calls fishing fishing fishing fishing fishing fishing phone calls phone calls phone calls fishing fishing fishing fishing fishing fishing phone calls phone calls phone calls fishing fishing fishing fishing fishing fishing phone calls
Platform: | Size: 420864 | Author: sadasd | Hits:


Description: EJB EXAMPLE JAVA ACADEM asd asd asd -EJB EXAMPLE JAVA ACADEM asdasd asd asdasdasd
Platform: | Size: 364544 | Author: adoniscruz | Hits:


Description: 用JAVA编写的电子英汉互译字典,很好的,可以用。-dasd asdasdasd
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Hodor | Hits:

[Technology ManagementNewProject

Description: 问答式的一个东西,谁不(ˇˍ ˇ) 想~问问见过你这个 东-this is good,vrey good OK?asdasdasd
Platform: | Size: 12890112 | Author: 冀青星 | Hits:

[OS Developchat1

Description: ananı zı n amı cı ğ ı asdasdasd-ananı zı n amı cı ğ ı asdasdasd
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: barny mora | Hits:

[Technology ManagementASDASDASD

Description: Klavyeden girilen sayı nı n tersini (ö rneğ in 1234 ==> 4321 gibi) ekrana bastı ran program
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: Nurettin | Hits:


Description: es sobre pcm en matlab PCM
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hcruz | Hits:


Description: 求解计算流大作业问题啊大大是多少的啊实打实大女(solution of asdasdasd)
Platform: | Size: 1720320 | Author: 天上飞的蚂蚱 | Hits:


Description: 非常厲害的一個程序,能夠聊天 視頻和發消息(One is very nb the chengxu feichangde niubi)
Platform: | Size: 60311552 | Author: hufan | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackasdasdasd

Description: 透视自瞄巨人源码更新最近基址就可用,可测试好使(Perspective the source of the Giants)
Platform: | Size: 750592 | Author: sadda | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net