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[assembly languageASM 写的VB运行库

Description: ASM 写的VB运行库
Platform: | Size: 1799 | Author: a2si@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 51单片机ASM程序-51 SCM ASM procedures
Platform: | Size: 160768 | Author: 超人 | Hits:


Description: RS485通信程序,主机和从机都有了,现成的东西可以直接应用在你的开发中,PC程序用VB编写,485多机通讯是ASM的。-RS485 communication procedures, and from the host machine has a ready-made things can be directly used in your development, the PC using VB preparation procedures, more than 485 machine communication is the ASM.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 张子实 | Hits:


Description: IC卡读写器程序(ASM)及其测试程序(PC端).zip-IC card read-write procedure (ASM) and its test order (PC end) zip
Platform: | Size: 716800 | Author: 刘超 | Hits:

[source in ebookWindows32-asm-lo

Description: Windows环境下32位汇编语言是一种全新的编程语言。它使用与C++语言相同的API接口,不仅可以用来开发出大型的软件,而且是了解操作系统运行细节的最佳方式。本书从编写应用程序的角度,从“Hello World!”这个简单的例子开始到编写多线程、注册表和网络通信等复杂的程序,通过60多个实例逐渐深入Win32汇编语言的方方面面。本书作者罗云彬拥有十余年汇编语言编程经验,是汇编编程网站http://asm.yeah.net和汇编编程论坛http://win32asm.yeah.net的站长。本书是作者多年来编程工作的总结,适合于欲通过Win32汇编语言编写Windows程序的读者。-under Windows 32 assembly language is a brand new programming language. It uses the same language with the C API interface, not only can be used to develop large-scale software but details of the operating system running in the best way. Preparation of the book from the perspective of applications, "Hello World!" this is a simple example of the beginning of the preparation of multi-threaded, the registry, and network communications, such as complex procedures, through more than 60 examples of deepening Win32 compilation of language in all its aspects. The author of this book Luo Bin has ten years experience in assembly language programming, the programming is a compilation website http :// asm.yeah.net Programming Forum and compilation http :// win32asm.yeah.net Webmaster. Th
Platform: | Size: 2820096 | Author: 胡胡 | Hits:


Description: Win32 ASM用,masm32的外挂批处理,NotePad2配合此Bat程序可以快速自动完成编译连接,配全相关开关,可以使工作更愉快。-Win32 ASM used, masm32 batch of plug-ins, NotePad2 with this Bat procedures can quickly auto-complete compiler to connect with the entire relevant switch, can make work more enjoyable.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 依然 | Hits:


Description: asm的源码包 并且包含英文的文档,另外还有一些实例。-asm source code package and include the document in English, as well as some examples.
Platform: | Size: 1485824 | Author: lingjun | Hits:

[Special Effectsasm

Description: 基于ASM的人脸识别程序,包括训练部分。由Ghassan Hamarneh编写-ASM-based face recognition procedures, including the training component. Prepared by Ghassan Hamarneh
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: ZhangGeng | Hits:


Description: PIC16F84+STH11系统原理图和asm源程序-PIC16F84+STH11(ASM code PIC16F84 with a schematic)
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 王剑峰 | Hits:

[assembly languageasm-xml-1.0.tar

Description: asm 也就是用汇编程序写的 xml解析程序-XML parser by assemble language!
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: BuNengshuo | Hits:


Description: T6963C控制器的asm程序,有详细注释-T6963C controller asm procedures, detailed notes
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 舒彭 | Hits:

[assembly languageclarke.asm

Description: 三相交流电,变换成两项直流电。对电机进行控制,电流转换。-clarke,asm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack Hackrc4.asm

Description: RC4算法的Asm实现,实现效率高,可以很方便的用到工程中去-Asm achieve RC4 algorithm to achieve high efficiency
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 00 | Hits:


Description: matlab的ASM算法工具箱,很好用的-ASM matlab toolbox
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 刘畅 | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackasm

Description: 游戏外挂最基本也是最重要的一本必看电子书-game od ce asm
Platform: | Size: 514048 | Author: 8970665 | Hits:


Description: Angel一只纯ASM编写的免杀病毒,很有学习研究价值。-Angel a pure ASM prepared to kill virus-free
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 呵呵 | Hits:


Description: 采用ASM算法对柔性体进行建模,实现对医学图像的分割-To achieve the segmentation of medical images,we apply ASM algorithm on flexible bodies.
Platform: | Size: 425984 | Author: 凌华强 | Hits:


Description: NRF24L01 51单片机汇编参考例程-NRF24L01 51 for ASM program
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: caohaidong | Hits:

[assembly languageASM-In-VC

Description: 如何在VC中使用汇编,描述较为详细,有一定使用价值-How to use asm in VC 2005
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 网上行 | Hits:

[Graph programAsm-Toolbox

Description: 这是一个asm主动形状模型的函数箱,里面都是全是源码-This is an active shape model asm function boxes, which are all source
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: 蒋飞云 | Hits:
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