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ASP是开发网站应用的快速工具,但是有些网站管理员只看到ASP的快速开发能力,却忽视了ASP安全问题。ASP从一开始就一直受到众多漏洞,后门的困扰,包括%81的噩梦,密码验证问题,IIS漏洞等等都一直使ASP网站开发人员心惊胆跳。本文试图从开放了ASP服务的操作系统漏洞和ASP程序本身漏洞,阐述ASP安全问题,并给出解决方法或者建议。-ASP Web applications is the development of rapid tool, but some webmasters only see the rapid development of ASP, ASP has been neglected safety issues. ASP from the beginning have been many loopholes in the back door of distress, including nightmares, password authentication, IIS vulnerability, etc. have been so ASP Web developers shocking. This paper attempts to open the ASP services of the operating system vulnerabilities and the process itself ASP loophole, ASP elaborate security issues, and gives solutions or suggestions.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 315.77kb Publisher : 海燕


Update : 2008-12-06 Size : 90.1kb Publisher : csysdn

ASP是开发网站应用的快速工具,但是有些网站管理员只看到ASP的快速开发能力,却忽视了ASP安全问题。ASP从一开始就一直受到众多漏洞,后门的困扰,包括%81的噩梦,密码验证问题,IIS漏洞等等都一直使ASP网站开发人员心惊胆跳。本文试图从开放了ASP服务的操作系统漏洞和ASP程序本身漏洞,阐述ASP安全问题,并给出解决方法或者建议。-ASP Web applications is the development of rapid tool, but some webmasters only see the rapid development of ASP, ASP has been neglected safety issues. ASP from the beginning have been many loopholes in the back door of distress, including nightmares, password authentication, IIS vulnerability, etc. have been so ASP Web developers shocking. This paper attempts to open the ASP services of the operating system vulnerabilities and the process itself ASP loophole, ASP elaborate security issues, and gives solutions or suggestions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 315kb Publisher : 海燕

在Windows系统的管理工具中,选择Internet信息服务,进入web页面管理界面。设置默 认web站点的路径为本目录的绝对路径。 确保您的机器上安装了SQL Server 2000或以上的版本,建立一个新的数据库ASPData,再将 存放在datasource子目录下的mydb_1文件导入到新建的数据库中,并进行还原备份。-on Windows systems management tool, select Internet Information Services, access web pages management interface. Web site set up by default the path to catalog the full path. To ensure that your machine installed SQL Server 2000 or more versions, the creation of a new database ASPData and then stored in a subdirectory under the datasource mydb_1 documents imported into the new database, backup and restore.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 687kb Publisher : paul

ASP.NET与数据库编程 1.在本实例中,使用的是SQL Server 2000的数据库而这里只给了对应的Access数据库,如果你想在你的机器上在运行程序需要在SQL Server下重新建立一样的数据库,或者使用前面介绍的导入导出工具将.mdb数据库转化为SQLServer数据库。 确保你的机器上的服务名,和程序中的代码要统一。 2.将library文件夹复制到C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\目录下(一般情况是这样),即可运行程序 3.运行ASP.NET程序先要保证您的机器上正确的建立了一个站点,然后将这里的程序考入站点目录下即可。首页为WebForm1.aspx -ASP.NET programming with a database. In this example, the use of the SQL Server 2000 database here only to the corresponding Access database, if you want your machines running the program in SQL Server under the re-establishment of the same database, or use the above-described I. income derived tools. mdb database into a SQL Server database. Make sure your machine from the services, and procedures necessary to unify the code. 2. Library folder will be copied to C : \ Inetpub \ wwwroot \ directory (this is the general), can run programs 3. Running ASP.NET procedures must ensure that your machine correct establishment of a site and then went to the procedures here directory site can be . Home for the WebForm1.aspx
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 82kb Publisher : yuli

一个ASP.NET下的中文内容管理和社区系统,包括高级论坛、文章、下载、链接、图片、书籍、事件、HTML页面和任务等九个模块,用户可利用这些模块衍生出自己各种栏目,如衍生出公司产品和服务介绍等。还增加了流媒体模块(视听世界),以后会陆续增加更多模块 -an ASP.NET under the Chinese community and content management systems, including high-level forum, articles, downloads, links, pictures, books, events, HTML pages and tasks nine modules, users can use these modules derived own columns, If the derived products and services briefings. Also increased the streaming media modules (audio-visual world), it will gradually increase the number of modules
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : wszhe1

基于XML的Web服务被广泛认为是分布式计算技术的重要发展方向。在业界众多公司的推动下,人们对于逐渐形成的各种Web服务的相关技术与标准越来越关心。 本书主要介绍如何使用ASP.NET创建高水平的Weh服务。书中介绍了Web服务架构的核心标准,并通过实例说明了这些标准如何集成到ASP.NET中。本书还通过深入分析代码实例介绍了创建和使用Web服务的技术。本书最后介绍了三个综合的案例研究,每一个案例研究都演示了一个完整的Web服务应用程序的解决方案。 -XML-based Web services that are widely distributed computing technology is an important development direction. Many companies in the industry under the impetus, People are gradually formed the Web services technology and standards are becoming increasingly concerned. The book describes how to use ASP.NET to create a high standard of service Weh. The book introduced a Web services architecture core standards, and illustrates how these standards integrated into ASP.NET. The book also through in-depth analysis of the code examples on the creation and use of Web services technology. The book introduced the final three integrated case studies, Each case study is a demonstration of a complete Web services application solutions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 37.48mb Publisher : Eagle

asp.net专家200问(含源代码解决法案,有常用Web服务控件 高级Web控件 数据绑定技术 XML相关处理技术 数据绑定技术 数据库设计 等等)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.75mb Publisher : 杨桥梁

DL : 0
旅游网站比旅游企业更有优势。相比传统旅游企业,旅游网站信息更丰富、经营方式更合理,游客可在网站里收集文字、图片、游记、评论以及目的地的景点、食宿和交通等详尽的信息,还可通过链接和搜索引擎带你漫游相关网站。由于旅游网站可以打破地域的限制,可以最大限度地将各种旅游资源以最经济的方式结合在一起,同时无店铺经营也将有助于降低成本,使旅游资源的所有者和消费者都得到益处。旅游服务的无形性也使其更适合网上销售。-Travel sites are more advantages than the tourism enterprises. Compared to traditional tourism enterprises, tourism website more rich, more rational mode of operation, visitors to the site where the collection of text, pictures, travel notes, comments and destination attractions, accommodation and transportation and other detailed information, but also through the links and search engine brings you roaming related sites. Because of travel sites can break the geographical boundaries, you can maximize the variety of tourism resources will be the most economical manner combining non-store operating at the same time will also help reduce costs, so that the owner of tourism resources and consumers have been benefits. Intangible tourism services also make it more suitable for online sales.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.73mb Publisher : HTY

随着全球经济一体化的逐步发展和深入,网上书店已成为传统书店必不可少的经营策略之一.目前,网上书店在国际互联网上可以实现的商务已经多样化,可以完成从最基本的信息展示、信息发布功能到在线交易、在线客户服务、在线网站管理功能等,可以说,传统书店所具备的功能几乎都可以在互联网上进行电子化的高效动作。-With the gradual integration of the global economy development and deepening of the online bookstore has become a traditional bookstore, one of essential business strategy. Currently, the online bookstore on the Internet can be achieved has been the diversification of business, to be completed from the basic information display, information dissemination capabilities to online trading, online customer service, Web site management features such as online, it can be said of the traditional bookstore features can be almost on the Internet e-efficient action.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : 章松

DL : 0
基于Csharp语言的.NET平台的一些WEB服务,希望对大家有用。-CSharp-based language. NET platform some WEB services in the hope that useful to everyone.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 162kb Publisher : 白文静

后台地址/manage,后台帐号admin密码为 admin 公司企业网站管理系统超漂亮,由深圳http://www.sunsuc.com公司企业网站建设专家自主开发,是一套通用的,公司,企业自助建站网站管理系统,美观的前台,强大的网站后台管理功能,自助管理前台相关栏目.使公司,企业网站,最大范围被人了解,占得网络市场.本系统有宣传,介绍,展示,推广,销售公司企业的产品与服务,开展网上电子商务业务的,实现营利,是整站系统设计功能的最终目标.完善的网站子模块,如企业简历,企业文化,企业新闻,业内资讯,产品展示,下载中心,企业荣誉,营销网络,人才招聘,客户留言,会员中心,充分考虑了公司,企业中英文网站管理系统的通用需求. 全后台管理方式,后台功能齐全,使用维护方便.无论是生产,销售,还是服务型的大中小型公司,企业的网站管理人员只要会打字,就会建起一个专业的公司,企业网站,随时管理网站内容. -The company, enterprise website, the largest being the scope of understanding, or a network market. The system information, presentations, display, promotion, sales of the companies products and services, conduct online e-commerce business to achieve profitability, the whole station system The ultimate goal of design features. perfect site module, such as corporate notes, corporate culture, business news, industry information, product display, download centers, corporate reputation, marketing network, talent recruitment, Feedback, Member Center, give full consideration to the company , enterprise management systems in both Chinese and English Web site of the general demand
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.97mb Publisher : sammy

DL : 0
随着中国加入WTO,全球经济一体化的逐步深入,网上书店已是现代传统书店必不可少的经营策略。目前,网上书店在国际互联网上可以实现的商务功能已经多样化,可以说从最基本的对外沟通展示功能、信息发布功能,在线图书展示功能、在线洽谈功能、在线交易功能、在线采购功能、在线客户服务功能、在线网站管理功能等等,几乎以往传统书店功能都可以在互联网上进行电子化的高效运作。 技术的进步对传统书店上网解决方案提出更严格的要求和挑战。为了保护传统书店的投资,书店上网解决方案应切合传统书店实际的需求和发展的趋向,使投入回报和管理效益最大化,传统书店在实施上网方案的之前,必须对一系列问题进行科学的论证,如网上书店的需求分析、网上书店总体规划、网上书店系统的功能和实施方案、网上书店的传播与推广、运行网上书店系统的软件和硬件配置、网上书店的管理系统和管理方法等等。网上书店具体实施的质素直接影响传统书店在Internet的实际效果和经济效益,这不仅是技术问题,同时也涉及到管理的因素。 -he Internet has already become the people living, work, the terrace that study more and more can not get away from.Technique of Web already not at limit at to provide the information service purely, but the that day benefit become an operation terrace, providing the strong service function for the customer.For example on-line electronic commerce,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.63mb Publisher : youniyouwo

DL : 0
WEB服务用书,学会WEB服务的必备,WEB功能讲解。-WEB Service books, must learn to WEB services, WEB function on.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 37.5mb Publisher : 王雄晖

从SQL SERVER数据库中提取出地球的经度、纬度,用这些信息之Google地图对应位置插入插件。如果你熟悉Ajax框架,你一定知道解答的方法。于是作者写了这个控件,可以让大家更集中于服务端的功能。-Features * Enables you to draw google map. No javascript knowledge required. Just drag and drop control on your page. * Uses Ajax calls to retrieve server side data. * Enables you to change pushpin postions on the fly. No need to refresh full map. * Enables you to change pushpin icons on the fly. * Optimized to give you best performance. i.e., only those pushpin data will be retrieved from server that are changed.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 559kb Publisher : 黄鸣

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C#实现的Benefits网站,使用了ASP.Net提供的多种机制,包括用户控件,状态管理,权限管理,连接数据库,web服务引用等,具有一定的参考价值。-A website implementing with C#.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.24mb Publisher : ZhuYinghang

ASP.NET操作WEB服务的基本教程,主要介绍了WEB服务的基本概念,WEB服务的特点,创建WEB服务的基本过程。-WEB services in ASP.NET operation of the basic tutorial introduces the basic concepts of WEB services, WEB services, the characteristics of the basic process to create WEB services.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 100kb Publisher : 阿lin

酒店客房集餐饮管理系统.采用ASP.NET技术,以Windows XP为平台,Microsoft SQL Server 2005为设计环境,构建基于Web数据库的动态服务系统.主要模块 客房管理和餐饮管理,具备客房查询,客房状态,客房分类,价客房格,客户入住,菜单,客户点菜,账单,结账(折扣)等功能.-Hotel room set dining management system. Using ASP.NET technology to Windows XP as a platform, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for the design of the environment, to build a database of dynamic Web-based service system. The main room management and catering management module, with room information, room status , room classification, price Georgia room, the customer admitted, menus, customer ordering, billing, checkout (discount) and other functions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 74kb Publisher : 417

该新闻系统具有一般新闻系统的功能,主要包括前台新闻查看区和后台管理区,可为学校各部门发布新闻,为校园网站提供新闻发布与管理的服务。-The information system of general information system functions, including reception area and background information see management areas, schools and departments for news, campus news website management services.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.92mb Publisher : jinjie

良田高拍仪asp服务端接口文档,二次开发控件使用方法,高拍仪的所有功能都集合进来了。(Liangtian altimeter ASP server interface documentation, secondary development control use methods, all functions of the altimeter are integrated.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : 挚爱2019
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