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Cell 组件适用于Windows环境下各种开发工具(如VB, VC, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, C++ Builder, PowerBuilder, .NET)等,是软件开发人员开发


· 强大的制表能力,特别适合制作中国式的复杂报表,解决您所有的制表难题
· 丰富的单元格类型,支持数值、货币、日期、文本等类型。
· 丰富的打印设置,美仑美奂的打印预览和打印效果,轻松输出各种报表
· 无须系统安装Excel,就可以和Excel文件完全转换,转换效率更高,效果更完美
· 强大的自定义函数功能,用户可根据自己的业务逻辑添加自己的函数
· 极大地提升了图表功能,图表种类和效果比肩Excel
· 资源本地化功能,根据需要可将Cell设成不同的语言版本
· 适用于VB、VC、VF、.NET、Delphi、C++ Builder、PowerBuilder等开发工具


Update : 2008-09-17 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : uf2080728

DELPHI技巧关于控件方面的电子学习丛书,学习DELPHI控件得心应手-DELPHI skills on the control of electronic learning books, learning control handy DELPHI
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.42mb Publisher : 李晨曦

Delphi技巧大全,学习DELPHI的值得一看的一本图书,快来看哦.-Delphi skills Daquan, the DELPHI study and visit the gallery a book, Come see oh.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 329.81kb Publisher : 李晨曦

这是一个在asp中压缩文件的组件,此组件也可以用于c++,vb,delphi等编程语言中。-This is a compressed file asp components, the components can also be used to c, vb. delphi and other programming languages.
Update : 2010-07-01 Size : 246.98kb Publisher : whyong

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 256.43kb Publisher : hnwhj

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Oxygen SMS ActiveX Control允许你发送接受文字及图片消息,读写缺省的SMS中心号码,获得保存的信息总数和统计它们的位置,从SMS收件箱中读取和删除信息。可以获得手机的IMEI,型号的软件和硬件版本和日期,电池容量和信号强度。控件可以和任何支持Active X的编程环境相融合(如,ASP。Microsoft Visual Basic,Microsoft Visual C ,Microsoft Access,Borland Delphi,Borland C Builder等)。共享软件。注册版本将没有提示屏幕,也不会在每次发送消息之前加一段文字。适用语言:CB3 CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5 D6-Oxygen SMS ActiveX Control allows you to send to receive text and picture messages, read and write default SMS center number, be preserved and statistical information on the total number of their locations, from the SMS inbox to read and delete information. Access to mobile phones IMEI, models of software and hardware version and date, battery capacity and signal strength. Can control and any support for Active X integrated programming environment (such as, ASP. Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C, Microsoft Access, Borland Delphi, Borland C Builder, etc.). Sharing software. Registered version will not prompt the screen, it would not send a message in each section of text before. Applicable language: CB3 CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5 D6
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 476kb Publisher : 站长

DL : 0
Oxygen SMS7110 ActiveX Control的操作系统为Windows 95 98 NT及2000,支持NOKIA 3***/62**/71**/8***系列的GSM手机。它允许你发送文本和图片消息,读写缺省的SMS中心号码。控件可以和任何支持Active X的编程环境相融合(如,ASP。Microsoft Visual Basic,Microsoft Visual C ,Microsoft Access,Borland Delphi,Borland C Builder等)。适用语言:CB3 CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5-Oxygen SMS7110 ActiveX Control for the operating system, Windows 95 98 NT and 2000 in support of NOKIA 3***/62**/71**/8*** series GSM phones. It allows you to send text and picture messages, read and write default SMS center number. Can control and any support for Active X integrated programming environment (such as, ASP. Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C, Microsoft Access, Borland Delphi, Borland C Builder, etc.). Applicable language: CB3 CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 625kb Publisher : 站长

网络选课系统-Network Course Selection System
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 75kb Publisher : 不死鱼

Delphi技巧大全,学习DELPHI的值得一看的一本图书,快来看哦.-Delphi skills Daquan, the DELPHI study and visit the gallery a book, Come see oh.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 330kb Publisher : 李晨曦

ASP网站远程抓取文档的方法,可以实现准确抓文-ASP website remote document capture method that accurately grasp the text
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 181kb Publisher : yang

小闹钟程序,用Delphi实现的,可以调用多种音乐文件,作为闹钟铃声,可以自己编辑一个,感觉不错噢!-small alarm clock program, Delphi, can call a variety of music files, as alarm bell, one can edit their own, I feel pretty good Oh!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 331kb Publisher : Charles

Delphi2005 B/S程序设计技巧集(12-14) 现在delphi 2005 B/S的书籍资料太少,几乎没有可参考的资料,这在一定程度上限制了delphi 2005的使用,相反C#,ASP的书籍资料到处都是。通过几个月的学习也算是总结了一点经验,从现在起我将陆续将ASP和C#的例子、技巧翻译到delphi 2005下面,希望对大家的学习和工作有帮助,毕竟.Net是一种发展趋势。我将不定期写新的内容,同时,如果你在工作或学习中有什么问题,我也会将问题加入本篇文章,另外,一个人的能力毕竟有限,也希望大家共同来解决问题。 宋雨炫 -Delphi B/S programming skills sets (12-14) now delphi 2 005 B/S books so little information, almost no reference to the information, This, to a certain extent, limit the use of Delphi 2005, C# contrary, ASP information books are everywhere. Through several months of learning is also summed up the experiences that from now on I will continue, ASP and C# example, delphi translation skills to below 2,005, we hope to study and work there to help, After all. Net is a development trend. From time to time I will write the new content, and if you work or study any problem, I will also take the issue into this article, in addition to the ability of a person is limited, I hope we can jointly to solve the problem. SONG Xuan
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 588kb Publisher : bbbbb

DELPHI最小发信代码,ASP收信测试-DELPHI smallest letter code, ASP receiver test
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 164kb Publisher :

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asp 编程对于数据库方面太繁琐,没有像VB/DELPHI/C中的类似数据访问控件的东西, 此小东东,可以方便解决ASP中的数据库编程的问题-asp programming for the database is too cumbersome and did not like VB/DELPHI/C in the data access controls similar things, this small Dongdong, ASP can easily solve the issue of Database Programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 魏军华

DL : 2
本程序是用Delphi开发的打印表单程序,简单易懂,好用 -This procedure was developed using Delphi procedures to print the form, easy-to-read, easy to use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 256kb Publisher : hnwhj

ASP迷你服务器,以NetBox为基础打造!-ASP mini-server to build the basis of NetBox!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 伟哥

DL : 1
是创建PDF文档的开发库,支持Visual Basic, ASP, Delphi, Visual C++ 和VBScript。全面支持CJK字符 -Is to create PDF documents the development of libraries, support for Visual Basic, ASP, Delphi, Visual C++ And VBScript. Full support for CJK characters
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.41mb Publisher : carlose

变电站作标系统变电站操作票系统Dephi源程序.asp-Calibration system for substation substation operation Dephi source counting system. Asp
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : chltkgg

考试系统,用Delphi实现C/S模式,保证数据的安全和稳定,比起ASP要好一点 -good software
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 685kb Publisher : 李明

人事资源管理系统 使用asp+delphi实现的-Human resources management system implemented using the asp+ delphi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.74mb Publisher : 白明
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