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[WEB CodejfWebDisk1.1_51aspx

Description: 捷丰网络硬盘程序,基于C#的ASP.NET源码,可实现文件的新建,删除,上传,下载等功能.-Jie Feng network hard disk procedures, based on the C# The ASP.NET source code, can realize a new file, delete, upload, download and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 178176 | Author: an | Hits:

[WEB Codejieya

Description: 在线解压zip文件的php源码文件,效率很高的说.-Unzip zip files online php source file, said high efficiency.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 莫立 | Hits:


Description: ASP.NET 与数据库连接代码, 适合初学者,有兴趣的可以下载看看,运行正常.-ASP.NET LIAN JIE SQLServer
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: han | Hits:

[Database systemReapter

Description: asp repeater 用法详解。如何连接数据库提取数据并显示数据。演示代码。-asp repeater usage Xiang Jie. How do I connect to the database to extract data and display the data. Demo code.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: Eric | Hits:

[Software Engineeringrmraplayer

Description: ASP.NET结合SQL2000的系统文中以某中小型企业的设备管理为例,对设备管理系统的设计与应用进行研究,旨在通过设备管理系统提高内部设备的利用率及实现其最大的经济效益。文中首先对设备管理的现状及其重要性进行了分析,分析实现设备管理信息系统的必要性与可行性。其次针对所需要设备信息,分析设备管理系统流程,设计并开发一套设备管理系统。最后,文章对系统的设计实现过程进行了阐述。-ASP.NET Jie He SQL2000 the systems text to a device management for SMEs, for example, the equipment management system design and application of research to improve through the equipment management system within the equipment availability and achieve maximum economic benefits. In the first part of the status and importance of equipment management is analyzed, analysis of equipment management information system to achieve the necessity and feasibility. Secondly, the need for device information, analysis equipment management system processes to design and develop an equipment management system. Finally, the paper design of the system implementation process were also discussed.
Platform: | Size: 7583744 | Author: 李叶琴 | Hits:


Description: 基于ASP.NET在线考试系统设计 2.2.1 市场需求 15 2.2.2 软件功能分析 15 2.2.3 软件的非功能性需求 15 2.2.4 软件其他方面的要求 15 3 总体设计 17 3.1 系统总体设计 17 3.1.1 系统功能描述 17 3.1.2 系统功能模块划分 17 3.1.3 系统部分模块总体设计 19 3.2 数据库设计 21 3.2.1 总体设计 21 3.2.2 表设计 21 4 详细设计及实现 28 4.1 用户登录和注册 28 4.1.1 界面设计 28 4.1.2 用户登录 28 4.1.3 用户注册 29 4.2 题库设计 31 4.2.1 选择题管理 31 参考文献 44 致谢词 45 -Online examination system design based on ASP.NET Science and technology of computer Zhang Xiaotie Teacher Feng Jianxiang,Tao Jie Abstract:The analysis in the computer (network) examination of existing patterns of development and the basis of computer network technology development and the requirements of quality education, made the computer network model of self examination, and in the technical realization of a detailed analysis. The system is in Windows XP, using IIS5.1 (Internet Information Server) network information services in applications servers, choosing ASP.NET (C#)、SQL Server examination of the system inefficient, low maintenance shortcomings. Keywords:Online examination Active Server Page.NET SQL Server Browser/Server C#
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: NANCY | Hits:

[WEB Codekaifangshijifanghudongjiaoliuxitong

Description: 本系统采用ASP与SQL Server作为开发工具,通过数据库的连接,让ASP运行在服务器端,每当用户通过浏览器向服务器发出HTTP请求后,服务器将根据ASP页中使用的脚本来调用相应的ASP引擎,解释申请的ASP页,执行其中的脚本命令,然后生成一个由标准HTML组成的Web页返回给用户。服务器仅将执行的结果,返回给客户浏览器,这样就减轻了客户端浏览器的负担,提高了互动交流的速度。-asp he server xiang jie he,quan tao de lun wen
Platform: | Size: 1072128 | Author: 卞秀云 | Hits:


Description: ASP+SQL+Server开发动态网站实例荟萃(屈喜龙朱杰著的源码-ASP+SQL+Server the development of dynamic web site instance of meta (Quxi Long Zhu Jie book source
Platform: | Size: 5605376 | Author: DXK94158 | Hits:


Description: 问答ASP.NET网站内容管理系统是符合亚洲人使用习惯的一套入门级建站系统, 方便各种行业,人群架设属于自已的网站,省时省力。 它的主要特点 1.后台管理简洁 2.制做一个网站只需3-5小时,包括前台模板和后台数据录入 3.前台全部生成静态html页面,打开速度快。 4.前台动态功能采用嵌入flash文件实现,如投票,评论,投稿。 5.更多的改进包括:模板内容标签,支持新闻固项,频道和栏目管理,方便的模板替换方式,支持中文用户名登陆,操作习惯设置,来路流量统计 系统要求: 支持ASP.NET,.net2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0 服务内容: 目前系统免费提供,欢迎您提出意见以便我们改进。 网站管理后台http://你的域名/admin 真正后台地址http://你的域名/admin2 默认用户名admin 密码admin-Ask ASP.NET web content management system is in line with Asian the habit of using a set of entry level station system, convenient for various industries, people erect belongs to their own website, time-saving. Its main features 1 backstage management Jian Jie 2 making a website only needs 3-5 hours, including the foreground and background data entry templates 3 front all generate static HTML pages, open speed. 4 the dynamic function of the embedded flash files to achieve, such as voting, comments, articles. 5 more improvements include: template content label, supported the solid, the channel and the program management, convenient template substitution method, support Chinese landing, operation habit of setting, background traffic statistics System requirements: ASP.NET, .Net2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0 Service content: the system provides free, welcome your comments so that we can improve. Web site management background http:// your /admin domain name The real background of your domain n
Platform: | Size: 3134464 | Author: dsgfdsg508 | Hits:

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