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[Other resourceAT89X52

Description: AT80x52.h源程序注释,本人亲自注释
Platform: | Size: 2608 | Author: zhengguojun | Hits:

[Other Embeded programAT89X52

Description: AT80x52.h源程序注释,本人亲自注释-Notes AT80x52.h source, I personally Notes
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhengguojun | Hits:


Description: 针对AT89C52单片机,头文件AT89x52.h给出了SFR特殊功能寄存器所有端口的定义。教科书的给出了针对MCS51系列单片机的C语言扩展变量类型。-AT89C52
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: xsj | Hits:


Description: 针对AT89s52单片机,头文件AT89x52.h给出了SFR特殊功能寄存器所有端口的定义。教科书的给出了针对MCS51系列单片机的C语言扩展变量类型。-AT89C52
Platform: | Size: 311296 | Author: xsj | Hits:


Description: C语言编程基础: 1、 十六进制表示字节0x5a:二进制为01011010B;0x6E为01101110。 2、 如果将一个16位二进数赋给一个8位的字节变量,则自动截断为低8位,而丢掉高8位。 3、 ++var表示对变量var先增一;var—表示对变量后减一。 4、 x |= 0x0f 表示为 x = x | 0x0f 5、 TMOD = ( TMOD & 0xf0 ) | 0x05 表示给变量TMOD的低四位赋值0x5,而不改变TMOD的高四位。 6、 While( 1 ) 表示无限执行该语句,即死循环。语句后的分号表示空循环体,也就是{ } 五、在某引脚输出高电平的编程方法:(比如P1.3(PIN4)引脚) #i nclude <AT89x52.h> //该头文档中有单片机内部资源的符号化定义,其中包含P1.3 void main( void ) //void 表示没有输入参数,也没有函数返值,这入单片机运行的复位入口 -C programming language based on: 1 hexadecimal byte 0x5a: binary is 01011010B 0x6E is 01,101,110. 2, if a 16-bit binary number assigned to an 8-bit byte variable, it is automatically truncated to the lower 8 bits, while losing a high 8. 3,++ var first expressed by a variable var var-expressed variables minus one. 4, x | = 0x0f expressed as x = x | 0x0f 5, TMOD = (TMOD & 0xf0) | 0x05 said to the variable assignment TMOD low four 0x5, without changing the TMOD high four. 6, While (1) that the statement is infinite, that is an infinite loop. Statement after the semicolon represents the empty loop, that is, { } Fifth, in a pin-high programming: (eg, P1.3 (PIN4) pin) # I nclude <AT89x52.h>// The first document in the symbol of single-chip definition of internal resources, which includes P1.3 void main (void)// void that no input parameters, and no function return value, this entry into the microcontroller reset operation
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 马家添 | Hits:


Description: 带有DS18B20数字温度传感器的用作发射数据的nRF905无线数传模块,右边为用作接收数据的nRF905数传模块,其中的单片机可以通过串口和电脑相连,上传数据。-#include <at89x52.h> #include <intrins.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define WC 0x00 // Write configuration register command #define RC 0x10 // Read configuration register command #define WTP 0x20 // Write TX Payload command #define RTP 0x21 // Read TX Payload command #define WTA 0x22 // Write TX Address command #define RTA 0x23 // Read TX Address command #define RRP 0x24 // Read RX Payload command
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: henry | Hits:

[OS programStepper-machine-C-code

Description: 步进机C语言代码: #include<AT89X52.h> #include<intrins.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int -Stepper machine C code: # include < AT89X52. H > # include < intrins. H > # define uchar unsigned char # define uint unsigned int
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: zjr | Hits:


Description: <AT89X52.H>头文件,着手编译缺少该头文件的可直接使用-<AT89X52.H> header file, begin to compile missing header files can be used directly
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张维翔 | Hits:

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