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基于struts2 hibernate spring架构的电子拍卖平台,自完成竞拍的流程。页面使用ajax和suitmash技术-Struts2 hibernate spring framework based on an electronic auction platform, since the completion of the auction process. Page using ajax and suitmash technology
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.95mb Publisher : 陈坤

程序描述:本章实现了一个支持分页显示功能的拍卖行系统,具体的功能包括:用户管理、添加新的商品、上传商品图片信息、分页浏览商品、显示商品详细信息、买家出价竞标。-Description: This chapter implements a support for paging display system of auction houses, the specific features include: user management, add new products, upload product image information, tabbed browsing of goods, showing detailed information of goods, buyers bid bid .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : 陈超凡

用c++写的一个小型的网上拍卖系统。实现的功能:1.添加拍卖物2.竞标-With c++ Written a small web-based auction system. To achieve the functions of: 1. Add auction complex 2. Bid
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : kaven

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拍卖系统,还没有做完,功能比较简单,有待完善-Auction system, has not yet finished, function relatively simple, remain to be improved
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : 吴红样

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Auctions are among the oldest economic institutions in place. They have been used since antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In this dissertation, we explore the efficiency of common auctions when values are interdependent- the value to a particular bidder may depend on information available only to others-and asymmetric. In this setting, it is well known that sealed-bid auctions do not achieve efficient allocations in general since they do not allow the information held by different bidders to be shared.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.9mb Publisher : vijay

实现了在线拍卖功能:其完整功能如下:用户注册;用户登入;浏览正在拍卖的商品;查看商品出价记录; 用户登入后可以:添加之际要拍卖的商品; 对正在拍卖的商品竞价;-Implementation of the online auction features: it is complete the following functions: user registration user login browser is auction merchandise View Record bid merchandise user login can be: the occasion to add merchandise to the auction merchandise being bid auction
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.05mb Publisher : 薛斌

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本网上拍卖系统选用ASP + SQL Server进行开发, 是一个基于Brower/ Server (浏览器/ 服务器) 并采用C2C (Customer to Customer 即个人——个人)运作模式的电子商务系统,提供了一个网上拍卖的市场给买方和卖方,企业和个人可以以拍卖的方式出售和购买商品。 该系统有用户注册资料、商品展示、新商品发布、拍卖竞投和信息反馈几项基本功能。网站上以图片的方式发布物品信息,并接受、记录、对比、处理买家竞投信息的平台,使得网上的用户可以安全、便捷的使用该系统。-Selection of the online auction system for ASP+ SQL Server development, is based on Brower/Server (browser/server) and the use of C2C (Customer to Customer that the individual- the individual) the mode of operation of the e-commerce system, provides an on-line auction market to the buyers and sellers, businesses and individuals can auction the sale and purchase of goods. Registered users of the system information, commodity display, new products releases, auction bidding and a number of basic functions of feedback. Web site published a picture of the items of information, and accepted, records, comparison, buyers bid for information processing platform to enable online users to safe, convenient use of the system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1008kb Publisher : 白小明

该系统实现了一个电子拍卖系统,注册用户可以发布拍卖物品,参与竞价。系统后台线程判断物品是否流拍,还是被最高竞价者赢取。本系统采用流行的Struts+Spring+Hibernate架构构建-The system has an electronic auction system, registered users can post the auction to participate in the auction. System to determine whether the items are background threads流拍, or who was the highest winning bid. The system uses the popular Struts+ Spring+ Hibernate architecture to build
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.13mb Publisher : 孙龙

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一个简单的拍卖程序。希望能对大家有点用处-A simple auction process. Hope that we are a bit on the usefulness of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 392kb Publisher : 蓝色

jsp拍卖系统 系统实现的功能 (1) 用户界面部分。 产品选购,出价(可以按各种不同的分类进行查询)。 根据关键字和类别搜索商品。 查看商品的详细信息。 用户注册、登录、密码找回、查看和修改个人信息。 发布和修改拍卖商品信息 向用户发送短信。 (2) 后台管理部分。 对现有商品的管理:查看、删除商品。 用户管理:修改、删除、查看、增加用户。 分类管理:添加、修改、删除商品分类。 系统管理:查看、删除系统配置信息。 -jsp auction system systemic function (1) the user interface part. Products to purchase, bid (can be a variety of different types of inquiries). Search by keyword and category of goods. View product details. User registration, login, password recover, view and modify personal information. Auction of goods distribution and modification information to send text messages. (2) Admin section. Management of existing products: View, delete products. User Management: Edit, delete, view, increase the user. Category management: add, modify, delete Categories. System Management: View, delete the system configuration information.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.5mb Publisher : 张伟

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一个简单的网上拍卖系统,实现最基本的拍卖功能-A simple on-line auction system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.16mb Publisher : wang

一个反向竞拍网站,组织者给出一个基础价位,竞标者相互报价,报价最低者能够竞标成功-A reverse auction site, the organizers give a base price, each bidder and the quote The lowest successful bid to
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.61mb Publisher : Zhuangli Yi

竞拍网自动竞拍器源码,使用aauto开发-Auction network is the automatic bid source,Aauto development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 万其鹏

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淘宝卖的热门的5套产品单页宣传源码合集-减肥瘦身系列之魔茶贴贴瘦竞价网站程序单页源码,单页竞价源码程序带订单和完整后台。-Taobao five sets of popular products selling single-page promotional source collection- lose weight series of magic tea Veg thin auction site procedures for single-page source, single-page bid-source program with the order and complete background.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.16mb Publisher : sharenyema

ASP拍卖网站源代码,竞拍,出价,功能齐全,操作简单-Source code for auction sites, auction, bid, fully functional
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.34mb Publisher : maqido

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网上拍卖系统 可以注册,登陆,查看拍卖的商品,出价竞价等功能。 -The online auction system can register, login, view auction items, bid, bid functions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25.31mb Publisher : anson

文章名:采用极值优化算法求解动态组合拍卖问题。为网上组合拍卖设计了向上叫价代理拍卖机制。-Article: global optimization algorithm for dynamic combinatorial auction problem. Auction online portfolio designed bid up proxy auction mechanism.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 255kb Publisher : wxd

一个组件,能允许你在eBay上重新刊登物品,拍卖竞标,在最后第二,和其他的功能。这个程序利用一个eBayAPI组件,我创建了。ebay组件最终将可能出价、查询、列表,重新刊登,等等……使用这种基本功能,您应该能够创建自己的代理投标程序。目前不支持结束拍卖。-A component that can allow you to re-publish items on eBay, the auction bid at the last second, and other functions. This program uses a eBayAPI component, I created. ebay components may eventually bid, query, list, re-publication, and so on ...... use this basic function, you should be able to create your own proxy bidding procedures. Does not currently support the end of the auction.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 七彩云

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小型校园二手拍买站点的构建 研究基本内容:1.进行系统分析、用户需求分析、可行性分析、总体设计等工作,明确网站定位,功能设置,实现方法,页面规划。2.使用asp+Mysql编程实现页面及相关功能包括实名管理,商品更新与查询,站点仓库管理,购物车,投标,竞价管理等。3.调试网站页面链接及各项功能。4. 在Windows系统上发布网站。(类似易趣,最主要的功能就是能发布和竞拍商品)-Small campus construction site to buy second-hand clap research basic elements: 1. System analysis, user needs analysis, feasibility analysis, design and other work, a clear site targeting feature set, implementation methods, page layout. 2. Use asp+Mysql programming pages and related functions, including real-name management, product updates and queries, the site warehouse management, shopping cart, bidding, bid management. 3. Debugging Web page links and various functions. 4. Publish a site on a Windows system. (Similar to eBay, the most important feature is the ability to publish and auction items)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 729kb Publisher : 许任翔

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网上拍卖系统,具有注册登录,商品拍卖,竞购商品等模块-Online auction system, with Sign, merchandise auction, bid commodity modules
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.24mb Publisher :
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