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功能描述:这是一个示波器显示控件,能够完成类似于示波器的功能。最多可以同时显示8个通道的数据波形,在控件上鼠标单击右键切换波形全屏显示/正常显示,在控件上鼠标单击左键可以暂停/继续,波形颜色,悉数等可以设置参数调节。鼠标位于控件上时会有十字形的定位线(图中蓝色十字线),同时有半透明的窗口显示当前坐标。由于采用了向内存DC绘图然后贴到pic控件上的方法绘制波形,所以控件的大小可以在运行时任意改变。-Functional Description: This is an oscilloscope display controls, similar to those able to complete the function of oscilloscope. At the same time, up to eight channels of data waveforms, in the control switch on the mouse right-click full-screen waveform display/normal shows that controls on the left mouse click can pause/continue, waveform color, all you can set parameters such as adjustment . Controls when the mouse will be located in the positioning of cross line (Blue Cross plans in line), while semi-transparent window shows the current coordinates. As a result of the mapping to the memory DC and then paste it into the pic on the way to control waveform drawing, so the size of control can be changed at runtime.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 75kb Publisher : xiang57
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