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[Button controlautorepeat_button_demo.zip

Description: 按住按钮不放时会一直发送(激活)命令的按钮
Platform: | Size: 11534 | Author: | Hits:

[Button controlautorepeat_button_demo

Description: 按住按钮不放时会一直发送(激活)命令的按钮-The button which sends command all the time when being pressed
Platform: | Size: 0 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Button controlautorepeat_button_demo

Description: 实现“<<”和“>>”形状的按钮,可增加和减少的按钮-Achieve " < < " and " > > " buttons on the shape, increase and decrease buttons
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: | Hits:

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