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% SSOR预处理的共轭梯度法求解方程Ax=b % 输入参数说明 % A 正定矩阵[n*n] % b 右边向量 % omega SSOR预处理参数(0--2) % Times 迭代次数 % errtol 给定误差终止条件 % %输出参数 % NewX 方程Ax=b的x近似解 % avgerr 求解的当前平均绝对误差- SSOR preconditioning conjugate gradient method for solving equations Ax = b the input parameter descriptions A positive definite matrix [n* n] b right side vector omega SSOR preconditioning parameters (0- 2) Times iterations errtol termination of a given error condition NewX output parameter equation Ax = b of x approximate solution to solve the current avgerr average absolute error
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhxj

为了提高使用精度,研究了某型号MEMS陀螺仪的随机漂移模型。采用游程检验法分析了 该陀螺仪随机漂移数据的平稳性,并根据该漂移为均值非平稳、方差平稳的随机过程的结论, 采用梯度径向基(RBF)神经网络对漂移数据进行了建模。实验结果表明:相比经典RBF网络模 型而言,这种方法建立的模型能更好地描述MEMS陀螺仪的漂移特;相对于季节时间序列模型而 言,其补偿效果提高了大约15%。-In order to improve accuracy, to study a particular model of the MEMS gyroscope random drift model. Using run-length analysis of the test gyro random drift data stationarity, and in accordance with the drift for the average non-stationary, the variance of the random process a smooth conclusion, the use of gradient radial basis (RBF) neural network drift data to build mode. The experimental results show that: compared to the classical RBF network model, this method of establishing a model to better describe the MEMS gyroscope drift special compared with the seasonal time series model, the effect of their compensation increased by approximately 15.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 126kb Publisher : 程正

计算图像的平均梯度,边缘强度,信息熵以及方差,图像可以是单波段或多波段图像。-Calculation of the average image gradient, edge strength, information entropy and the variance, images can be single-band or multi-band image.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : dabin

自己编写的图像质量评价函数,包括方差、平均梯度、模糊熵、信息熵-I have written the image quality evaluation function, including the variance, with an average gradient, fuzzy entropy, information entropy
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : llb

用matlab编写界面,实现直方图均衡化、平均滤波、梯度滤波、Laplacian滤波、Kirsch滤波、Sobel滤波、Prewitt滤波、高频提升等多种功能-Matlab prepared to use interface, the realization of histogram equalization, the average filter, Gradient filter, Laplacian filter, Kirsch filter, Sobel filter, Prewitt filter, multiple functions, such as high-frequency upgrade
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 221kb Publisher : 程璞

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Mean Shift 这个概念最早是由Fukunaga等人[1]于1975年在一篇关于概率密度梯度函数的估计中提出来的,其最初含义正如其名,就是偏移的均值向量,在这里Mean Shift是一个名词,它指代的是一个向量,但随着Mean Shift理论的发展,Mean Shift的含义也发生了变化,如果我们说Mean Shift算法,一般是指一个迭代的步骤,即先算出当前点的偏移均值,移动该点到其偏移均值,然后以此为新的起始点,继续移动,直到满足一定的条件结束. 用matlab实现mean shift算法仿真-Mean Shift the concept was first used by Fukunaga et al [1] in 1975 in an article on the probability density function estimation of gradient raised its original meaning, as its name implies, is the offset of the mean vector, where is the Mean Shift a noun, it refers to a vector, but with the Mean Shift the development of the theory, Mean Shift the meaning has changed, if we say that Mean Shift algorithm, generally refers to an iterative steps, namely, first calculate the current point Mean offset, move the shift points to its average, and then as a new starting point and continue to move until the end to meet certain conditions. realize using mean shift algorithm matlab simulation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 264kb Publisher : maolei

图像质量评价,熵、平均梯度、边缘强度、方差等-Image quality evaluation, entropy, average gradient, edge strength, variance, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : fanwentao

数字图像处理中的平滑和锐化(边缘检测)。包括1、添加椒盐、高斯噪声。2对噪声污染的图像分别使用邻域平均法、中值滤波法、K邻近平均法进行平滑。3对一幅图像利用Roberts梯度法、Sobel算子和拉普拉斯算子进行锐化,并比较结果。附处理源图像和处理结果截图。 -Digital image processing smoothing and sharpening (edge detection). Including 1, add salt and pepper, Gaussian noise. Two pairs of images were used noise pollution neighborhood average, median filtering, K close to the average method to smooth. 3 on an image using Roberts gradient method, Sobel operator and Laplacian sharpening, and compare the results. Laws dealing with the source image capture and processing results.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 275kb Publisher : 刘雨相

此程序基于matlab环境,实现小波、PCA、像素选大选小融合并有信息熵、平均梯度等融合评价标准-This program is based on matlab environment, and wavelet, PCA, pixel selection and integration of the election have little information entropy, average gradient of integration evaluation criteria
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : hahajing

有关于求取图像平均梯度的matlab M 文件;可以为你省去那么一点时间。 ———共享改变未来!-To strike the image on the average gradient matlab M documents can save you a bit of time.--- Shared change the future!---
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 958kb Publisher : USA911

第一章作业: 用C语言或者VC,VB,Matlab或其他语言完 成如下实验: 1)打开一个BMP文件 2)将其局部区域的灰度值进行改变 3)另存为一个新的BMP文件 要求显示出原BMP图像和新BMP图像。 1。打开一幅图像,添加椒盐、高斯噪声,然后使用邻域平均法、中值滤波法、K邻近平均法进行平滑。 2。打开一幅图像,利用Roberts梯度法、Sobel算子和拉普拉斯算子进行锐化,并比较结果。 第五章作业 编写一个程序,对输入的图像进行哈夫曼编码,显示原图像的熵、编码后的平均码字长度、并能够根据编码重建出图像。 在图像中生成一个矩形,然后用模板匹配法找出矩形位置。使用SSDA或改进SSDA法。 第五章作业 编写一个程序,对输入的图像进行哈夫曼编码,显示原图像的熵、编码后的平均码字长度、并能够根据编码重建出图像。 -Chapter operations: in C or VC, VB, Matlab or other languages ​ ​ to complete the following experiment: 1) open a BMP file 2) the gray value of its local area to change 3) Save as a new requirements display BMP files the original BMP image and the new BMP image. 1. Open an image, add salt and pepper, Gaussian noise, and then use the neighborhood average, median filtering, K adjacent average smoothing. 2. Open the image using the Roberts gradient, Sobel operator and Laplacian sharpening, and compare the results. Chapter operations to write a program, the input image Huffman, display the original image entropy encoded average code word length, and be able to reconstruct the image according to encoding. Generate a rectangle in the image, then use template matching to identify position of the rectangle. Or improved using the SSDA SSDA method. Chapter operations to write a program, the input image Huffman, display the original image entropy encoded average code word length, and be
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 杨智雄

单幅图像的平均梯度值计算 MATLAB源程序 【更新】2009-04-15 15:59说明:该程序的作用是计算输入图像img的平均梯度值AVEGRAD 平均梯度值可以衡量图像细节反差表达的能力,是图形融合结果的一个评价算子之一-Single image, the average gradient value MATLAB source code [update] 2009-04-15 15:59 Description: The role of the program is to calculate the average gradient of the input image img to the value of the average gradient value can be measured AVEGRAD image detail contrast presentation skills, and is a graphic fusion of operator evaluation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 庞涛

计算图像的平均梯度和边缘强度的matlab源码,M文件形式-Calculating the average image intensity gradient and the edge of the matlab source, M documents in the form
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher :

此程序为MATLAB环境下编写的用于对图像的平均梯度进行计算 从而对图像的清晰度 图像的质量进行评价的代码。-This program is written in MATLAB environment is used to calculate the average gradient image sharpness of the image and thus to evaluate the image quality of the code.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : May

该matlab代码主要用于计算图像的边缘强度,信息熵,灰度均值,标准差(均方差MSE),均方根误差,峰值信噪比(psnr),空间频率(sf),图像清晰度,互信息(mi),结构相似性(ssim),交叉熵(cross entropy),相对标准差。- calculate the uation average gradient, edge strength, information entropy, gray are Value, standard deviation (mean square error MSE), root mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio (psnr), spatial frequency (sf), image clarity, mutual information (mi), structure Similarity (ssim), cross-entropy (cross entropy), the relative standard deviation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : 李伟

图像处理中的计算平均梯度的Matlab代码,用于去除图像中的噪声,增强图像信号等功能-The matlab code for computing average gradient
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王振华

计算图像平均梯度,可以用于图像质量评估。(The average gradient of the computed image can be used for image quality evaluation.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 234kb Publisher : realking

融合图像质量评价,包括标准差,平均梯度,信息熵等(Fusion image quality evaluation, including standard deviation, average gradient, information entropy and so on)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : dafeige

图像清晰度评价函数说明 1、熵: 表示图像所包含的平均信息量的多少,嫡值越大则所含信息量越多。 文件名:entropy.m 结果:EN 2、交叉嫡:反映两幅图像的差异,交叉嫡越小,则融合图像和原图像的差别越小。 文件名:cross_entropy.m 结果:平均交叉嫡MCE,均方根交叉嫡RCE 3、峰值信噪比: PSNR越高,说明融合效果与质量越好。 文件名:psnr.m 结果:PSNR 4、Qabf: 评价边缘或梯度质量,越大边缘越明显 文件名:Qabf.m 结果:Qabf(QAB/F) 5、平均梯度(Average Gradient):也称为清晰度,反映了图像中的微小细节反差与纹理变化特征,同时也反映了图像的清晰度,越大越好。 文件名:avg_gradient 调用:outval = avg_gradient(img) 6、结构相似性指数: SSIM指原图像和融合图像的相似程度,值越大越相似 文件名:ssim.m 结果:SSIM 7、互信息:MI(mutual information) 8、NMI: Normalized mutual information(Image sharpness evaluation function)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 305kb Publisher : 随风之鱼

图像融合中的平均梯度、相关系数、信息熵、交叉熵、联合熵、均方误差、互信息、信噪比、峰值信噪比、均方根误差、空间频率、标准差、均值、扭曲程度、偏差指数等等(Average gradient, correlation coefficient, information entropy, cross-entropy, joint entropy, mean square error, mutual information, signal-to-noise ratio, peak signal-to-noise ratio, root mean square error, spatial frequency, standard deviation, mean, distortion degree, deviation index, etc. in image fusion)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 嘿小伙
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