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反传人工神经网络:MATLAB源程序用于训练测试-Back Propagation Artificial Neural Networks: MATLAB source code for training test
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 良圣张

there are some newly released Neural Network Example Programs for Character Recognition, which based on Image Processing Toolbox,Neural Network Toolbox in MATLAB, which is quite informative for the beginners in Neural networks applicators-there are some newly released Neural Network Example Programs for Character Recognition, which based on Image Processing Toolbox, Neural Network Toolbox in MATLAB, which is quite informative for the beginners in Neural networks applicators
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : 宏姬

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Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 胡朋

本工具包主要是为对神经网络有兴趣人士提供的一种方便,灵活的学习和研究软件。 JNNT由java语言写成,具有跨平台的优越性能.java applet的演示版更简单到只需要任何机器上的浏览器就可以运行,无需安装任何大型附加软件。更方便爱好者通过internet远程访问资源。 支持反向传播算法(BP),LBG聚类法和径向基网络(RBF) -This toolkit is for people interested in neural networks has provided a convenient, flexible learning and research software. JNNT by the java language, cross-platform with superior performance. Java applet demo version is more simple to just any machine can run a browser, without installing any large-scale add-on software. Enthusiasts through the internet more convenient remote access to resources. To support the back-propagation algorithm (BP), LBG clustering method and radial basis function network (RBF)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher : 林盈

bp神经网络算法是解决最优化问题的先进算法之一,本论文讨论了神经网络中使用最为广泛的前馈神经网络。其网络权值学习算法中影响最大的就是误差反向传播算法(back-propagation简称BP算法)。BP算法存在局部极小点,收敛速度慢等缺点。基于优化理论的Levenberg-Marquardt算法忽略了二阶项。该文讨论当误差不为零或者不为线性函数即二阶项S(W)不能忽略时的Hesse矩阵的近似计算,进而训练网络。-bp neural network algorithm to solve optimization problems, one of the advanced algorithm, the paper discusses the neural network in the most widely used feed-forward neural network. Its network weights learning algorithm in the greatest impact is the error back-propagation algorithm (back-propagation algorithm referred to as BP). BP algorithm for the existence of local minimum points, such as the shortcomings of slow convergence. Optimization theory based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm ignores the second-order item. In this paper, the discussion when the error is not zero or not that is second-order linear function of S (W) can not be ignored when the Hesse matrix of approximate calculation, and then training the network.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : 刘慧

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matlab神经网络工具箱的实用指南,第一章是神经网络的基本介绍,第二章包括了由工具箱指定的有关网络结构和符号的基本材料以及建立神经网络的一些基本函数,例如new、init、adapt和train。第三章以反向传播网络为例讲解了反向传播网络的原理和应用的基本过程。-matlab neural network toolbox of the Practical Guide, chap neural network are the basic introduction, chapter II, including designated by the toolbox on the network structure and symbols of the basic materials, as well as neural network set up some basic functions, such as new, init, adapt and train. Chapter III in order to reverse the spread of the network as an example to explain the back-propagation networks, the basic principle and application process.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 83kb Publisher : sanjinzhi

伺服电机的神经网络参数自整定程序,利用BP误差反向传播算法改变PID 控制参数以获得优越的控制效果-Servo motor parameters of the neural network self-tuning procedures, the use of error back-propagation algorithm BP to change PID control parameters for superior control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 阿满

This program is to one-step EEG prediction. it is done by a fuzzy neural network based on a chaotic back propagation training method.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : Mehran Ahmadlou

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There are three methods (1, 2 & 3 [Back-propagation]) for forecasting a time series. Here is a collection of MATLAB programming, screen shorts, Fig files giving results. Follow comments in the files to run programs
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 256kb Publisher : tom tom

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Perceptron LMS Feed Forward Back Propagation Character Recognition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : ssss

類神經網路之倒傳遞神經網路模型,使用matlab之c語言編輯-Artificial Neural Network- Back Propagation code with Matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : tseng wen liang

使用bp(反向传播算法)实现分类问题,并观察分类过程中误差的变化。-Use bp (back-propagation algorithm) to achieve the classification and observe the changes in classification process in the error.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30kb Publisher : 王晶

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that is so important code of matlab in back propagation !
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : sima

The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for neural network programs. Perceptron LMS Feed Forward Back Propagation Character Recognition The source code and files included in this project are listed in the project files section, please make sure whether the listed source code meet your needs there.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : sina

its a matlab code for back propagation in numerical methods
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 129kb Publisher : chotu

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BP(back propagation)神经网络是1986年由Rumelhart和McClelland为首的科学家提出的概念,是一种按照误差逆向传播算法训练的多层前馈神经网络,是目前应用最广泛的神经网络(BP Neural network is a concept proposed by scientists led by Rumelhart and McClelland in 1986. It is a multilayer feedforward neural network trained by error back-propagation algorithm. It is the most widely used neural network at present)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48kb Publisher : 兰陵酷酷生

智能小车是移动机器人的一种,可通过计算机编程来实现其对行驶方向、启停以及速度的控制。要想让智能小车在行驶过程中能成功地避开障碍物,必须对其进行路径规划?,路径规划的任务是为小车规划一条从起始点到目标点的无碰路径。路径规划方法有:BP人工神经网络法(Back Propagation)、机器学习(Reinforcement Learning)、以及模糊控制(Fuzzy Control)方法等。模糊技术具有人类智能的模糊性和推理能力,在路径规划中,模糊推理的应用主要体现在基于行为的导航方式上,即将机器人的运动过程分解为避障、边界跟踪、调速、目标制导等基本行为,各基本行为的激活由不同的机构分别控制,机器人的最终操作由高层控制机构对基本行为进行平衡后作出综合反应。模糊控制方法将信息获取和模糊推理过程有机结合,其优点在于不依赖机器人的动力学、运动学模型,系统控制融入了人类经验,同时计算量小,构成方法较为简单,节省系统资源,实时性。本文探讨了模糊控制技术在避障路径规划中的应用,并对其进行了仿真设计。(There are many ways on autonomous mobile robot obstacle avoidance system designing, which based on fuzzy control of robot obstacle avoidance system is to use the fuzzy logic control system to determine the environmental information around the robot, then plan out a route to the target point with collision-free path. This method has a small footprint, responsive and could be able to cope with relatively complex external environment. In this paper, the main content is fuzzy control theory based obstacle avoidance of mobile robot path planning by research.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 217kb Publisher : zallen

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智能小车是移动机器人的一种,可通过计算机编程来实现其对行驶方向、启停以及速度的控制。要想让智能小车在行驶过程中能成功地避开障碍物,必须对其进行路径规划?,路径规划的任务是为小车规划一条从起始点到目标点的无碰路径。路径规划方法有:BP人工神经网络法(Back Propagation)、机器学习(Reinforcement Learning)、以及模糊控制(Fuzzy Control)方法等。(There are many ways on autonomous mobile robot obstacle avoidance system designing, which based on fuzzy control of robot obstacle avoidance system is to use the fuzzy logic control system to determine the environmental information around the robot, then plan out a route to the target point with collision-free path. This method has a small footprint, responsive and could be able to cope with relatively complex external environment. In this paper, the main content is fuzzy control theory based obstacle avoidance of mobile robot path planning by research.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 434kb Publisher : zallen

BP(back propagation)神经网络是1986年由Rumelhart和McClelland为首的科学家提出的概念,是一种按照误差逆向传播算法训练的多层前馈神经网络,是目前应用最广泛的神经网络。(BP (back propagation) neural network is a concept put forward by scientists headed by Rumelhart and McClelland in 1986. It is a multilayer feedforward neural network trained according to the error reverse propagation algorithm, and it is currently the most widely applied neural network.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : WanderKing

BP神经网络基本原理概述:这种网络模型利用误差反向传播训练算法模型,能够很好地解决多层网络中隐含层神经元连接权值系数的学习问题,它的特点是信号前向传播、误差反向传播,简称BP(Back Propagation)神经网络。BP学习算法的基本原理是梯度最快下降法,即通过调整权值使网络总误差最小,在信号前向传播阶段,输入信号经输入层处理再经隐含层处理最后传向输出层处理;在误差反向传播阶段,将输出层输出的信号值与期望输出信号值比较得到误差,若误差较大则把误差信号传回隐含层直至输入层,在各层神经元中使用误差信号修改权值系数,之后进入下一轮迭代,如此循环直至误差最小,实际输出信号值接近期望输出信号值。下图为三层BP神经网络模型:(In pattern recognition, there is a highly practical classification method, which is artificial neural network. It has been successfully applied to intelligent robot, automatic control, speech recognition, prediction estimation, biology, medicine, economy and other fields. It has solved many practical problems which are difficult to solve by many other classification methods. This is due to the many models of neural network, and the corresponding neural network model can be used for different problems. The BP neural network is used to solve the problem of handwritten digital character recognition.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 13922237309
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