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人体运动分析,基于特征点的人体运动描述 非常不错 -human motion analysis, based on features of the human body movement is very good description
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 153.75kb Publisher : qinqiang

对固定镜头下视频序列中运动人体的检测和跟踪方法进行研究,利用灰度图像差分双向投影信息检测人体目标,提出一种基于统 计运动区域几何特征固定比例的分割算法,使用最近邻匹配方法对人体进行跟踪。-Video sequences in the detection and tracking of the movement of the human body to study under the fixed lens, bi-directional projector information using gray-scale image difference detection of human targets, segmentation algorithm is proposed based on a fixed proportion of the statistical motion region geometric features, using the nearest neighbor matching method human body tracking.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : 刘伟豪

由于人体的身体特征具有不可复制的特点,人们把目光转向了生物识别技术,希望可以籍此技术来应付现行系统安全所面临的的挑战。要把人体的特证用于身份识别,这些特征必须具有唯一性和稳定性。研究和经验表明,人的指纹、掌纹、面孔、发音、虹膜、视网膜、骨架等都具有唯一性和稳定性的特征,即每个人的这些特征都与别人不同、且终生不变,因此就可以据此识别出人的身份。基于这些特征,人们发展了指纹识别-Since the physical characteristics of the human body can not be copied features, people turned to biometrics, hoping to take this technology to meet the current challenges facing the security systems. Take special permit for human identification, these features must be unique and stability. Research and experience shows that human fingerprints, palm prints, face, pronunciation, iris, retina, skeletal and so has unique features and stability that each person with these characteristics are different others, and the same life, and therefore It could then identify the person' s identity. Based on these characteristics, it has been developed fingerprint identification
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 91kb Publisher : cjf
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