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本文针对语音识别处理系统中面临的主要问题和关键点,利用语音处 理系统对语音处理的一些关键点进行讨论研究。并且利用一些基本算法对语音 处理的部分参数进行实验。 -In this paper, speech recognition systems deal with major issues and key points, use of voice processing systems to handle voice some of the key points in my research. And use some of the basic algorithm to deal with part of speech parameters of the experiment.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : xcs

一些有价值的指纹识别和语音识别方面的论文和资料,利用微软Speech SDK 5.1开发语音识别系统的主要步骤.doc认识语音识别技术的工作原理.doc研究语音识别的难题.doc语音识别技术介绍.doc语音识别研究的最新进展.doc指纹的结构特征及其分布类型的介绍.doc指纹识别的基本原理.doc指纹识别算法流程eesdn.doc指纹识别研究的心得体会.doc-Some valuable fingerprint identification and voice identification papers and information, the use of Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 Speech Recognition System to develop the main steps. Doc awareness of voice recognition technology works. Doc research speech recognition problems. Doc to introduce voice recognition technology. doc Speech Recognition latest progress of the study. doc fingerprint of the structural characteristics and distribution of the type of presentation. doc the basic principles of fingerprint identification. doc fingerprint recognition fingerprint recognition algorithm processes eesdn.doc research experiences. doc
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : 薛胜林

摘 要:本论文主要研究了语音识别的基本原理,对语音识别系统的构成进行分析处理,其中包括预处理、特征参数提取、建立模块库、识别匹配几大部分。预处理又包括语音采样、预加重、加窗(汉明窗)、端点检测;特征提取的参数是梅尔频率倒谱系数MFCC。 该语音系统采用的是动态时间伸缩算法(DTW),研究对象是特定人的语音识别,并在MATLAB平台上实现。为了进行后续研究,首先使用电脑中的录音系统录制了阿拉伯数字0—9的语音文件,并转化成 “.wav”格式的文件。-Abstract: This thesis mainly studied the basic principle of speech recognition, to analyze the composition of the speech recognition system, including the preprocessing, feature extraction, to set up the module library, identify several most matches. Pretreatment, including speech sampling, pre-emphasis, add window (hamming window), endpoint detection Feature extraction of MFCC MEL frequency cepstrum coefficient. The voice system USES a dynamic time scale (DTW) algorithm, the research object is the speaker-dependent speech recognition, and realized in MATLAB platform.To carry out the follow-up study, the first to use the recording in a computer system to record the audio files of Arabic Numbers 0-9, and translated into . Wav format file.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : silver teng
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