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[Windows Developtextcat-1.0.1

Description: textcat is a simple way to catgorize texte based on the baysian algorithmics ,it have the feature to reconize some languages .
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: osmoze | Hits:


Description: Baysian Spectrum Analysis
Platform: | Size: 1046528 | Author: unbdd | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWMBAT

Description: 用于质谱的baysian分析,主要用于有关生物内容的分类学,里面包含根据情况自动判断的是否致病的程序。-Starting with a group of training data and a given classification (like "disease" or "non-"disease") this function builds a three level Bayesian Network from mass spectrometry data. The function was designed primarily for use in finding proteins that are diagnostic of a disease group using a biologic sample.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 胜任 | Hits:


Description: A Sample for a Baysian Classifier
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: shojaei | Hits:


Description: matlab baysian pattern recognition
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: iman | Hits:

[Graph programBayesian

Description: Baysian network for perl
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Alon | Hits:


Description: the baysian distance metric learning code
Platform: | Size: 168960 | Author: Kami | Hits:

[Windows DevelopReseaux-bayesins

Description: this book describe the baysian network
Platform: | Size: 2966528 | Author: ouanane | Hits:


Description: a classification base on Baysian classifier , I did pca, lda, normalization on features either
Platform: | Size: 519168 | Author: elham | Hits:


Description: this the code written for baysian classifier that contains lda,pca, normalization-this is the code written for baysian classifier that contains lda,pca, normalization
Platform: | Size: 519168 | Author: glorious | Hits:


Description: baysian classification
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: kavita | Hits:


Description: non baysian for glass data of uci with median
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ali | Hits:


Description: 贝叶斯正则化求解线性方程组的解,对于不适定问题也可以求解-baysian regulation application in solving ill-posed linear equations
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yuyifa | Hits:

[File FormatBaysian-Decision-Theory

Description: this is some note for bayesian hope ne useful
Platform: | Size: 828416 | Author: bahariii | Hits:


Description: Facial Emotion Recognisation Using Baysian Classification
Platform: | Size: 3124224 | Author: Alex | Hits:


Description: 神经网络的贝叶斯建模C++源代码,包括数据和说明文档 -use baysian training Neural Network MATLAB source code
Platform: | Size: 1889280 | Author: jyzhz | Hits:

[Industry researchAssigment_4

Description: An assignment problem sheet for better understanding of the concepts of the Baysian Theory and VC Dimensions.
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: aknam | Hits:


Description: Baysian Classifier implemented in matlab
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ALi | Hits:


Description: Baysian network of quantum cellular network for reliability analysis and probability based qca design.
Platform: | Size: 924672 | Author: ganesh | Hits:


Description: Classification with Bayesian theory
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: Fahimeh | Hits:
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