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[GUI DevelopJuintyewu

Description: Juint是ErichGramma和Kent Beck开发的测试框架,Jbuild就是对这一框架的扩展-Juint is ErichGramma Kent Beck and development of the testing framework, Jbuild is the right framework for the expansion
Platform: | Size: 97888 | Author: 刘sir | Hits:

[GUI Developguitestfirst

Description: 《使用测试优先方法开发用户界面》 测试优先是测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development, TDD)的核心思想,它要求在编写产品代码前先编写基于产品代码的测试代码。在测试驱动开发的单元测试中,对GUI应用实施自动测试应该是测试驱动开发的软肋之一。由于界面的操作是有由人来完成的,所以要想在GUI中完成单元自动测试是有一定难度的。Kent Beck在它的《测试驱动开发》中就曾提到过这个问题。   本文将通过一个例子来讲解在测试驱动开发中如何针对GUI进行单元测试。这个例子是David Astels著的《测试驱动开发实用指南(影印版)》中一个关于影片列表管理的例子。该书中文版即将在国内出版。书中讨论并介绍了开发这个例子的多种方法。笔者将介绍其中的一种,并且为了方便使用C++的朋友的学习,书中的代码我用C++写了一遍,类名和变量名尽量和原书保持一致,以方便阅读该书的C++读者。在此也要感谢David Astels给我们带来如此精彩的一本书。   本文叙述背景为:CppUnit1.9.0, Visual C++ 6.0, Windows2000 pro-"priority use of test methods developed user interface" priority testing is test-driven development (Test-Dri ven Development, TDD), the core ideas It requires the preparation of products prior to the preparation of code based on the product code of test code. In test-driven development of unit testing, the introduction of the automated GUI application testing should be test-driven development one of the weak links. Interface operation is to be completed by the people, in order to complete GUI module automatically tests are necessarily difficult. Kent Beck, in its "test-driven development" had mentioned this issue. This will be an example to explain the test-driven development in how to address GUI unit test. This is David Astels example of a "test-driven developme
Platform: | Size: 36187 | Author: wwwwppp | Hits:

[Other resourceExtreme_Programming

Description: 软件开发工程是有趣的、多产的,甚至是大胆的。同时,它也能源源不断地带来商业价值,并保持在我们的掌控之下。 极限编程(XP)的构思和发展是针对小型团队进行软件开发时,在面对不确知的、变化的需求时所产生的特定需要的。这一新的、轻量级的方法学对许多传统思维提出了挑战,这其中包括一个一直以来的假设,即在软件开发过程中,对软件进行一个小小的改动就必然会使其开发成本大大增加。极限编程认可软件开发工程应该节约成本,而且一旦实现了某种节约就应该加以开发利用。 你可以喜欢XP,也可以恨它,但是本书将会使你对如何开发软件有一个全新的认识。KentBeck拥有并经营着First Class软件公司,在这里他把主要精力放在两个最大的兴趣上——模式和极限编程。他一直在研究软件开发的先驱模式、CRC卡、HotDraw画图编辑器框架、xUnit单元测试框架以及测试为先的编程。他发表了五十多篇关于编程的文章,并出版了《The Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns》(Prentice-Hall出版社)和《Kent Beck’s Guide to Better Smalltalk:A Sorted Collection》(剑桥大学出版社)两本著作,同时他还是超级畅销书《重构——改善既有代码的设计》(中英文版皆由中国电力出版社出版)的特约撰稿人。-software development project is interesting, productive, and even daring. Meanwhile, it also will continue to bring commercial value, and to maintain in our control. Extreme Programming (XP) and the idea is to tackle the problem of the small development team for software development, in the face of known, changes in the demand generated by specific needs. This new, lightweight methodologies many of the traditional thinking of a challenge, which included an assumption has been, in the software development process, the software changes a little on their development costs will increase significantly. Extreme Programming recognized software development projects should be cost savings, but once achieved a saving should be developed and utilized. You can like XP, can hate it, but this book will
Platform: | Size: 3062824 | Author: 张扬 | Hits:

[Special EffectsLiangBarsky

Description: 梁友栋-Barsky裁剪算法,Cyrus和Beck用参数化方法提出了比Cohen-Sutherland更有效的算法。后来梁友栋和Barsky独立地提出了更快的参数化线段裁剪算法,也称为Liany-Barsky(LB)算法。
Platform: | Size: 13000 | Author: 杨杨 | Hits:

[Develop ToolsAddison-Wesley - Extreme Programming Explained. Em

Description: 极限编程之父Kent Beck的名著,了解极限编程(XP)的必读书!-Extreme Programming Kent Beck, the father of the famous work, understanding Extreme Programming (XP), a must-read!
Platform: | Size: 456211 | Author: Victor.Li | Hits:


Description: JUnit设计模式分析及简化的JUnit代码 Junit 中的设计模式 感谢刘兵同志 (技术顾问 bliu76@yeah.net) JUnit 是一个优秀的Java 单元测试框架,由两位世界级软件大师Erich Gamma 和 Kent Beck 共同开发完 成。本文将向读者介绍在开发JUnit 的过程中是怎样应用设计模式的。-JUnit design pattern to simplify the analysis and code Junit JUnit the design patterns thank Comrade Liu Bing (technical adviser bliu76@yeah.net) is an excellent JUnit Java unit testing framework, by two world-class software Masters Erich Gamma and Kent Beck completed joint development. In this paper, readers will be introduced in the development of JUnit is the process of how the application of design patterns.
Platform: | Size: 157097 | Author: 清风 | Hits:

[Other resourcejunit

Description: JUnit是一个开源的java单元测试框架。在1997年,由 Erich Gamma 和 Kent Beck 开发完成。这两个牛人中 Erich Gamma 是 GOF 之一;Kent Beck 则在 XP 中有重要的贡献(你觉得眼熟一点都不奇怪)。
Platform: | Size: 16912 | Author: 薛泽朋 | Hits:

[BooksAddison-Wesley - Extreme Programming Explained. Em

Description: 极限编程之父Kent Beck的名著,了解极限编程(XP)的必读书!-Extreme Programming Kent Beck, the father of the famous work, understanding Extreme Programming (XP), a must-read!
Platform: | Size: 455680 | Author: Victor.Li | Hits:


Description: JUnit设计模式分析及简化的JUnit代码 Junit 中的设计模式 感谢刘兵同志 (技术顾问 bliu76@yeah.net) JUnit 是一个优秀的Java 单元测试框架,由两位世界级软件大师Erich Gamma 和 Kent Beck 共同开发完 成。本文将向读者介绍在开发JUnit 的过程中是怎样应用设计模式的。-JUnit design pattern to simplify the analysis and code Junit JUnit the design patterns thank Comrade Liu Bing (technical adviser bliu76@yeah.net) is an excellent JUnit Java unit testing framework, by two world-class software Masters Erich Gamma and Kent Beck completed joint development. In this paper, readers will be introduced in the development of JUnit is the process of how the application of design patterns.
Platform: | Size: 156672 | Author: 清风 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopJuintyewu

Description: Juint是ErichGramma和Kent Beck开发的测试框架,Jbuild就是对这一框架的扩展-Juint is ErichGramma Kent Beck and development of the testing framework, Jbuild is the right framework for the expansion
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: 刘sir | Hits:

[GUI Developguitestfirst

Description: 《使用测试优先方法开发用户界面》 测试优先是测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development, TDD)的核心思想,它要求在编写产品代码前先编写基于产品代码的测试代码。在测试驱动开发的单元测试中,对GUI应用实施自动测试应该是测试驱动开发的软肋之一。由于界面的操作是有由人来完成的,所以要想在GUI中完成单元自动测试是有一定难度的。Kent Beck在它的《测试驱动开发》中就曾提到过这个问题。   本文将通过一个例子来讲解在测试驱动开发中如何针对GUI进行单元测试。这个例子是David Astels著的《测试驱动开发实用指南(影印版)》中一个关于影片列表管理的例子。该书中文版即将在国内出版。书中讨论并介绍了开发这个例子的多种方法。笔者将介绍其中的一种,并且为了方便使用C++的朋友的学习,书中的代码我用C++写了一遍,类名和变量名尽量和原书保持一致,以方便阅读该书的C++读者。在此也要感谢David Astels给我们带来如此精彩的一本书。   本文叙述背景为:CppUnit1.9.0, Visual C++ 6.0, Windows2000 pro-"priority use of test methods developed user interface" priority testing is test-driven development (Test-Dri ven Development, TDD), the core ideas It requires the preparation of products prior to the preparation of code based on the product code of test code. In test-driven development of unit testing, the introduction of the automated GUI application testing should be test-driven development one of the weak links. Interface operation is to be completed by the people, in order to complete GUI module automatically tests are necessarily difficult. Kent Beck, in its "test-driven development" had mentioned this issue. This will be an example to explain the test-driven development in how to address GUI unit test. This is David Astels example of a "test-driven developme
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: wwwwppp | Hits:


Description: 软件开发工程是有趣的、多产的,甚至是大胆的。同时,它也能源源不断地带来商业价值,并保持在我们的掌控之下。 极限编程(XP)的构思和发展是针对小型团队进行软件开发时,在面对不确知的、变化的需求时所产生的特定需要的。这一新的、轻量级的方法学对许多传统思维提出了挑战,这其中包括一个一直以来的假设,即在软件开发过程中,对软件进行一个小小的改动就必然会使其开发成本大大增加。极限编程认可软件开发工程应该节约成本,而且一旦实现了某种节约就应该加以开发利用。 你可以喜欢XP,也可以恨它,但是本书将会使你对如何开发软件有一个全新的认识。KentBeck拥有并经营着First Class软件公司,在这里他把主要精力放在两个最大的兴趣上——模式和极限编程。他一直在研究软件开发的先驱模式、CRC卡、HotDraw画图编辑器框架、xUnit单元测试框架以及测试为先的编程。他发表了五十多篇关于编程的文章,并出版了《The Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns》(Prentice-Hall出版社)和《Kent Beck’s Guide to Better Smalltalk:A Sorted Collection》(剑桥大学出版社)两本著作,同时他还是超级畅销书《重构——改善既有代码的设计》(中英文版皆由中国电力出版社出版)的特约撰稿人。-software development project is interesting, productive, and even daring. Meanwhile, it also will continue to bring commercial value, and to maintain in our control. Extreme Programming (XP) and the idea is to tackle the problem of the small development team for software development, in the face of known, changes in the demand generated by specific needs. This new, lightweight methodologies many of the traditional thinking of a challenge, which included an assumption has been, in the software development process, the software changes a little on their development costs will increase significantly. Extreme Programming recognized software development projects should be cost savings, but once achieved a saving should be developed and utilized. You can like XP, can hate it, but this book will
Platform: | Size: 3062784 | Author: 张扬 | Hits:

[Special EffectsLiangBarsky

Description: 梁友栋-Barsky裁剪算法,Cyrus和Beck用参数化方法提出了比Cohen-Sutherland更有效的算法。后来梁友栋和Barsky独立地提出了更快的参数化线段裁剪算法,也称为Liany-Barsky(LB)算法。-You-Xin Liang Dong-Barsky clipping algorithm, Cyrus and Beck used parametric methods than Cohen-Sutherland algorithm more effective. LIANG You-Dong and Barsky was independently put forward a faster Parametric Line Clipping Algorithm, also known as Liany-Barsky (LB) algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 杨杨 | Hits:


Description: JUnit是一个开源的java单元测试框架。在1997年,由 Erich Gamma 和 Kent Beck 开发完成。这两个牛人中 Erich Gamma 是 GOF 之一;Kent Beck 则在 XP 中有重要的贡献(你觉得眼熟一点都不奇怪)。 -JUnit is an open source unit testing framework for java. In 1997, by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck developed. These two cows were Erich Gamma is GOF one Kent Beck in XP there is an important contribution to (do you think is not familiar strange).
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 薛泽朋 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringExtreme_Programming_Explained_Embrace_Change_2004

Description: Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Second Edition By Kent Beck, Cynthia Andres ISBN : 0-321-27865-8
Platform: | Size: 832512 | Author: mojamazica | Hits:


Description: JUnit是一个优秀的Java单元测试框架,由两位世界级软件大师Erich Gamma 和 Kent Beck共同开发完成。本文将向读者介绍在开发JUnit的过程中是怎样应用设计模式的。-JUnit design pattern analysis
Platform: | Size: 158720 | Author: dingxu | Hits:


Description: 基于IPC-Beck DB50开发平台(SC-13)使用RTOS提供的API编写的智能马达AX-12的简单通信程序 功能:点亮AX-12指示LED灯 -IPC-Beck DB50-based development platform (SC-13) prepared using the RTOS API provides intelligent motor AX-12 features a simple communications program: AX-12 light LED light instructions
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李周 | Hits:

[OpenGL programCyrus-Beck-Line-Clipping

Description: Cyrus-Beck Line clipping using OpenGL
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Sly Code | Hits:

[3D Graphic3D-cyrus-beck

Description: 计算机图形学 VC++ 6.0 三维 Cyrus-Beck 算法核心-computer graphics 3d Cyrus-Beck
Platform: | Size: 230400 | Author: | Hits:

[3D Graphic3D-cyrus-beck

Description: Curus-Beck 代码算法,VC++ 6.0 与OpenGL 的结合,实现了线段在三维立体中的裁剪,六面体和线段可旋转,效果直观,注意六面体的各棱长不能过大,宜取个位数。-Cyrus-Beck 、VC++ 6.0 、OpenGl、 Computer Graphics
Platform: | Size: 371712 | Author: | Hits:
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