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1. 做一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 2. 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法及正负法画圆和抛物线。 3. 交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。 4. 用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 5. 线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的多边形,再画矩形的裁剪窗口,然后选择裁剪按钮(或命令),按下“上边裁剪”按钮(或执行“上边裁剪”命令),多边形相对裁剪窗口的上边进行裁剪,显示上边裁剪后的多边形,依此进行其它各边裁剪。 6. 两种扫描多边形扫描转换算法实现(扫描线算法为必做,基于求余运算的边缘填充和边标志算法任选一种); 7. 4连通区域的递归种子填充算法,和扫描线种子填充算法,要求种子点(x,y)可交互输入)。 8. 简单三维图形系统:凸多面体的建模、透视投影,隐藏面的消除及基本图形变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。 9. 交互式Bezier曲线的输入绘制程序实现 -1. So an integrated graphical interface procedures, which call for each operation subroutine. 2. Calling the painting point function, with DDA, the midpoint algorithm painting line and the midpoint algorithm and France Circle and the positive and negative parabola. 3. Interactive 2D linear intersection : If there intersection with a solid circle indicates Nodal and writing to demonstrate its coordinates. 4. Using 2D animation graphics transform algorithms to achieve the specified physical translation, rotation and scaling. (Including walking and cycling around the fixed point of rotating objects from the rotating animation.) 5. Line cutting and polygon clipping algorithm to achieve the animation demo. (Two segments cutting algorithm and H-S-by-side polygon clipping algorithm) polygon clipp
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 106.16kb Publisher : 张斌

Teapot teapotdemo A demo that uses the famous Newell teapot to demonstrate MATLAB graphics features. The teapot is defined by 32 bicubic bezier patches. The patches can be tesselated to surfaces at a wide range of resolutions. The resulting surfaces can be rendered with a variety of properties and effects.-Teapot teapotdemo A demo that uses the famo Newell teapot us to demonstrate MATLAB graphic s features. The teapot is defined by 32 bicubic b ezier patches. The patches can be tesselated to surfaces at a wide range of resolutions. The res ulting surfaces can be rendered with a variety o f properties and effects.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.78kb Publisher : xinxin

C语言实现的交互式绘图系统,图形用户界面,有橡皮筋法画直线、画圆、画Bezier曲线、裁剪等功能,用户可自行增加其他功能。-C language interactive mapping system, the graphical user interface, a rubber-band linear paintings, Circle, Bezier curve drawing, cutting and other functions, users may add other functions.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.69kb Publisher : 杨柯

C语言实现的交互式绘图系统,图形用户界面,有橡皮筋法画直线、画圆、画Bezier曲线、裁剪等功能,用户可自行增加其他功能。-C language interactive mapping system, the graphical user interface, a rubber-band linear paintings, Circle, Bezier curve drawing, cutting and other functions, users may add other functions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 杨柯

一个使用OpenGL绘制图形教程,线框曲面的显示演示程序,适合学习-a use OpenGL graphics rendering Guide, the display surface wireframe demo program, suitable for learning
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 352kb Publisher :

1. 做一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 2. 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法及正负法画圆和抛物线。 3. 交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。 4. 用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 5. 线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的多边形,再画矩形的裁剪窗口,然后选择裁剪按钮(或命令),按下“上边裁剪”按钮(或执行“上边裁剪”命令),多边形相对裁剪窗口的上边进行裁剪,显示上边裁剪后的多边形,依此进行其它各边裁剪。 6. 两种扫描多边形扫描转换算法实现(扫描线算法为必做,基于求余运算的边缘填充和边标志算法任选一种); 7. 4连通区域的递归种子填充算法,和扫描线种子填充算法,要求种子点(x,y)可交互输入)。 8. 简单三维图形系统:凸多面体的建模、透视投影,隐藏面的消除及基本图形变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。 9. 交互式Bezier曲线的输入绘制程序实现 -1. So an integrated graphical interface procedures, which call for each operation subroutine. 2. Calling the painting point function, with DDA, the midpoint algorithm painting line and the midpoint algorithm and France Circle and the positive and negative parabola. 3. Interactive 2D linear intersection : If there intersection with a solid circle indicates Nodal and writing to demonstrate its coordinates. 4. Using 2D animation graphics transform algorithms to achieve the specified physical translation, rotation and scaling. (Including walking and cycling around the fixed point of rotating objects from the rotating animation.) 5. Line cutting and polygon clipping algorithm to achieve the animation demo. (Two segments cutting algorithm and H-S-by-side polygon clipping algorithm) polygon clipp
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.06mb Publisher : 张斌

Teapot teapotdemo A demo that uses the famous Newell teapot to demonstrate MATLAB graphics features. The teapot is defined by 32 bicubic bezier patches. The patches can be tesselated to surfaces at a wide range of resolutions. The resulting surfaces can be rendered with a variety of properties and effects.-Teapot teapotdemo A demo that uses the famo Newell teapot us to demonstrate MATLAB graphic s features. The teapot is defined by 32 bicubic b ezier patches. The patches can be tesselated to surfaces at a wide range of resolutions. The res ulting surfaces can be rendered with a variety o f properties and effects.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : xinxin

DL : 0
计算机图形学大作业,一、 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法画圆和椭圆。二、多边形扫描转换算法和区域填充算法实现。三、线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。四、交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。五、自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。六、简单三维图形系统:凸多面体的建模、透视投影,隐藏面的消除及基本图形变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。七、交互式Bezier曲线的输入绘制程序实现 -Computer Graphics big operation, a point of calling a function of painting with DDA, the mid-point algorithm for drawing a straight line and the mid-point algorithm drawcircle and elliptical. Second, polygon scan conversion algorithm and region filling algorithm. Third, cutting line and polygon clipping algorithm to achieve the animated demo. Fourth, interactive two-dimensional linear intersection: If the existence of intersection, with a solid round show Nodal, and text display its coordinates. Fifth, walking and bike rotating around a fixed point of self-rotating object animation. Sixth, a simple three-dimensional graphics system: convex polyhedron modeling, perspective projection, hidden surface elimination and basic graphics transform (translation, rotation, scaling). Seven, interactive input Bezier curve drawing program
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.53mb Publisher : ling

Bezier曲线动态演示 Bezier曲线静态图形-Bezier curve demo Bezier curves of the static dynamic graphics
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 339kb Publisher : 楚孔强

这是一个用VC写的2D Bezier曲线生成演示程序,可以根据鼠标点击实时生成B曲线。-This is a written with VC to generate 2D Bezier curve demo program can be generated in real time in accordance with the click of a mouse B curve.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : zhouqingrang

The goal of this project is to create an interactive teaching demo for Bezier surface patch. It can be used in CAGD courses, and help the students to have a better understanding of Bezier surface patch.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 313kb Publisher : 杨平

用贝塞尔画曲线的demo,能够控制参数,调节曲线的形式-a demo using bezier
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 郭力

DL : 0
手写PDF demo,最简单的手写pdf,包括书签,贝塞尔曲线,链接,目录,大纲;适合PDF初学者-Handwritten PDF demo, the most simple handwritten pdf, including bookmarks, Bezier curves, link directory, Outline suited PDF beginners
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : 林枫

DL : 0
贝塞尔曲线的演示程序,有详细的源码和注释,可以直接调用-Bezier curve demo program source code and detailed notes, you can directly call
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : tl
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