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<胡海岩-应用非线性动力学>全书共分8章。第1章阐述非线性动力系统的理论与实验建模方法,第2章和第3章分别介绍单自由度自治系统的定性和定量分析方法,第4章和第5章侧重于分析单自由度非自治系统和多自由度系统的非线性动力学行为。第6章介绍非线性系统的运动稳定性及分叉理论。第7章阐述混沌现象及混沌的控制。第8章阐述如何运用数值方法分析非线性动力系统的行为,特别是系统的周期运动、分叉与混沌。书末附录阐述了如何借助计算机代数软件MAPLE分析非线性动力学问题。-Book is divided into 8 chapters. Chapter 1 described the theory of nonlinear dynamic system modeling and experimental methods, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, respectively, introduce a single degree of freedom autonomous system of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 focuses on the analysis of single-Freedom degree of non-autonomous systems and multi-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamic behavior. Chapter 6 of the introduction of nonlinear system stability and bifurcation theory of sport. Chapter 7 on the situation of chaos and chaos control. Chapter 8 on how to use numerical method analysis of nonlinear behavior of power systems, especially systems cycle exercise, bifurcation and chaos. Book at the end of the appendix describes how to use computer algebra software MAPLE analysis of nonlinear dynamics problem.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 7mb Publisher : 何红亚

this MAPLE file can calculate and plot chaos behevior of nonlinear system include logistic map, bifurcation diagram, mapping and etc.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 13kb Publisher : reza

分岔实现,还行吧,是在练习过程做的,是用maple做的-Bifurcation to achieve
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : 柯北

DL : 0
For Hénon map,1) Find the fixed points of periods one and two for the Hénon map. 2) Investigate the bifurcation diagrams for the Hénon map by plotting the x_n values as a function of α for β = 0.4. 3) Write a Matlab or Maple program to compute the Lyapunov exponents of the Hénon map where α=1.2 and β = 0.4. 4) Use the OGY algorithm to stabilize a point of period one in the Hénon map where α=1.2 and β = 0.4.-For Hénon map,1) Find the fixed points of periods one and two for the Hénon map. 2) Investigate the bifurcation diagrams for the Hénon map by plotting the x_n values as a function of α for β = 0.4. 3) Write a Matlab or Maple program to compute the Lyapunov exponents of the Hénon map where α=1.2 and β = 0.4. 4) Use the OGY algorithm to stabilize a point of period one in the Hénon map where α=1.2 and β = 0.4.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 99kb Publisher : 金正恩

计算hopf分叉的maple程序,可得分岔的稳定性及判断分岔方向-hopf bifurcation procedure
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 177kb Publisher : 赵志培

实在没找到matlab,就选maple啦。自动控制原理相位图,分岔图及混沌同步源代码,用于分析电机的混沌状态下运行。(The principle of automatic control of bifurcation source code can be used directly.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 573kb Publisher : 暗恋哲学家
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