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Description: bioperl的权威教材,作者Catherine Letondal and Katja Schu-Teach you learn bioperl,by Catherine Letondal and Katja Schuerer
Platform: | Size: 267264 | Author: 金鑫 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个在perl中调用bioperl中生物信息学相关比对算法的函数示例-This is a call in perl in bioinformatics bioperl-related function than the example of the algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: treat | Hits:


Description: 这是一个在matlab中调用bioperl函数的算法示例-This is a matlab function to call the algorithm bioperl sample
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: treat | Hits:

[File Formatbioperl

Description: introduction of bioperl-bioperl
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: humin | Hits:


Description: 对bioperl的功能介绍,以及如何使用perl在生物方面的应用-Of bioperl features, and how to use perl in the biological aspects of the application of
Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: 朱师云 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringBioperl-guide(Chinese)

Description: bioper的中文操作指南,适用于对perl语言有一定基础,想学习生物信息学的同学。-the chinese guide of bioperl。
Platform: | Size: 297984 | Author: 阳仔 | Hits:


Description: 一个用来计算进化遗传分析的库.重点在于对snp数据的分析和序列驱异的计算-libsequence is a C++ library designed to aid writing applications for genomics and evolutionary genetics. The library is intended to be viewed as a "BioC++" akin to the bioperl project, although the scope of libsequence is limited in comparison. the focus is on biological computation, such as the analysis of SNP data and sequence divergence, and the analysis of data generated from coalescent simulation.
Platform: | Size: 913408 | Author: wangping | Hits:


Description: Perl教程;bioperl操作指南;为许多经典的生物信息学程序提供了软件模块-The operations guide of bioperl;provide many classical software module for bioinformatics
Platform: | Size: 295936 | Author: 冯俊森 | Hits:

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