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[Special EffectsblinkDetector

Description: 国外著名大学成功的人脸检测识别算法中的眨眼检测-famous University of face detection and recognition algorithms detect the blink of an eye
Platform: | Size: 215118 | Author: 黄炜 | Hits:

[Special EffectsblinkDetector

Description: 国外著名大学成功的人脸检测识别算法中的眨眼检测-famous University of face detection and recognition algorithms detect the blink of an eye
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: 黄炜 | Hits:


Description: 用pb做的会眨眼的美女(趣味API程序),供pb爱好者共同学习!-Pb with the blink of an eye will make the beauty (interesting API procedures) for pb lovers learn together!
Platform: | Size: 353280 | Author: 李小东 | Hits:

[Graph program34

Description: 可用遮手法完成制作,一只眼一只眼的制作.参考本人的方法能作出很好的眨眼动作-Cover means can be used to complete production, one eye one eye production. Reference method I can make good the blink of an eye movement
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeeyedetection

Description: 可以进行眨眼检测,对于搞人脸识别或表情识别的工作者,可能有参考价值。-Blink of an eye can detect, for engaging in face recognition or face recognition of the workers, may have reference value.
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: yuqing | Hits:

[VOIP programSIP1

Description: 本文介绍了会话发起协议(Session Initiation Protoco1)。根据slP协议镝单. 渡.司扩襞的特点。分析指出r SIP网络瞬面临的一冀典型攻击和安全喊嚼。针对SIP网络面临的安全 险。按照E、D—To—E D和HoP—BY—I{oP分类研究提出了相对应的安全眼务。以及在slP网络中实现这 些安全暇务瞬需要的各种安全机翻o-This paper introduces the Session Initiation Protocol (Session Initiation Protoco1). Slp agreement in accordance with dysprosium single. Watanabe. Secretary fold expansion characteristics. R SIP network analysis blink Ji facing a typical security attack and chewing shout. For SIP network security risk. In accordance with the E, D-To-ED and HoP-BY-I (oP classification study of the eye that corresponds to the safety of Treasury. Slp network as well as in the realization of these security needs of leisure blink Treasury security machine turned o
Platform: | Size: 164864 | Author: 王名 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeeyeblinking

Description: 国外著名大学成功的人脸检测识别算法中的眨眼检测-Famous universities abroad, the success of face detection recognition algorithm in the blink of an eye test
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: w-sunny | Hits:

[Graph programBlink_Detection

Description: 基于OpenCV编写,使用摄像头,眨眼时通过帧间差来寻找到眼睛位置,并跟踪。-Based on OpenCV write, using the camera blink of an eye, through the inter-frame difference Laixun to find the eye position, and track.
Platform: | Size: 1034240 | Author: 瘦猪呆兔 | Hits:


Description: here we have a simple face and eye detection from a web cam, and your mouse will follow your face. i am trying to develop it making the mouse clicks when the eye blink??
Platform: | Size: 12768256 | Author: espil | Hits:


Description: 眨眼检测,先用haar特征框定人脸,然后用camshift跟踪人脸,根据几何特征得到人眼的大概位置,然后根据直方图的变化检测眨眼-Blink detection, the first feature with the haar framed face, and then use camshift tracking human face, according to the geometric features are the approximate location of the human eye, and then change detection histogram blink of an eye
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 阿强 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeblinkeyes

Description: 通过眨眼来识别人的眼睛,比人脸识别速度要快些。能够辅助定位-Through the blink of an eye to identify the person' s eyes, faster than the speed of face recognition. We could help locate
Platform: | Size: 3622912 | Author: lj | Hits:

[Special Effectseyefinder

Description: supplies cross-platform libraries for real-time perception primitives, including face detection, eye detection, blink detection, color tracking. Soon it will also include expression recognition, predictive color tracking, and tracking based on multisensor fusion
Platform: | Size: 760832 | Author: basuri | Hits:


Description: 玩电脑的时候大脑都把注意力投入到屏幕上了,眼睛都不记得眨一下。而长期不眨眼眼睛就会很容易疲劳。-Play on the computer when the brain paying attention to all inputs to the screen, the eyes do not remember blink. Long-term will not blink eyes are easily fatigued.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: HILL | Hits:


Description: 通过眨眼频率识别来进行疲劳判断,利用opencv来进行人脸眼部区域的识别-By blink frequency identification to determine the fatigue, for use opencv eye face recognition area
Platform: | Size: 6495232 | Author: 李响 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programMini-Project-Eye-Blink

Description: project code for eye blink system
Platform: | Size: 1656832 | Author: vadivel | Hits:


Description: android自动打包方法(ant+proguard+签名) 现在优化减少体积和防止别人反编译,需要把编译后.class进行混淆,开始在网上看了一些关于ProGuard的介绍,基本上都是使用ADT自带的打包方式,那个打包方式太慢了,还要手工输密码,一个字烦。 于是开始寻找ant+proguard+签名的打包方式,遗憾的是资料不是缺手就是断脚。 好吧,看来得食自己了,!@#¥@#!@#!@##¥@#¥!@#@ 转眼一周,我++,终于把东西搞出来 ps:我们项目还有一个特殊需求,要把版本号,推广ID打到包里去,方便做推广什么的。这里可以用replace的方法对string.xml进行修改 好吧,废话不说了,直接上build文件 -android automatic packaging methods (ant+ proguard+ signature) Now optimized to reduce the volume and to prevent others decompile, need to be compiled. Class conducted confusion began to read some of a ProGuard the introduction, basically using the ADT comes packaged in the online, that packed way too slow, and also to manually input the password, a word of trouble. Began to find the ant the+ proguard+ signature package, unfortunately, the information is not a lack of hand broken legs. Well, it seems, feed themselves, @# ¥ @#! @#! @## $ @# ¥ ! @# @ Blink of an eye a week, I+, and finally to engage in something out ps: our project there is a special needs should be the version number to promote ID, hit the bag to go, to facilitate doing promotion. Here can be modified using the replace method string.xml Well, not nonsense, directly on the build file
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: lyang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopBBlink_Detecta

Description: 基于OpenCV编写,使用摄像头,眨眼眼时通过帧间差来寻找到眼睛位置,并跟踪。 -Prepared based on OpenCV camera, blink eye by interframe Laixun find eye position, and track.
Platform: | Size: 1033216 | Author: 奖励 | Hits:


Description: 眨眼检测与眼睛跟踪在检测人脸疲劳状态有着重要的作用,特别是检测机车司机疲劳状态下。-Blink detection and eye tracking in fatigue face detection plays an important role, especially in testing locomotive driver fatigue states.
Platform: | Size: 510976 | Author: 陈宇 | Hits:

[Graph programEye-messenger

Description: 玩电脑的时候大脑都把注意力投入到屏幕上了,眼睛都不记得眨一下。而长期不眨眼眼睛就会很容易疲劳。-Play on the computer when the brain paying attention to all inputs to the screen, the eyes do not remember blink. Long-term will not blink eyes are easily fatigued.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: wo5216691 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 4595712 | Author: svp mkce | Hits:
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