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Description: 蓝牙是一种新的短距离无线通信技术,鉴于蓝牙系统的移动性、普遍性与开放性,蓝牙安全性倍受关注。对蓝牙安全性进行分析.主要探讨了鉴权、加密和密钥管理等安全措施,并提出了目前存在的问题。- Bluetooth is a new short-range wireless communications technology, given the mobility of Bluetooth systems, the universality and openness, Bluetooth security has drawn greater attention. Bluetooth security analysis. Focused on authentication, encryption and key management and other safety measures, and to make the current problems.
Platform: | Size: 3149824 | Author: 贾明 | Hits:

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