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:本文首先描述了开放源码的嵌入式硬件仿真环境SkyEye的总体架构,然后对SkyEye模拟器的LCD及TouchScreen模拟模块的设计、实现与验证过程进行了深入的阐述,并且分析比较了LCD模拟的不同实现方式。开源嵌入式GUI系统-MiniGUI和Linux操作系统在SkyEye模拟器上的成功运行说明了SkyEye模拟器的LCD及TouchScreen模拟模块的设计实现是正确和可靠的。-: This paper first describes the open source embedded hardware simulation environment SkyEye the overall framework and then on the simulator SkyEye LCD and TouchScreen simulation module design, implementation and certification process conducted in-depth exposition, analysis and comparison of the different LCD simulation methods of implementation. Open-source embedded GUI system-MiniGUI and Linux operating system in the simulator SkyEye successful operation of the note SkyEye Simulator LCD and TouchScreen simulation module is designed to achieve a correct and reliable.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 464kb Publisher : 无恒

可以支持tftp下载的一个ARM开发的bootloader实例 -support tftp can download the development of a ARM Bootloader examples
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 258kb Publisher : 郑强

W78E516B的BOOT程序,将该程序烧写到BOOT区,当启动到BOOT区时,可以通过该程序经串口将系统程序下载到主程序区,晶振为22.1184MHz时波特率可以达到115200bps,比常规烧率器都快!-W78E516B the BOOT process of burning of this program BOOT, When the boot BOOT areas, through the program as a serial port to download system main program, crystal 22.1184MHz for baud rate can be achieved 115200bps, burning rate than conventional devices away!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 47kb Publisher : 陈军

一个LINUXBOOTLOADER,可以引导ARM2410的LINUX,功能灵活,方便实用。 -a LINUXBOOTLOADER. the guide ARM2410 LINUX, features flexible, convenient and practical.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 307kb Publisher : liuli

vivi bootloader,已经修改过的适用于s3c2410-anger Bootloader, a revised application to s3c2410
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 477kb Publisher : 陈小东

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AVRmega128的bootloadr可以把一个bin文件使用Xmodem协议写入flash,按page写入的。-AVRmega128 the bootloadr can use a paper bin Xmod written agreement em flash, according to the written page.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 65kb Publisher : 王序

基于ARM,Bootloader的设计与实现,通过这篇文章,对bootloader有个了解-based on ARM, Bootloader the design and implementation through this article, Bootloader a right understanding
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 106kb Publisher : 刘成勋

三星ARM 2410的一个简单的bootloader程序和对这个程序的分析,是bootloader入门的绝佳教材。-Samsung's ARM 2410 Bootloader a simple procedure and the procedure for the analysis , Bootloader is an excellent introductory materials.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.14mb Publisher :

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嵌入式BootLoader技术内幕,对嵌入式linux开发有很大参考价值。-BootLoader technology embedded inside, the development of embedded linux has a great reference value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 161kb Publisher : 林启涛

该文档详细介绍了bootloader的原理 和编写过程,对于想了解bootloader原理 的人有很好的参考-The document detailed the bootloader principle and process of preparing for the bootloader would like to know the principle of those who have a good reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : aaronychen

s3c4510b bootloader,功能:装置uclinux kernel. 详细的boot load启动分析,帮助新手可以马上写出可以跑在arm板子上的简单bootloader ├─bin2c │ └─bin2c ├─document └─source code └─source code-s3c4510b bootloader, functions: device uclinux kernel. detailed start boot load analysis, to help novice can immediately write in the arm board can run on a simple bootloader ├ ─ bin2c │ └ ─ bin2c ├ ─ document └ ─ source code └ ─ source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.18mb Publisher : san

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是一个讲解嵌入式bootload比较好的资料,分析的比较详细。-Is a relatively good Bootload on embedded data, a more detailed analysis.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 982kb Publisher : gaoxusong

arm的bootloader代码,很详细-arm of the bootloader code, very detailed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 464kb Publisher :

ADS开发的BOOTLOADER,针对2410,是某培训班出的!-ADS developed BOOTLOADER, for 2410, is a course out!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 113kb Publisher : 洪兵

一个很好的BootLoader,作者已经加了注释,比较容易看懂。-A good BootLoader, the author has added a note, it was relatively easy to understand.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22kb Publisher : xiaohe

这是一篇通俗易懂的文章,它以最简单的语言来描述了bootloader的要意,是一篇不错的文章,很合适初学嵌入式的朋友.-This is a user-friendly article, it is the most simple language to describe the bootloader to be Italian, is a good article, it is suitable for embedded beginner friends.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher : eric

这篇文章比较详细的介绍了bootloader的开发过程,包括需要的硬件及软件,有需要的朋友可以参考下!-This article more detailed introduction of the bootloader of the development process, including the need for hardware and software, there is a need to refer to the following friends can!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 46kb Publisher : wangming

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MTK平台绝密核心代码之 系统引导,是学习研究MTK平台的重要代码,也是做其他类似平台开发的良好参考代码,贡献出来与大家分享。-MTK platform top secret core of the system boot code is to study the importance of MTK platform code, but also other similar platforms to do a good reference code, contribute to share with you.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 42kb Publisher : 余爱军

一片关于ARM9处理器的bootloader的分析与设计论文,详细介绍了bootloader的具体结构,以及如何移植到具体的平台上。-On an ARM9 processor bootloader Analysis and Design of papers, detailing the specific structure of the bootloader, and how to migrate to a specific platform.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 352kb Publisher :

Hardware and firmware for a DSP based digital audio MP3 player with USB pen drive funtionality, using a 16-bit fixed point Texas Instruments TMS320 C55x DSP and CompactFlash card. This is an open source and open hardware MP3 player project. about bootloader-Hardware and firmware for a DSP based digital audio MP3 player with USB pen drive funtionality, using a 16-bit fixed point Texas Instruments TMS320 C55x DSP and CompactFlash card. This is an open source and open hardware MP3 player project. About bootloader
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : shanhaijun
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