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Description: Botnets have been recognized as one of the most important threats to the Internet security. They are engaged in DDOS attacks, email spamming and other malicious activities likewise. Traditional botnets usually organized themselves in a hierarchy architecture, which offers professionals opportunities to detect or defend the botnets in their servers. However, newly-appeared P2P botnet such as Storm botnet, are revealing a decentralized feature, which brought difficulties in detection and mitigation. We believe that it is the very trend of future botnet development—adopting more sophisticated methods from being detected. Thus, in this paper, we analyze the basic principles and mechanism of this decentralized P2P botnet, and present a novel detecting method using Multi-chart CUSUM.
Platform: | Size: 319488 | Author: saksss | Hits:

[Windows DevelopADSSAntiBot

Description: botnet detection software useful
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: asfd | Hits:


Description: Java Files for Botnet Detection
Platform: | Size: 1263616 | Author: Ankush | Hits:

[OS programNICK_IRC

Description: 实现了基于昵称评估的IRC僵尸网络检测程序,该程序利用被动测量的方法,采用Scoring Function、多正则式匹配、黑名单匹配三种方法对昵称进行评分,再综合TCP扫描权重,频道等信息绘制出出IRC僵尸网络拓扑。-IRC botnet NICK detection
Platform: | Size: 141312 | Author: rain | Hits:


Description: botnet 检测程序,包括数据处理,最后形成pcap文件(botnet detection procedures, including data processing, and finally the formation of pcap file)
Platform: | Size: 11677696 | Author: 妍妍yyjq | Hits:

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