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贪吃蛇2005 + 源程序  贪吃蛇 一个经典的小游戏,本人精心制作,相信会比其它所谓的贪吃蛇效果好很多。希望大家能提出更多宝贵的意见。游戏规则: 利用方向键控制蛇头运动,当蛇头碰到食物即吃到食物,获得积分; 在此过程中不允许蛇头出界或碰到身体,否则游戏结束。基本操作: 程序运行后输入数字0-9,选择级别;任何时候按Esc键即退出游戏;用键盘方向键控制蛇头运动方向;按任意键暂停,方向键和组合键除外;暂停后,按方向键继续游戏;出错后会出现是否继续游戏的提示,Y继续,N结束。 -2005 Snake Snake source of a small classic game, I carefully made, I believe other than the so-called Snake many good results. Hope we can put forward more valuable suggestions. The rules of the game : direction control keys snakeheads campaign, when the food is encountered snakeheads eat food, access points; In this process does not allow out-of-bounds snakeheads or physical encounter, the end of the game. Basic operation : running after importation figures 0-9, choose level; By any time that the Esc keys out of the game; The keyboard keys to control the direction snakeheads movement direction; Keys suspended by the arbitrary direction keys and key combinations exception; Following the suspension, according to the direction keys to the game; Mistakes will happen after the whether or not t
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 28.31kb Publisher : 虚拟无忌

DL : 0
This the string class you expected to find in STL, but didn t. The design goal of this class is to make all the string handling functions from the standard C library available within a single C++ class, with the added bonus of automatic buffer allocation and deallocation. The terse names of the original C functions have been preserved to ease the transition for C programmers. New functions have been given short but less cryptic names using the same style (one word, all lower case). Most functions work as they do in the standard library or slightly better. Some examples: 1: The resulting string is always zero terminated. 2: All functions are thread safe in the sense that the class (but not an individual object) can be used by multiple threads concurrently. 3: Pre-conditions are tested using assert() which makes it possible to trap \"out of bounds\" errors in debug build, with no speed penalties in release build. -This the string class you expected to fin d in STL, but did t. The design goal of this class is to mak e all the string handling functions from the sta ndard C library available within a single C clas s, with the added bonus of automatic buffer alloca tion and deallocation. The terse names of the or iginal C functions have been preserved to ease t he transition for C programmers. New functions have been given short but less cryptic names usi ng the same style (one word, all lower case). Most functions work as they do i n the standard library or slightly better. Some examples : 1 : The resulting string is always zero terminated . 2 : All functions are thread safe in the sense that t he class (but not an individual object) can be us ed by multiple threads concurrently. 3 : Pre-conditions
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.8kb Publisher : 郭春阳

%CHECKBOUNDS Move the initial point within the (valid) bounds. % [X,LB,UB,X,FLAG] = CHECKBOUNDS(X0,LB,UB,nvars) % checks that the upper and lower % bounds are valid (LB <= UB) and the same length as X (pad with -inf/inf % if necessary) warn if too long. Also make LB and UB vectors if not % already. % Finally, inf in LB or -inf in UB throws an error.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.19kb Publisher : 张风

%DEFINEV Scaling vector and derivative % % [v,dv]= DEFINEV(g,x,l,u) returns v, distances to the % bounds corresponding to the sign of the gradient g, where % l is the vector of lower bounds, u is the vector of upper % bounds. Vector dv is 0-1 sign vector (See ?? for more detail.) % % Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 1998/03/21 16:29:10 $
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 781byte Publisher : 张风

LDPC码译码相关文献 Bounds on the maximum likelihood decoding error probability of low density parity check codes
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 96.95kb Publisher : xzm

Core Java 2 Volume I - Fundamentals, Seventh Edition Completely revised and up-to-date coverage of Generic programming, restrictions and limitations, type bounds, wilcard types, and generic reflection Swing GUI development, including input validation and other enhancements Exception handling and debugging, including chained exceptions, stack frames, assertions, and logging Streams and files, the new I/O API, memory-mapped files, file locking, and character set encoders/decoders Regular expressions using the powerful java.util.regex package Inner classes, reflection, and dynamic proxies Application packaging and the Preferences API
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.33mb Publisher : tengteng

A Perl module implementing receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) curves with nonparametric confidence bounds
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 17.11kb Publisher : 刘国亮

D-S.Kim, Y.S.Lee, W.H.Kwon, and H.S.Park, \"Maximum Allowable Delay Bounds in Networked Control Systems\", Control Engineering Practice (Elsvier Science) (Simulation Example - Matlab Code), PP.1301-1313, Vol.11, Issue 11, December, 2003
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.17kb Publisher : 田之秋

1) 已知x=[1:15], y=[12 34 56 78 99 123 165 198 243 277 353 345 303 288 275], 用多项式进行拟合,给出拟合多项式,(所选拟合多项式阶数不同,拟合结果不同,请你选择适当的阶数进行拟合),并绘出原始数据点、拟合曲线和95%置信区间(confidence bounds)的图形 . 2) 根据下面数学模型建立仿真模型,并在一个示波器中把它们的波形仿真出来。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.12kb Publisher : wangshujuan

DL : 0
This folder has some scritps that you may find usefull. All of it comes from questions that I ve received in my email. If you have a new request/question, feel free to send it to But please, don t ask me to do your homework. Passing_your_param0 This folder contains instructions (and m files) for passing you own initial parameters to the fitting function. I also included a simple simulation script that will create random initial coefficients (under the proper bounds) and fit the model to the data.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 89.13kb Publisher : 夜妖

Flexible Vector and Matrix Classes enable to use vectors and matrixes with arbitrary bounds. Content. 1. Algorithm 2. Classes 3. Program Files 4. Tests 5. Compiling 6. Running (Log File) 7. Download
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30.41kb Publisher : Alpha

DL : 0
一种基于免疫原理的遗传算法 unction [bestever,endAnti,bPop,traceInfo,memory,Found]=ia(memory,popsize,bounds,evalFN,evalOps,... maxgen,precision,pcross,pmutation,maxmemnum,selectOps)
Update : 2010-05-16 Size : 1.47kb Publisher :

关于object c 的例子,详见压缩包。。。 一、Interface 定义 @interface Circle : NSObject { ShapeColor fillColor; ShapeRect bounds; } - (void) setFillColor: (ShapeColor) fillColor; - (void) setBounds: (ShapeRect) bounds; - (void) draw; @end // Circle
Update : 2010-10-15 Size : 16.63kb Publisher : popo123

贪吃蛇2005 + 源程序  贪吃蛇 一个经典的小游戏,本人精心制作,相信会比其它所谓的贪吃蛇效果好很多。希望大家能提出更多宝贵的意见。游戏规则: 利用方向键控制蛇头运动,当蛇头碰到食物即吃到食物,获得积分; 在此过程中不允许蛇头出界或碰到身体,否则游戏结束。基本操作: 程序运行后输入数字0-9,选择级别;任何时候按Esc键即退出游戏;用键盘方向键控制蛇头运动方向;按任意键暂停,方向键和组合键除外;暂停后,按方向键继续游戏;出错后会出现是否继续游戏的提示,Y继续,N结束。 -2005 Snake Snake source of a small classic game, I carefully made, I believe other than the so-called Snake many good results. Hope we can put forward more valuable suggestions. The rules of the game : direction control keys snakeheads campaign, when the food is encountered snakeheads eat food, access points; In this process does not allow out-of-bounds snakeheads or physical encounter, the end of the game. Basic operation : running after importation figures 0-9, choose level; By any time that the Esc keys out of the game; The keyboard keys to control the direction snakeheads movement direction; Keys suspended by the arbitrary direction keys and key combinations exception; Following the suspension, according to the direction keys to the game; Mistakes will happen after the whether or not t
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : 虚拟无忌

DL : 0
This the string class you expected to find in STL, but didn t. The design goal of this class is to make all the string handling functions from the standard C library available within a single C++ class, with the added bonus of automatic buffer allocation and deallocation. The terse names of the original C functions have been preserved to ease the transition for C programmers. New functions have been given short but less cryptic names using the same style (one word, all lower case). Most functions work as they do in the standard library or slightly better. Some examples: 1: The resulting string is always zero terminated. 2: All functions are thread safe in the sense that the class (but not an individual object) can be used by multiple threads concurrently. 3: Pre-conditions are tested using assert() which makes it possible to trap "out of bounds" errors in debug build, with no speed penalties in release build. -This the string class you expected to fin d in STL, but did t. The design goal of this class is to mak e all the string handling functions from the sta ndard C library available within a single C clas s, with the added bonus of automatic buffer alloca tion and deallocation. The terse names of the or iginal C functions have been preserved to ease t he transition for C programmers. New functions have been given short but less cryptic names usi ng the same style (one word, all lower case). Most functions work as they do i n the standard library or slightly better. Some examples : 1 : The resulting string is always zero terminated . 2 : All functions are thread safe in the sense that t he class (but not an individual object) can be us ed by multiple threads concurrently. 3 : Pre-conditions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 郭春阳

DL : 0
基于vc++车牌定位系统,介绍了课程设计的内容和步骤,然后分析了图像与处理中运用到的处理方法,如灰度变换,中值滤波,二值化等。最后是检测车牌上下界和左右界,从而定位出车牌。-Based on vc++ Plate positioning system, introduced the contents of the curriculum design and the steps, and then analyzed with processed images used in the treatment methods, such as gray-scale transformation, median filtering, binarization and so on. Finally, there is detection of upper and lower bounds of number plates and about community, thereby positioning the plate.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 484kb Publisher : 卢兵

两篇最新的介绍MIMO中继信道容量的文章Capacity Bounds for Gaussian MIMO relay channel with Channel State Information 与 Amplify-Forward and Decode-Forward The Impact of Location and Capacity Contour-2, introduced the latest MIMO channel capacity relay article Capacity Bounds for Gaussian MIMO relay channel with Channel State Information and Amplify-Forward and Decode-Forward The Impact of Location and Capacity Contour
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.45mb Publisher : doublesun

用到的是C++中类的知识,主要是进行运算符重载,应该说难度还算可以-Determine whether the array bounds
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : wang

主网络和认知网络供存在同一地理环境共享同一频谱,研究了网络的4重容量界限-This paper addresses bounds on the transmission capacities of two coexisting wireless networks (a primary and a secondary network), where each with multiple antennas shares the same spectrum and operates in the same geographic region
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 168kb Publisher : libin

Error bounds for compressed sensing algorithms with group sparsity A unified approach
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 492kb Publisher : alijalil2010
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