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This case study shows how MATLAB can be used for a medical imaging problem. Given an MRI scan, first segment the brain mass from the rest of the head, then determine the brain volume. Also compare portions of gray and white matter present. This example was developed for seminars. It was also used for webinars for medical applications broadcast live on May 6, 2004. This package includes some MATLAB code and an MRI scan series consisting of 60 DICOM images. Note that this code relies on MATLAB Central submissions from others. Detailed references to those sources are included.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.62mb Publisher : ROGER

本文提出一种用于独立成份分析(ICA)的特征选择滤波方案用于改善ICA算法对关键独立成份(SOI)的分离和提取,关键独立成份在其信号样本数据的空间分布上具有一定特征. 本文以平滑滤波为例,表明加入此类特征滤波的ICA算法可以改善对于视觉功能区等平滑图象信号的提取. 因此, 这种特征滤波技术在估计具有平滑特性的脑功能成像方面具有潜在的应用价值.-for Independent component analysis (ICA) feature selection filtering program for the improvement of ICA algorithm independent of the key ingredients (SOI), the separation and extraction, the key element in its independent signal sample data on the spatial distribution of certain characteristics. This paper smoothing filter as an example, table membership in such features filtering ICA algorithm can improve visual function areas smoothing image signal extraction. Therefore, this feature filtering technology is estimated at smoothing properties of brain imaging have potential value.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 79.28kb Publisher : 周周

本文提出一种用于独立成份分析(ICA)的特征选择滤波方案用于改善ICA算法对关键独立成份(SOI)的分离和提取,关键独立成份在其信号样本数据的空间分布上具有一定特征. 本文以平滑滤波为例,表明加入此类特征滤波的ICA算法可以改善对于视觉功能区等平滑图象信号的提取. 因此, 这种特征滤波技术在估计具有平滑特性的脑功能成像方面具有潜在的应用价值.-for Independent component analysis (ICA) feature selection filtering program for the improvement of ICA algorithm independent of the key ingredients (SOI), the separation and extraction, the key element in its independent signal sample data on the spatial distribution of certain characteristics. This paper smoothing filter as an example, table membership in such features filtering ICA algorithm can improve visual function areas smoothing image signal extraction. Therefore, this feature filtering technology is estimated at smoothing properties of brain imaging have potential value.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 79kb Publisher : 周周

This case study shows how MATLAB can be used for a medical imaging problem. Given an MRI scan, first segment the brain mass from the rest of the head, then determine the brain volume. Also compare portions of gray and white matter present. This example was developed for seminars. It was also used for webinars for medical applications broadcast live on May 6, 2004. This package includes some MATLAB code and an MRI scan series consisting of 60 DICOM images. Note that this code relies on MATLAB Central submissions from others. Detailed references to those sources are included.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.62mb Publisher : ROGER

在matlab环境中利用产生的大脑图实现图像的重建。-The use of brain imaging to achieve the reconstruction of Fig.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 赵军

医学图像分割的matlab程序,针对脑部肿瘤图像,使用水平集方法划分出肿瘤区域,内部包含测试程序-Medical image segmentation matlab program for brain tumor imaging, using the level set method into the tumor region, the internal test procedures include
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.26mb Publisher : 林平塔

The CCA-fMRI Toolbox implements the use of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) for detecting brain activity patterns recorded by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.16mb Publisher : 王垒

许多应用PET 与fMRI 技术的脑功能成像研究发现,数字加工任务会显著引起前运动皮质的激活。习惯上认为,这一 结果可能与任务执行过程中的动作反应,如手指按键、默读或眼动等有关。近年来的研究则表明,这一区域不仅具有动作功能, 同时也具有其它非动作的认知功能。在本研究中,对17 篇关于数字加工的脑功能成像研究进行了元分析,以考察前运动皮质在 数字加工中的作用。研究结果发现,运动前区的背外侧( PMd) 与腹外侧( PMv) 在大多数数字加工任务中有显著激活,而运动辅 助区(SMA) 的激活则相对较少。数字比较、加法与减法任务在PMd 区域有更多的激活,而乘法任务则在PMv 区域有更多激活。 数字自身特征对PMd、PMv 与SMA 喙部区域的激活有显著的调节作用。这一结果表明,前运动皮质在数字加工过程中可能扮 演着比动作反应更为重要的角色。-Many applications, PET and fMRI brain imaging technology study found that a significant number processing tasks are likely to cause the activation of premotor cortex. Customary to believe that the The results may be related to task execution in the process of movement reaction, such as the finger buttons, silent reading, or other related eye movements. In recent years, studies suggest that this region not only motor function, At the same time also has other non-cognitive action. In this study, pairs of 17 on digital processing of functional imaging studies of brain meta-analysis to examine pre-motor cortex in the The role of digital processing. The results found that the dorsolateral premotor area (PMd) and ventral (PMv) in the majority of number processing tasks significantly activated, while the sports-fu To help area (SMA) activation were relatively small. In comparison, addition and subtraction tasks in PMd region more activated, while the multiplication task in the PMv
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 129kb Publisher : 罗朝辉

DL : 0
核磁共振的原理介绍,以及其相关领域的发展,介绍了脑功能成像的原理的处理技术-Introduce the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance, and its related fields of development, introduced the principle of functional brain imaging processing technology
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27.55mb Publisher : machaoqiong

介绍数字图像统计模式识别、模式识别决策方法及实现:测试代码有人脸检测与特征点定位、汽车牌照识别、脑部医学影像诊断、印刷体汉字识别、手写体数字识别、运动图像分析,共6个数字图像模式识别应用实例-Introduction of digital image statistical pattern recognition, pattern recognition and realization of decision making: the test code was face detection and feature points, car license plate recognition, medical imaging diagnosis of the brain, printed Chinese character recognition, handwritten digit recognition, motion image analysis, a total of 6 Application of digital image pattern recognition
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.31mb Publisher :

老外写的一个matlab分割脑部医学图像的程序,值得学习!-This case study shows how MATLAB can be used for a medical imaging problem. Given an MRI scan, first segment the brain mass from the rest of the head, then determine the brain volume. Also compare portions of gray and white matter present. This example was developed for seminars. It was also used for webinars for medical applications broadcast live on May 6, 2004. This package includes some MATLAB code and an MRI scan series consisting of 60 DICOM images. Note that this code relies on MATLAB Central submissions from others. Detailed references to those sources are included.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.6mb Publisher : fi2008

介绍脑功能成像的最新进展,对于有志于此研究的起一个抛砖引玉的作用-Introduce the latest developments in brain imaging, for the interested in this study serve as a stimulus from a
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : 罗朝辉

we define basic terminology and introduce important concepts for constraining topology in image processing methods. A critical consequence of results from digital topology is that changes in topology can be detected using local computations.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : uma

This study uses an empirical study of the efficiency of Particle swarm optimization (PSO) in segmentation of brain abnormalities. Presently, segmentation poses one of the most challenging problems in medical imaging. Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images is an important part of brain imaging research. In this study, we used controlled experimental data as our testing data. The data is designed which that prior knowledge of the size of the abnormalities are known.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 932kb Publisher : gyan deori

DL : 1
心理和医学中脑功能成像fMRI数据分析工具MATLAB的一个工具包-Psychological and functional brain imaging in medicine fMRI data analysis tools in a tool kit MATLAB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.51mb Publisher : 李士颖

Calcium-Imaging GUI Built as a tool for R. Mooney s Lab, Duke University department of Neurobiology. This program accepts TIFF files and attempts to aid the user in the detection of active brain cells within the image. Once the user has selected and identified a number of cells, the time-dependent amplitude averages are outputted, giving the user a signal for each selected cell. For detailed operation instruction, see OperationManual_v2.pdf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 626kb Publisher : akshaygore

that arises the surface coil array. This entropy-based method does not require classification and robustly addresses some problems that are more severe than those found in brain imaging, including noise, steep bias field, sensitivity of artery wall voxels to edge artifacts, and signal voids near the artery wall. Validation studies were performed on a synthetic digital phantom with realistic intensity inhomogeneity, a physical phantom roughly mimicking the neck, and patient carotid artery images. We compared LEMS to a modified fuzzy c-means segmentation based method (mAFCM), and a linear filtering method (LINF). Following LEMS correction, skeletal muscles in patient images were relatively isointense across the field of view. In the physical phantom, LEMS reduced the variation in the image to 1.9 and across the vessel wall region to 2.5 , a value which should be sufficient to distinguish-that arises the surface coil array. This entropy-based method does not require classification and robustly addresses some problems that are more severe than those found in brain imaging, including noise, steep bias field, sensitivity of artery wall voxels to edge artifacts, and signal voids near the artery wall. Validation studies were performed on a synthetic digital phantom with realistic intensity inhomogeneity, a physical phantom roughly mimicking the neck, and patient carotid artery images. We compared LEMS to a modified fuzzy c-means segmentation based method (mAFCM), and a linear filtering method (LINF). Following LEMS correction, skeletal muscles in patient images were relatively isointense across the field of view. In the physical phantom, LEMS reduced the variation in the image to 1.9 and across the vessel wall region to 2.5 , a value which should be sufficient to distinguish
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.64mb Publisher : 杨松

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脑成像相关matlab组件,帮助制作各类EEG脑图(Brain imaging related matlab components help to make all kinds of EEG brain maps)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44.4mb Publisher : 月下独鹤

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基于MATLAB进行脑部图形成像 Brain imaging based on MATLAB(Brain imaging based on MATLAB)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 353kb Publisher : liyang12

Medical imaging analysis provides a very informative and comprehensive insight into diagnosing diseases and in treating health problems.
Update : 2022-10-06 Size : 1.29kb Publisher : praba82
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