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[Multimedia program消除闪烁的新方法

Description: 使用双缓冲机制(Double buffering)来解决屏幕的闪烁现象-use double buffering mechanism (Double buffering) to resolve the scintillation screen phenomenon
Platform: | Size: 36786 | Author: 袁耀辉 | Hits:

[OpenGL program在OpenGL视图中绘制动画

Description: 利用mfc设定计时器和帧缓存技术,可以制作出流畅的动画。一般用opengl向正方体表面添加各种颜色,以达到双缓存动画的实现。-use mfc set the timer and frame buffer technology, can produce smooth animation. General use opengl cube surface to add color to achieve double-buffering to achieve animation.
Platform: | Size: 40556 | Author: 石头 | Hits:


Description: 一个五子棋程序,其中用双缓冲技术解决了棋子闪烁的问题 -a 331 procedures, which use double buffering technology to solve the problem pawn scintillation
Platform: | Size: 1112795 | Author: 文宇 | Hits:

[OpenGL program实例 100

Description: 简单的OpenGL动画。实现运动彩色立方体的旋转。OpenGl动画主要是通过提供的双缓存实现。一个用来作图,一个用来显示。-simple animation. Moving color cube rotation. OpenGl animation is mainly through the provision of the double-buffering to achieve. For a graphic, a showing.
Platform: | Size: 38489 | Author: 许辉 | Hits:


Description: 使用CMemDC类解决应用程序的闪烁问题 在你的MFC程序中解决闪烁问题是个烦心的工作。你可以在书上或者网上找到关于这方面的介绍,但是介绍的技术一般都是很复杂的或者是很难应用到已经存在的程序中去。 一个京城使用的技术叫做双缓冲。双缓冲使用一个新的缓冲来画屏幕,然后把整个的屏幕显示在真正的屏幕上。 这篇文章使用了叫做CMemDC的类,这个类封装了绝大部分写入off-screen缓冲区的方法。在已经存在的MFC或者是ActiveX控件中加入CMemDC类是非常方便的。 怎样在你的MFC程序中使用CMemDC 1.在你的工程中加入memdc.h文件。 2.在stdafx.h中加入代码#include \"memdc.h\" 3.为窗口做WM_ERASEBKGND的消息映射 4.象下面那样改变处理消息的代码:-use CMemDC category of applications to solve the problem flashing in your MFC process is resolved Flicker 000 bother work. You can book online or find this regard, But introducing the technology in general are very complex or difficult to apply to already existing programs. Beijing used a technique called double buffering. Double buffer using a new buffer to paint a screen, then the screen shows that the whole of the real on the screen. This article called CMemDC use of the category, this category included the majority of package off-screen buffer method. The existence of MFC or ActiveX add CMemDC category is very convenient. What in your MFC procedures used CMemDC one. In your works into memdc.h document. 2. In addition stdafx.h code # include "memdc.h" 3. For window W M_ERASEBK
Platform: | Size: 2448 | Author: 罗成 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个实例解说双缓冲机制的程序,在图形学方面有很多的应用-This is an example of double-buffering mechanism to explain the procedures, the graphics have many applications
Platform: | Size: 25739 | Author: 胡立新 | Hits:

[Other resourcejavacaaton1

Description: 双缓冲技术: 另一种减小帧之间的闪烁的方法是使用双缓冲,它在许多动画applet 中被使用。 主要原理是创建一个后台图象,将一帧画入图象,然后调用drawImage() 将整个图象一次画到屏幕上去。好处是大部分绘制是离屏的。将离屏图象一次 绘至屏幕上比直接在屏幕上绘制要有效得多。 双缓冲可以使动画平滑,但有一个缺点,要分配一张后台图象,如果图象 相当大,这将需要很大一块内存-double buffering technology : a reduced frame between the flashing method is to use double buffering, in many applet animation are used. The main principle is to create a background image of a painting into images, then called drawImage () to the entire image to a screen painted up. Most benefits are drawn from the screen. Leaving screen image to a painting directly on the screen than on the screen mapping can be much more effective. Double Buffer can make the animation smooth, but there is a drawback to allocate a background image, image considerably, which will require a lot of memory
Platform: | Size: 1138 | Author: 刘伟 | Hits:


Description: vc编写的贪吃蛇的小游戏,使用了双缓冲技术,适合初学者-vc prepared by the Snake small game, using double buffering technology for beginners
Platform: | Size: 96722 | Author: heliming | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCBitmapSlider_src

Description: Introduction Do you need a slider but default control looks too simple? I hope this class, CBitmapSlider, can help you. All you have to do is read this article and make a few bitmaps. Features Transparency effect for both channel and thumb. Customize size of the thumb. Flicker free. It uses CMemDC from Keith Rule s article to implement double buffering, and uses functions from Raja Segar s article to display transparent bitmap. -IntroductionDo you need a slider but default control looks too simple? I hope this class, CBitmapSlider, can help you. All you have to do is read this article and make a few bitmaps. Features Transparency effect for both channel and thumb. Customize size of the thumb. Flicker free. It uses CMemDC from Keith Rule s article to implement double buffering, and uses functions from Raja Segar s article to display transparent bitmap.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 赵建 | Hits:

[OpenGL programdoubleBuffer

Description: 用双缓存绘图的VC代码,希望能给大家仅供参考,绘制出“不卡的界面”。-Using double-buffering the drawing of the VC code, we hope that they will be for reference only, to map out
Platform: | Size: 1923072 | Author: 侯颖超 | Hits:


Description: 压缩包内含有具体实例解说双缓冲,内容很全面的。-Compressed packet contains specific examples to explain double buffering, which is very comprehensive.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: jly | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopAn_Adaptive_Jitter_Buffering_Algorithm_for_Voice_o

Description: 当IP语音包的网络时延抖动较小时,一般的语音缓冲算法可以得到较好的语音质量。当网络中存在突发大时延时,就会出现极大丢包率或极大端到端时延,从而难以获得好的语音质量。为此,提出针对突发大时延下的自适应语音缓冲算法。通过估算网络平均时延和学习语音包经过的网络路径上的状态,来确定需要控制端到端时延大小和语音包的丢包率,动态调整Jitter Buffer队列的最小深度和最大深度,从而可以尽量减小语音裂缝(gap)的出现。通过基于听觉模型的客观音质评价(PESQ)仿真计算以及在实际语音网关设备中的应用表明算法对语音通信质量有一定的改善作用。-The continuous playout of voice packets in the presence of variable network delays is often achieved by buffering the received voice packets for sufficient time. Basic jitter buffering algorithms can work well only when the delay does not spike status of the networks, is presented to promote the quality of voice communication. It timely adjusts the minimal and maximal depth of buffer queue according to the control target of end-to-end delay and packet loss rate. The algorithm can much more easily achieve the continuous playout because it plays voice packet at a fixed inter-play time in the most time of a talk-spurt. The control target of packet loss rate can be extended to 20 . However, the basic algorithms can only bear 5-10 of the packet loss rate. Perceptual evaluation of speech quality(PESQ) is applied to assess the speech quality in the simulation. It is shown that the algorithm can obviously promote the quality of voice communication in IP networks with spike delay. The practic
Platform: | Size: 329728 | Author: 瞿志超 | Hits:

[Graph Drawingdouble-buffering-Draw

Description: 双缓冲绘图技术的一个实现,希望对大家有所帮助。-Double buffering graphics technology, an implementation, we want to help.
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: eddy | Hits:


Description: 双缓冲绘图编程实验。实现绘图操作的快速,无闪烁-realise the Double buffering graphics
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: 张正涛 | Hits:

[Program docStrataXGSIV-WP200-buffering

Description: buffering mechanism that is for the the scheduling and qos
Platform: | Size: 370688 | Author: top | Hits:


Description: buffering code source in vba
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: nadism | Hits:


Description: 使用双缓冲技术防止重绘时闪烁的一个简单例子,在图片上绘制一个矩形用于选择一片区域-A simple example using double buffering to prevent flickering when redraw,it draws a rectangle on the image to select a region.
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: IversonSun | Hits:

[Special Effectsdouble-buffering

Description: // 经过改进后,画面刷新速度大大加快,绝对看不到任何的“扫描线”,帧数也从5帧一下就提高到了9帧, // 几乎是两倍于前的速度。这究竟是什么原因呢?让我来讲述其中的道理。 // 因为圆是要一个一个画上去,所以每画一个圆,系统就要做一次图形的绘制操作, // 图形的重绘是很占用资源的,当需要重绘的图形数量很多的时候,所造成的系统开销就特别大, // 造成我们看到的那种刷新缓慢的情况。那么如何来解决这个问题呢? //答案就是双缓冲,何谓“双缓冲”?它的基本原理就是:先在内存中开辟一块虚拟画布, // 然后将所有需要画的图形先画在这块“虚拟画布”上,最后在一次性将整块画布画到真正的窗体上。 // 因为所有的单个图形的绘制都不是真正的调用显示系统来“画”,所以不会占用显示系统的开销,极大的提高的绘图效率。 -Is the double buffering, what is a "double buffering"? Its basic principle is: to create a virtual canvas in memory, and then will all need to draw the graphics first painting in the "virtual canvas", finally, in a one-off the entire piece of canvas painting real form.
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 王斌 | Hits:


Description: dac0832双缓冲工作模式程序 8位D/A转换器-dac0832 double buffering mode program 8 D/A converter
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: zc | Hits:


Description: 如果窗体在响应WM_PAINT消息的时候要进行复杂的图形处理,由于窗体在频繁的用背景色来擦除原有图形,引起了很大的视觉反差。从而引起了闪烁。解决这一问题的有效方法就是双缓冲技术。-If the form is in response to WM_PAINT message when complex graphics, as in the form of frequent with the background color to erase the original graphics, caused a great visual contrast. Causing flicker. An effective way to solve this problem is to double buffering.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: | Hits:
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