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用C#编写的B/S,OA系统,没有解压密码,源码开放!有兴趣者可与我联系!C#- B/S compiles which with C#, OA system, has not decompressed the password, the source code opening! Some interests may relate with me! C#
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.22mb Publisher : nick whith c#开发的基于web应用的b/s结构的oa系统的核心源代码-Asp. Net whith c # development of web-based applications b / s oa structure of the system's core source code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 47.42kb Publisher : lee

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 276.9kb Publisher : 不知道

一 安装MYSQL..建立workflow库,将包中的WORKFLOW.SQL数据导入库1:首先确定系统中安装了JRE1.4.2以上的JAVA运行环境2:然后将该RAR包解压到本地磁盘上3:修改数据库配置文件param.ini(将JDBC的连接URL属性修改为本机的库连接属性)4:运行...........(客户端由于与一个OA系统相连接,不方便做成C/S,以后会有C/S版的客户端)-install MYSQL .. a building workflow, there will be a package of WORKFLOW.SQL data into a library : first determine system installed JRE1.4.2 over two Java runtime environment : RAR then save the package to extract local disk 3 : modification of the database configuration file param . ini (JDBC to connect the URL property modifications of the library-based machine connected properties) 4 : Run .............( client due to an OA system link, causing inconvenience to the C / S, will have the C / S version the client)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 693.37kb Publisher : 侯晓鹏

B/s结构,采用 MS SQL 编写。严格按照三层结构,不失为学习 C#的好例子。安泰OA办公系统自动化系统-B / s structure and Asp. Net (C#) MS SQL prepared. In strict accordance with the three-tier structure is, after all, learn C# a good example. Aetna OA office automation system
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.24mb Publisher : 许英奎

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一 安装MYSQL..建立workflow库,将包中的WORKFLOW.SQL数据导入库1:首先确定系统中安装了JRE1.4.2以上的JAVA运行环境2:然后将该RAR包解压到本地磁盘上3:修改数据库配置文件param.ini(将JDBC的连接URL属性修改为本机的库连接属性)4:运行...........(客户端由于与一个OA系统相连接,不方便做成C/S,以后会有C/S版的客户端)-install MYSQL .. a building workflow, there will be a package of WORKFLOW.SQL data into a library : first determine system installed JRE1.4.2 over two Java runtime environment : RAR then save the package to extract local disk 3 : modification of the database configuration file param . ini (JDBC to connect the URL property modifications of the library-based machine connected properties) 4 : Run .............( client due to an OA system link, causing inconvenience to the C/S, will have the C/S version the client)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 693kb Publisher : 侯晓鹏

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B/s结构,采用 MS SQL 编写。严格按照三层结构,不失为学习 C#的好例子。安泰OA办公系统自动化系统-B/s structure and Asp. Net (C#) MS SQL prepared. In strict accordance with the three-tier structure is, after all, learn C# a good example. Aetna OA office automation system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.42mb Publisher : 许英奎

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用C#编写的B/S,OA系统,没有解压密码,源码开放!有兴趣者可与我联系!C#- B/S compiles which with C#, OA system, has not decompressed the password, the source code opening! Some interests may relate with me! C#
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.22mb Publisher : whith c#开发的基于web应用的b/s结构的oa系统的核心源代码-Asp. Net whith c# development of web-based applications b/s oa structure of the system's core source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 47kb Publisher : lee

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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 277kb Publisher : 不知道

用多层写的关于权限的分类OA系统,里面包括的有大家想要程序-Using multi-write permissions on the classification of OA system, which includes the U.S. want to have the procedure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.69mb Publisher : lu

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C# oa 项目 界面精美,源码齐全,及C#源码中的经典,o yah-C# oa project attractive interface, complete source code and C# source code in the classic, o yahoo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.78mb Publisher : 柏贵雷

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一套JAVA开发的OA系统 c/s系统 -A set of JAVA development of OA system, c/s systems
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.74mb Publisher : Eric

企业员工管理系统 C/S 基于 JAVA-OA C/S JAVA
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.95mb Publisher : 高飞

办公自动化(Office Automation)的概念最先是由美国提出来的。20世纪70年 代,麻省理工学院教授M.C.Zisman为它进行了最初的定义:办公自动化就是将 计算机技术、系统科学及行为科学应用于传统的数据处理难以处理的数量庞大且 结构不明确的、包括非数字型信息的办公事务处理的一项综合技术111。 三十多年来,从世界范围来看,办公自动化的发展经历了3个阶段:1975 年以前为第一阶段,采用单机设备(文字处理机、复印机、传真机、交换机等), 完成单项工作。20世纪70年代后期到80年代初期为第二阶段,开始采用一些 综合设备(如专业交换机、局域网等)。在一定范围内实现了数据的共享和设备的 共享。20世纪80年代之后为第三阶段,数据、文字、声音、图像等多媒体信息, 通过广域网传输、处理和存储,从而在更大范围内实现了资源共享。到了20世 纪90年代,办公自动化又被赋予了新的概念,这就是将现代办公设备与国际互 联网结合起来,形成了一种全新的办公方式。这正是今天我们所说的办公自动化 系统。 -Office automation is a synthetically technique that originates in 70’s. The development of compunction lay a foundation for OA. It involves to numerous aspects of computer and is application of technology of computer, network and database. At first, the article discussed history of the OA system s development based on the work of developing the system in .NET platform. And then, analyses some kinds of OA technologie. This system is divided into three big and main function mold pieces: Personnel Manage, File Manage, System Manage, every mold is in front and back stages to carry on the different usage and managements. A front stage of mold carries on the basic operation such as exchanges read, writing and manages. The backstage carries on the processing and statistic of the data and information in the front stage. People can use the system with loginning into the system and the pepodom what the manager granted.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 694kb Publisher :

协同视频会议系统解决方案 视频会议系统由服务器端软件、客户端软件组成。 视频会议系统是纯软件的解决方案,可运行于互联网、专网、VPN 等多种类型的网 络中,支持B/S 和C/S 架构,方便与企业网站、OA、ERP 等系统无缝整合;支持多台服 务器级联,均衡系统带宽的使用;支持更多用户并发,实现运营级视频会议的应用;实 现远程协同办公、多方视频会议等应用,方便用户部署和使用;除支持桌面终端和大型 会场终端外,还支持VOIP 和标准协议的硬件终端接入,可满足大型会场视频会议、个 人商务视频会议等多种形式会议需求。-Collaborative video conferencing solutions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.03mb Publisher : wmm

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Gaea 人力资源管理系统(简称Gaea)是HR家园社区 在积累大量用户需求的基础上,开发完成的一套人力资源管理系统。 该系统融合了现代人力资源管理理念和众多国内外企业的实践经验,为企业人力资源管理提供决策支持和辅助管理。系统改善了传统C/S模式用户体验差的缺陷,以“功能全面,操作简便”为开发宗旨,涵盖人力资源管理的各项业务. 优势 ※基于J2EE技术的B/S结构,实现局域网/互联网访问,促进企业全国范围内人力资源业务的整合; ※信息集中化管理,通过权限共享eHR信息,不受地域限制; ※客户端的免安装和零维护,极大的降低了企业的维护成本。 ※开放的体系结构,支持windows、Linux平台,支持各种应用服务器,如Tomcat、JBoss、Resin、Websphere等,采用MySQL数据库; ※强大的数据导入、导出功能,可与考勤机、OA系统等接口,使企业的信息系统完全融合。 -The Gaea Human Resource Management System (Gaea) is the HR home community on the basis of the accumulation of a large number of user needs, developed a set of human resource management system. The system incorporates the practical experience of modern human resource management philosophy and many domestic and foreign enterprises to provide decision support and assist management, human resources management for the enterprise. The system improves the defects of traditional C/S mode, the user experience, full-featured, easy to operate "for the development of the purpose of covering the business of Human Resource Management. Superiority * B/S architecture based on J2EE technology, LAN/Internet access, and promote the integration of human resources business enterprises nationwide The ※ centralize information management, permission to share the eHR information, without geographical restrictions * Client free installation and zero maintenance, greatly reducin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27.78mb Publisher : 木头

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visual c#写的oa系统,具有基于.net框架web功能。-OA which s wrote using c# .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.23mb Publisher : qcong

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办公自动化 即时通信 收发邮件 评论 C/S模式-OA mail communacate
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14.86mb Publisher : 呓梦

项目描述:OA办公系统基于B/S架构设计。 包括文件管理、共享下载、消息管理、公文流传、通知管理、内部论坛、人力资源管理、资产管理 等。 文件管理:接收文件 传送文件 文件操作记录 共享下载:查看共享 上传共享 管理共享 消息管理:接收消息 发送消息 部门群发 发送记录 我的群组 公文流转:接收公文 发送公文 发送记录 通知管理:查看通知 发布通知 通知管理 新闻管理:浏览新闻 发布新闻 内部论坛:查看帖子 发布帖子 头像管理 工作日志:提交日志 日志记录 批阅日志 日志汇总(Project Description: OA office system is designed based on B / S architecture. Including file management, sharing and downloading, message management, official document circulation, notice management, internal forum, human resource management, asset management, etc. File management: receive file transfer file operation record Share Download: View share upload share management share Message management: receiving and sending messages department group sending records my group Official document flow: receiving official document sending official document sending record Notice management: View notice release notice notice management News management: browse news release news Internal Forum: view the management of Posts and post avatars Work log: submit log record review log summary)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.25mb Publisher : aaaaaa2008a
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