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功能简介: 可以在程序运行过程中动态完成数学函数表达式字符串的编译执行, 可以带参数,支持布尔运算,定积分 动态生成机器码执行(并带编译优化),不是解释执行,执行速度超快!!! 可以想象,它他用在分形函数上时,可以允许用户自由输入新的方程式!而且速度还超级的快,心动了吧! 数学函数动态编译器类有两个,一个支持的是浮点类型,一个支持的是复数类型 而且同时提供了三种语言的开发支持(进行了封装):Delphi版(C++Builder也可以使用)、VB版(功能有限制)、VC版 为了方便开发,他们都附带提供了各自语言的一个有大量函数的复数函数库; -profiles : in the course of running dynamic mathematical function expression string compiler implementation, can take parameters, support for Boolean operation, the integral implementation of dynamically generated binary (and with compiler optimization) is not explained, it implemented ultrafast speed! ! ! Can imagine, in which he used on fractal function, allows users the freedom to import new formula! But the speed of super fast, echocardiography! Math dynamic compiler Class 2, a floating-point support is a type of support is a complex type at the same time, available in three languages to support the development of (the package) : Delphi version (C Builder can also use), VB version (limited functionality), VC version to facilitate development, provided they are accompanied by their resp
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 386.34kb Publisher : 王晶

作  者 何强 何英 [同作者作品] 【出 版 社】 清华大学出版社 【书 号】 7-900641-80-7 本书以MATLAB扩展编程及其应用实例为主线,以MATLAB与C程序、Visual Basic、Excel、网络和系统硬件的接口为核心,采用图文并茂的方式、简捷明快的手法和通俗易懂的语言,配合大量的代码实例以及一个简单的语音识别系统的具体实现,系统介绍了MATLAB的新特性、常用的代码优化方法和功能扩展途径。全书分为3部分,共13章。第1部分(第1章—第6章):MATLAB 6的安装和运行、MatrixVB、Excellink、MATLAB Web Server、MATLAB的数据结构和编程技巧、MATLAB图形用户界面编程:第2部分(第7章—第11章):MATLAB引擎、MATLAB可执行程序、MATLAB C++数学库和图形库、MATLAB Runtime Server、MATLAB访问系统硬件;第3部分(第12章、第13章):MATLAB的录音工具、基于MATLAB的语音识别系统。 本书面向有一定MATLAB、C/C++语言编程基础的理工科学生、科研人员和教学工作者,既是新手进阶提高的读物,又是中高级MATLAB用户的必备手册。 -author Qiang Ying [with the authors] [publisher] [Tsinghua University Press ISBN : 7-900 641-80-7 book MATLAB to expand programming and application examples main line, to MATLAB and C program, Visual Basic, Excel, network and system hardware interface to the core, using text, Simple crisper practices and user-friendly language, a lot of code examples and a simple speech recognition system is a concrete realization, MATLAB system of the new features, the common code optimization and functional way to expand. The entire book is divided into three parts, with a total of 13 chapters. Part 1 (Chapter 1-Chapter 6) : 6 MATLAB installation and operation matrixVB. Excellink, MATLAB Web Server, MATLAB data structures and programming skills, MATLAB graphical user interface programming : Part 2 (Chapt
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 21.95mb Publisher : 黄晓东

OpenGL Game Programming 一书的源代码,相当具有参考价值!包含书中的所有的例子! Beginning OpenGL Game Programming(OpenGl游戏程序设计高级入门),说高级是因为这本书确实不同一般,深入讲解OpenGL的游戏开发过程.而说是入门教程:它是一步一步的引导读者去学习.从最基础到高级. GameDev.net的两个站长写的书,这本书不只提供了一个极好的OPENGL的入门,而是整体讲述了3D程序设计. 本书是对OpenGL开发函数库的介绍,让读者对当今流行的开发语言有深入的了解;游戏设计的基本功:2D算法,3D算法,数学、物理算法,让读者从本质上掌握如何制作出真实、可信的游戏;精心设计的范例在潜移默化中引导读者学习游戏设计的细节! With "Beginning OpenGL Game Programming", you'll learn how to use OpenGL to develop games using high-performance graphics and game libraries. Focusing solely on topics related to graphics and OpenGL, this comprehensive guide gives you the skills you need to unleash the power of OpenGL 1.5 and create realistic, real-time graphics. If you are just getting started in 3D game development and are comfortable programming in C++, this guide is your ideal introduction to OpenGL. By the time you finish this book, you'll understand the basics of OpenGL and be able to apply your newfound skills as you create your own games!
Update : 2009-04-07 Size : 7.44mb Publisher :

Update : 2011-03-07 Size : 638.84kb Publisher :

功能简介: 可以在程序运行过程中动态完成数学函数表达式字符串的编译执行, 可以带参数,支持布尔运算,定积分 动态生成机器码执行(并带编译优化),不是解释执行,执行速度超快!!! 可以想象,它他用在分形函数上时,可以允许用户自由输入新的方程式!而且速度还超级的快,心动了吧! 数学函数动态编译器类有两个,一个支持的是浮点类型,一个支持的是复数类型 而且同时提供了三种语言的开发支持(进行了封装):Delphi版(C++Builder也可以使用)、VB版(功能有限制)、VC版 为了方便开发,他们都附带提供了各自语言的一个有大量函数的复数函数库; -profiles : in the course of running dynamic mathematical function expression string compiler implementation, can take parameters, support for Boolean operation, the integral implementation of dynamically generated binary (and with compiler optimization) is not explained, it implemented ultrafast speed! ! ! Can imagine, in which he used on fractal function, allows users the freedom to import new formula! But the speed of super fast, echocardiography! Math dynamic compiler Class 2, a floating-point support is a type of support is a complex type at the same time, available in three languages to support the development of (the package) : Delphi version (C Builder can also use), VB version (limited functionality), VC version to facilitate development, provided they are accompanied by their resp
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.99mb Publisher : 王晶

作  者 何强 何英 [同作者作品] 【出 版 社】 清华大学出版社 【书 号】 7-900641-80-7 本书以MATLAB扩展编程及其应用实例为主线,以MATLAB与C程序、Visual Basic、Excel、网络和系统硬件的接口为核心,采用图文并茂的方式、简捷明快的手法和通俗易懂的语言,配合大量的代码实例以及一个简单的语音识别系统的具体实现,系统介绍了MATLAB的新特性、常用的代码优化方法和功能扩展途径。全书分为3部分,共13章。第1部分(第1章—第6章):MATLAB 6的安装和运行、MatrixVB、Excellink、MATLAB Web Server、MATLAB的数据结构和编程技巧、MATLAB图形用户界面编程:第2部分(第7章—第11章):MATLAB引擎、MATLAB可执行程序、MATLAB C++数学库和图形库、MATLAB Runtime Server、MATLAB访问系统硬件;第3部分(第12章、第13章):MATLAB的录音工具、基于MATLAB的语音识别系统。 本书面向有一定MATLAB、C/C++语言编程基础的理工科学生、科研人员和教学工作者,既是新手进阶提高的读物,又是中高级MATLAB用户的必备手册。 -author Qiang Ying [with the authors] [publisher] [Tsinghua University Press ISBN : 7-900 641-80-7 book MATLAB to expand programming and application examples main line, to MATLAB and C program, Visual Basic, Excel, network and system hardware interface to the core, using text, Simple crisper practices and user-friendly language, a lot of code examples and a simple speech recognition system is a concrete realization, MATLAB system of the new features, the common code optimization and functional way to expand. The entire book is divided into three parts, with a total of 13 chapters. Part 1 (Chapter 1-Chapter 6) : 6 MATLAB installation and operation matrixVB. Excellink, MATLAB Web Server, MATLAB data structures and programming skills, MATLAB graphical user interface programming : Part 2 (Chapt
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21.95mb Publisher : 黄晓东
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