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ArcGIS_Engine+C#实例开发实例 第一讲:桌面GIS应用程序框架的建立 第二讲 菜单的添加及其实现 第三讲 MapControl与PageLayoutControl同步 (一) 第三讲 MapControl与PageLayoutControl同步 (二) 第三讲 MapControl与PageLayoutControl同步 (三) 第四讲 状态栏信息的添加与实现 第五讲 鹰眼的实现 第六讲 右键菜单添加与实现 第七讲 图层符号选择器的实现 第七讲 图层符号选择器的实现2 第八讲 属性数据表的查询显示 第九讲 图层文本标注
Update : 2012-02-06 Size : 514.71kb Publisher :

电子地图 地理信息系统二次开发实例教程-C#和MapObjects实现程序源码-electronic GIS maps example of Secondary Development Guide-C# and procedures to achieve MapObjects FOSS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : 万沈军

Visual C++开发GIS系统(陈建春)附书光盘,里面包含本书全部完整源代码。-Visual C development of GIS (Chen Jianchun) attached CD, which contains all of the integrity of the source code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 214kb Publisher : 柯红军

vb通讯《GIS开发者》Visual Basic 是Mcrosoft公司推出的强有力的系列开发软件之一,而且以其实用、方便、快捷、开发周期短、广泛而强大的功能越来越被广大编程人员所亲赖,广为流传,似乎有些专业的编程人员放弃了Visaul C++ 而改用了Visaul Basic之类的RAD编程工具,尽管Visaul C++在灵活性、代码紧凑、运行速度快及底层开发等方面Visaul Basic无法比拟的,但编写C++应用程序过长的调试和开发周期确实有点不适应当今的应用程序开发环境。-vb communications, "GIS" Visual Basic is Mcrosoft launched a series of powerful software development, but its practical, convenient, fast and short development cycle, extensive and powerful features are increasingly the majority of programmers are pro-Lai, the most widely circulated, it appears that some professional programmers abandoned FoxPro C and switch to the Basic FoxPro like RAD programming tools, despite the flexibility of C FoxPro, code compact, fast operation and development, and so on the bottom FoxPro Basic incomparable, but the C application debugging and long development cycle is really not suited to today the application development environment.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 张和

用vc开发gis程序的代码,电子书可以在网上下载,希望大家多贡献多交流-with vc development gis procedure code, e-books can be downloaded from the Internet, we hope that the contribution to more exchanges
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 391kb Publisher : jing

这是gis系统的一个代码,专业性比较强,希望对大家有帮助!~-This is a system of code, professional relatively strong, we want to help! ~
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 403kb Publisher : 钱永刚

vxworks下的GIS系统。 使用说明: 1.下载 "VxEmapgis.out" 或则 "VxEmapgis2.out" 到目标机 2.运行 "main" ,启动应用程序 , 3.按 "ESC" 弹出菜单, 4.选择 "打开图层" , 弹出图打开窗口 , 输入图层文件名称 如 “road.vxw” 或者 “water.vxw” 5.按 大写字母"O",确定, 或者大写字母 “C”取消 6.按方向箭头、pagedown , pageup 实现漫游 , , + , - 实现缩放 7.按 "ESC" 第二次可以取消菜单 8.图层控制窗口中,列出了已打开的图层 , 使用方向箭头移动,选择相应的图层可以关闭,也可以在这里打开图层 9.选择菜单项 退出系统 ,结束应用程序 注:需要支持x86-bios 的PC机 , 我测试所用机器是: 目标机: p2的350M cpu + 256M内存 + Tornado2.02 + windml2.0 主机: p4 + window2000 server 虽然我已经把windml的库连接到程序里,可能还需要安装WINDML2.0,我不大确定. 需要把图层文件(“road.vxw” , “water.vxw” , "region.vxw" , "placename.vxw"),符号文件(symbollib目录)等 拷贝到wftpd的根目录下面 VxEmapgis.out : 没有中断提示 VxEmapgis2.out: 有中断提示-VxWorks under the GIS system. Use : 1. Download "VxEmapgis.out" or the "VxEmapgis2.out" to the target machine 2. Running the "main", launch applications, 3. According to the "ESC" pop-up menu, 4. Select "Open layer," pop-up window opened map input layer document names such as "road.vxw" or "water.vxw" 5. according capital letters "O" to identify, or capital letters "C" the cancellation of six. by direction of the arrow, Page, Page roaming, and- to achieve scalability 7. according to the "ESC" a second menu can be lifted eight. layer control window, which lists the already opened layer, the use of mobile direction of the arrow, choose the corresponding layer can be closed, you can also open
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.87mb Publisher : 康康

完整的基本图形绘制系统vc源码.rar 简单的gis的基本操作,对于初学gis和vc的人来说,应该是个不错的例子-integrity of the basic graphics rendering system vc source. Rar simple gis the basic operation for beginners gis vc and the people, should be a good example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 303kb Publisher : 王威

vc.net实现二维GIS图形的编辑功能,添加,选择,移动,删除等功能 2D GIS graphics editing functions, add, select, move, delete function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.98mb Publisher : 王书红

C# GIS开发 用C#语言编写的,关于用Mapobject画三维饼图的原代码,很使用-GIS C# C# language, for the use of 3D pie Mapobject painting of the original code is used
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 609kb Publisher : 王三

C# 和 ArcGIS Engine 开发运用 实例 程序 开发 环境为.NET-C# and ArcGIS Engine examples of the development and application of procedures for the development environment.NET
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : liud

一个简单的地理信息系统实现的C++源代码。后台使用mysql连接数据库。-a simple geographic information systems of the C source code. Background use mysql connect to the database.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.26mb Publisher : 蒋荣安

北京市地理信息系统公众查询系统二次开发实例教程-C#和MapObjects实现-Beijing GIS system of public inquiries example of Secondary Development Guide-C# and achieve MapObjects
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : 爱柳久久

一个最基本的GIS,需要包含如下的组成部分:管理空间坐标数据的矢量图形系统,管理属性数据的数据库管理系统,以及实现矢量图形系统与数据库管理系统双向连接的连接系统以及空间分析功能等。 矢量图形系统是GIS的重要部分,也是开发GIS系统时的重点所在。一个基本的矢量图形系统一般需要如下的功能: 1.相对完善的图形元素,应具备处理点,线,面,网络等图形元素的能力,这类图形系统在很大程度上能够满足普通的管理型GIS的矢量图形系统的要求。提功矢量显示图形的功能在很大程度上能够改善矢量图形界面的质量。 2.相对完善的图形操作功能。应具备图形的放缩,移动等各种操作功能。 3.相对完善的图形输入和输出功能。应具备鼠标交互绘制功能,图形数据交互输入等功能。 4.定制和使用线形。 5.具有子图填充功能。 6.具有网络描述和处理能力。 7.具有图层,颜色,线形等的设置功能。 8.具有较大的存储容量。处理图形元素的容量应该能够达到一般实用要求。 -a basic GIS, the need to contain the following components : Coordinate data management space vector graphics system, the attribute data management database management system and the realization of vector graphics system and the database management system of two-way link connecting systems and spatial analysis functions. Vector graphics system is an important part of GIS, as well as the development of GIS systems are all about. A basic vector graphics systems generally require the following functions : 1. A relatively perfect graphics elements, should have the point, line, surface, the Internet and other graphic elements, these graphics system in large measure to meet the general management of GIS vector graphics system requirements. Gong said the vector graphics display functions in large
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 459kb Publisher : aaa

DL : 1
这就是陈建春的《用Visual C++开发GIS系统》的配套代码。 用来给初学者熟悉VC++图形编程很不错,我当初学MFC的时候就是照着这本书上手的。但作为一个GIS系统来说缺少一些必要的 要素,比如大数据量的管理、空间索引、符号化、投影等等等等等。以现在的眼光看来整个系统的架构设计也不是太好。 这本书再版后改名为《矢量图形系统开发与编程》,内容变化不大-"using Visual C development of GIS systems" supporting code. For beginners to the VC familiar with graphical programming quite well, and I had the time to learn MFC is shining on this book in the business. But as a GIS systems lack the necessary elements, such as the large amount of data management, spatial indexing, symbols, such as projectors, etc.. Now the point of view of the entire system architecture design is not too good. This book reprinted later renamed as "vector graphics systems development and programming", little change
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 143kb Publisher : 林意

新的GIS,一个完整的GIS系统设计,具备基本的功能-new GIS, a comprehensive GIS system design, equipped with the basic functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.65mb Publisher : lucyliuu

DL : 0
C#开发地理信息地位系统简明教程,第二章节-C# Development status of geographic information systems simple tutorial, the second chapter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 185kb Publisher : LaoDao

VC++开发GIS系统代码,赶快下载,过期作废!-VC++ Development of GIS system code, quickly download expired!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 171kb Publisher : guo

《Visual C++开发GIS系统——开发实例剖析》-Visual C++ GIS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.29mb Publisher : zhutong

A GIS plateform used in C#.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 98kb Publisher : 马〇鼠
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