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这是一本讲解C语言的书,是英文编写,十分经典,是大部分公司的新职员入职之前必须要看的书籍之一,很多公司都以它作为培训教材,帮助你更快了解C语言的奥妙。 Contents l Preface l Preface to the first edition l Introduction 1. Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction 1. Getting Started 2. Variables and Arithmetic Expressions 3. The for statement 4. Symbolic Constants 5. Character Input and Output 1. File Copying 2. Character Counting 3. Line Counting 4. Word Counting 6. Arrays 7. Functions 8. Arguments - Call by Value 9. Character Arrays 10. External Variables and Scope 2. Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions 1. Variable Names 2. Data Types and Sizes 3. Constants 4. Declarations 5. Arithmetic Operators 6. Relational and Logical Operators 7. Type Conversions 8. Increment and Decrement Operators 9. Bitwise Operators 10. Assignment Operators and Expressions 11. Conditional Expressions 12. Precedence and Order of Evaluation 3. Chapter 3: Control Flow 1. Statements and Blocks 2. If-Else 3. Else-If 4. Switch 5. Loops - While and For 6. Loops - Do-While 7. Break and Continue 8. Goto and labels 4. Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure 1. Basics of Functions 2. Functions Returning Non-integers 3. External Variables 4. Scope Rules 5. Header Files 6. Static Variables 7. Register Variables 8. Block Structure 9. Initialization 10. Recursion 11. The C Preprocessor 1. File Inclusion 2. Macro Substitution 3. Conditional Inclusion 5. Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays 1. Pointers and Addresses 2. Pointers and Function Arguments 3. Pointers and Arrays 4. Address Arithmetic 5. Character Pointers and Functions 6. Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers 7. Multi-dimensional Arrays 8. Initialization of Pointer Arrays 9. Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays 10. Command-line Arguments 11. Pointers to Functions 12. Complicated Declarations 6. Chapter 6: Structures 1. Basics of Structures 2. Structures and Functions 3. Arrays of Structures 4. Pointers to Structures 5. Self-referential Structures 6. Table Lookup 7. Typedef 8. Unions 9. Bit-fields 7. Chapter 7: Input and Output 1. Standard Input and Output 2. Formatted Output - printf 3. Variable-length Argument Lists 4. Formatted Input - Scanf 5. File Access 6. Error Handling - Stderr and Exit 7. Line Input and Output 8. Miscellaneous Functions 1. String Operations 2. Character Class Testing and Conversion 3. Ungetc 4. Command Execution 5. Storage Management 6. Mathematical Functions 7. Random Number generation 8. Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface 1. File Descriptors 2. Low Level I/O - Read and Write 3. Open, Creat, Close, Unlink 4. Random Access - Lseek 5. Example - An implementation of Fopen and Getc 6. Example - Listing Directories 7. Example - A Storage Allocator l Appendix A: Reference Manual 1. Introduction 2. Lexical Conventions 3. Syntax Notation 4. Meaning of Identifiers 5. Objects and Lvalues 6. Conversions 7. Expressions 8. Declarations 9. Statements 10. External Declarations 11. Scope and Linkage 12. Preprocessor 13. Grammar l Appendix B: Standard Library 1. Input and Output: 1. File Operations 2. Formatted Output 3. Formatted Input 4. Character Input and Output Functions 5. Direct Input and Output Functions 6. File Positioning Functions 7. Error Functions 2. Character Class Tests: 3. String Functions: 4. Mathematical Functions: 5. Utility Functions: 6. Diagnostics: 7. Variable Argument Lists: 8. Non-local Jumps: 9. Signals: 10. Date and Time Functions: 11. Implementation-defined Limits: and l Appendix C: Summary of Changes
Update : 2010-12-25 Size : 557.26kb Publisher :

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C Preprocessor,antlr的grammar语言描述,用于学习词法分析,语法分析-C Preprocessor, antlr language to describe the grammar for learning lexical analysis, syntax analysis
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : renteng

C Preprocessor,antlr的grammar语言描述,用于学习词法分析,语法分析-C Preprocessor, antlr language to describe the grammar for learning lexical analysis, syntax analysis
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 169kb Publisher : renteng

C语言的陷阱和缺陷,本文讲了词法“陷阱”、语法“陷阱”、语言“陷阱”、连接、库函数、预处理器、可移植性缺陷等(The pitfalls and pitfalls of C language include lexical traps, grammar traps, language traps, connections, library functions, preprocessor, portability defects, and so on)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.69mb Publisher : wyy_
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