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[OpenGL programC常用程序集移植到VC开发环境的源代码

Description: 针对C程序的特点,给出将之移植到VC集成环境下的技术,对一个常用程序集实施了大规模的改写,并提供了C++数组和矩阵模板类,对C程序进行面向对象的封装。 CH1.H-CH15.H改写自徐士良《C常用算法程序集[M]》清华大学出版社(1996.11),第1到第15章,即数值计算部分的所有内容。 AM.H 数组、矩阵类的最初实现 CAM.H 双精度型数组、矩阵类 TAM.H 数组、矩阵模板类 Matrix.h 双精度型矩阵类,数组类请用标准模板库的valarray类 TMatrix.h 矩阵模板类,数组类请用标准模板库的valarray类 这两者配合slice技术使用,可以得到极大的灵活性,标准模板库对效率也是做过优化的。 C++用作数值计算的解决方案包括Matlab数学库的调用,用Matlab、OpenGL实现数-against C program features is to be transplanted to VC integrated technical environment, a procedure commonly used to collect a large-scale rewriting, and to provide an array of C and matrix template category, the C Programming Object-Oriented Packaging. CH1.H - CH15.H rewritten since XU Shi-liang "C algorithms commonly used procedures set [M]" Qinghua University Press (1 996.11), to a Chapter 15, that is part of the numerical calculation of all content. AM.H array matrices CAM.H the first to achieve double-precision array matrices TAM.H array matrix template category Matrix.h double-precision matrix category, array category please use standard template library valarray category TMatrix.h matrix template category, array category please use standard templates for the two categorie
Platform: | Size: 69652 | Author: 苗嘉 | Hits:

[OpenGL programC常用程序集移植到VC开发环境的源代码

Description: 针对C程序的特点,给出将之移植到VC集成环境下的技术,对一个常用程序集实施了大规模的改写,并提供了C++数组和矩阵模板类,对C程序进行面向对象的封装。 CH1.H-CH15.H改写自徐士良《C常用算法程序集[M]》清华大学出版社(1996.11),第1到第15章,即数值计算部分的所有内容。 AM.H 数组、矩阵类的最初实现 CAM.H 双精度型数组、矩阵类 TAM.H 数组、矩阵模板类 Matrix.h 双精度型矩阵类,数组类请用标准模板库的valarray类 TMatrix.h 矩阵模板类,数组类请用标准模板库的valarray类 这两者配合slice技术使用,可以得到极大的灵活性,标准模板库对效率也是做过优化的。 C++用作数值计算的解决方案包括Matlab数学库的调用,用Matlab、OpenGL实现数-against C program features is to be transplanted to VC integrated technical environment, a procedure commonly used to collect a large-scale rewriting, and to provide an array of C and matrix template category, the C Programming Object-Oriented Packaging. CH1.H- CH15.H rewritten since XU Shi-liang "C algorithms commonly used procedures set [M]" Qinghua University Press (1 996.11), to a Chapter 15, that is part of the numerical calculation of all content. AM.H array matrices CAM.H the first to achieve double-precision array matrices TAM.H array matrix template category Matrix.h double-precision matrix category, array category please use standard template library valarray category TMatrix.h matrix template category, array category please use standard templates for the two categorie
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 苗嘉 | Hits:


Description: 共上载5个源码,其中c语言c_matrix为矩阵类,可以实现几十种矩阵运算;其它四个为matlab程序,用于生各种杂波的程序-Upload a total of 5 source code, in which c language for c_matrix matrices can be achieved dozens of matrix operations the other four for the matlab program for Health and a variety of procedures Clutter
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 曹爱华 | Hits:

[3G developQC_codes

Description: Construct the short length of QC LDPC codes without girth 4 and girth 6-The Program to construct the short length of QC LDPC codes without girth 4 and girth 6 Copyright (C) Yang XIAO, Jun FAN, BJTU, July 26, 2007, E-Mail: yxiao@bjtu.edu.cn. This program presents an approach [1] for constructing the short length of LDPC codes with girth 8. First, we design 3 submatrices with different shifting functions given by our schemes, then combine them into a matrix according to our approach, finally, expand the matrix into a desired parity-check matrix using identity matrices and cyclic shift matrices of the identity matrices. The simulation results in AWGN channels show that the codes which can be obtained by the generator matrix derived from this check matrix for encoding the random information bits are as good as random LDPC codes [1]. Ref: [1] J. Fan, Y. Xiao, “A design of LDPC codes with large girth based on the sub-matrix shifting”, IET International Conference on Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks Proceedings (ICWMMN 2006), (CP525), p.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lydia | Hits:


Description: 2、 矩阵(二) 编写C++程序完成以下功能: (1) 假定矩阵大小为4×5(整型); (2) 矩阵空间采用new动态申请,保存在指针中; (3) 定义矩阵初始化函数,可以从cin中输入矩阵元素; (4) 定义矩阵输出函数,将矩阵格式化输出到cout; (5) 定义矩阵相加的函数,实现两个矩阵相加的功能,结果保存在另一个矩阵中; (6) 定义矩阵相减的函数,实现两个矩阵相减的功能,结果保存在另一个矩阵中; (7) 动态申请三个矩阵:A1、A2、A3; (8) 初始化A1、A2; (9) 计算并输出A3 = A1加A2,A3 = A1减A2; (10) 释放矩阵空间。-2, matrix (2) The preparation of C++ program to accomplish the following functions: (1) assumes that matrix size of 4 × 5 (integer) (2) matrix space with new dynamic applications, stored in the pointer (3) defines the matrix initialization function, you can enter the matrix elements from the cin (4) defines the matrix of output function, the matrix format the output to cout (5) defines the matrix, the sum of the function, the sum of two matrices to achieve the functions of a matrix stored in another (6) defines a function of matrix subtraction, subtract two matrices to achieve the function, the results stored in another matrix (7) dynamic applications for three matrices: A1, A2, A3 (8) to initialize A1, A2 (9) to calculate and output of A3 = A1 plus A2, A3 = A1 by A2 (10) release matrix space.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: bedding | Hits:

[assembly languagecompiler_homework

Description: 我大一时候的作业,实现了以下功能: 用16位8086汇编语言编写下列程序之一: a) 两矩阵相加 b) 求Fibonacci数列 c) 输入一个正整数n, 输出1-n之间的所有素数 d) 矩阵相乘 e) 把一个十进制小数转换成IEEE754格式并输出的程序, 要求从键盘输入一个十进制小数,最后在在屏幕上输出IEEE754格式二进制码的序列.-When my freshman year of operations, realization of the following features: 8086 with 16-bit programs written in assembly language one of the following: a) sum of two matrices b) seek Fibonacci series c) Enter a positive integer n, output 1-n for all prime numbers between d) matrix multiplication e) to convert a decimal IEEE754 format and output program Requests from the keyboard to enter a decimal, the final output in IEEE754 format on the screen binary code sequence.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: czxu | Hits:


Description: A program to find the best order to be considered for multiplying matrices so that we can reduce the number of multiplication operation as it is a costly operation.It includes a source code (.c), input file(.txt) and the output file.-A program to find the best order to be considered for multiplying matrices so that we can reduce the number of multiplication operation as it is a costly operation.It includes a source code (.c), input file(.txt) and the output file.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: cbeauty | Hits:

[Windows Developqiutezhengzhi

Description: 改程序为Visual C++环境下的求一般矩阵的特征值的通用程序,方便。-The program for Visual c++ environment for general matrices of the eigenvalue of the general program, convenient.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 张保育 | Hits:

[Energy industry3_106-6

Description: This paper present a Template Sparse Library for Power Systems (TSLPS) developed in C++. Its aim is to provide a coherent platform for many power system applications such as Load Flow(LF), Short Circuit(SC), Optimal Power Flow(OPF) and Transient Stability (TS). The TSLPS is inspired by the recent template numerical library but considers only power system characteristics, eg for a class of large sparse symmetric matrices over real and complex numbers. Template facility of C++ is used to write a generic program on float, double and complex data types. The paper describes the generic code developed and its impact on the power system applications. LF and SC analysis have been successfully applied to the solution of several power systems and presented good computational performance.
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: montather | Hits:


Description: C++实现的自动聚类系统KlustaKwik源代码\KlustaKwik-R1-7\KlustaKwik-ks for any type of data. We needed a program that would: 1) Fit a mixture of Gaussians with unconstrained covariance matrices 2) Automatically choose the number of mixture components 3) Be robust against noise 4) Reduce the problem of local minima 5) Run fast on large data sets (up to 100000 points, 48 dimensions) Speed in particular was essential. KlustaKwik is based on the CEM algorithm of Celeux and Govaert (which is faster than the standard EM algorithm
Platform: | Size: 409600 | Author: 大家 | Hits:

[Windows Developzoj1094

Description: zoj094 Matrix multiplication problem is a typical example of dynamical programming. Suppose you have to evaluate an expression like A*B*C*D*E where A,B,C,D and E are matrices. Since matrix multiplication is associative, the order in which multiplications are performed is arbitrary. However, the number of elementary multiplications needed strongly depends on the evaluation order you choose. For example, let A be a 50*10 matrix, B a 10*20 matrix and C a 20*5 matrix. There are two different strategies to compute A*B*C, namely (A*B)*C and A*(B*C). The first one takes 15000 elementary multiplications, but the second one only 3500. Your job is to write a program that determines the number of elementary multiplications needed for a given evaluation strategy. -Matrix multiplication problem is a typical example of dynamical programming. Suppose you have to evaluate an expression like A*B*C*D*E where A,B,C,D and E are matrices. Since matrix multiplication is associative, the order in which multiplications are performed is arbitrary. However, the number of elementary multiplications needed strongly depends on the evaluation order you choose. For example, let A be a 50*10 matrix, B a 10*20 matrix and C a 20*5 matrix. There are two different strategies to compute A*B*C, namely (A*B)*C and A*(B*C). The first one takes 15000 elementary multiplications, but the second one only 3500. Your job is to write a program that determines the number of elementary multiplications needed for a given evaluation strategy.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 徐鹏豪 | Hits:


Description: 3、 矩阵(三) 编写C++程序完成以下功能: (1) 用类来实现矩阵,定义一个矩阵的类,属性包括:  矩阵大小,用 lines, rows(行、列来表示);  存贮矩阵的数组指针,根据矩阵大小动态申请(new)。 (2) 矩阵类的方法包括:  构造函数,参数是矩阵大小,需要动态申请存贮矩阵的数组;  析构函数,需要释放矩阵的数组指针;  拷贝构造函数,需要申请和复制数组;  输入,可以从cin中输入矩阵元素;  输出,将矩阵格式化输出到cout;  矩阵相加的函数,实现两个矩阵相加的功能,结果保存在另一个矩阵类,但必须矩阵大小相同;  矩阵相减的函数,实现两个矩阵相减的功能,结果保存在另一个矩阵类,但必须矩阵大小相同。 (3) 定义三个矩阵:A1、A2、A3; (4) 初始化A1、A2; (5) 计算并输出A3 = A1加A2,A3=A1减A2; (6) 用new动态创建三个矩阵类的对象:pA1、pA1、pA3; (7) 初始化pA1、pA2; (8) 计算并输出pA3=pA1加pA2,pA3=pA1减pA2; (9) 释放pA1、pA1、pA3。-3, matrix, (c) Write a C++ program to perform the following functions: (1) matrix class, define a matrix of class attributes include:  matrix size, lines, rows (rows and columns to represent)  storage matrix array pointer, dynamic application (new) according to the size of the matrix. (2) matrix class method comprising:  constructor parameter is the size of the matrix, dynamic application memory matrix array  destructor release matrix array pointer  copy constructor, and the need to apply for and copy an array The  input from cin input matrix elements  output, the the matrix formatted output to cout Function  matrix sum, the sum of two matrices, and the results are stored in another matrix class, but must be the same as the size of the matrix  matrix function subtraction, subtract two matrices, and save the results in another matrix class, but it must be the same as the size of the matrix. (3) d
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 维非稳态C语言程序 ,TDMA算法求解三对角矩阵-Dimensional unsteady C language program, TDMA algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrices
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王颜红 | Hits:


Description: 矩阵(二) 编写C++程序完成以下功能: (1)假定矩阵大小为4×5(整型); (2)矩阵空间采用new动态申请,保存在指针中; (3)定义矩阵初始化函数,可以从cin中输入矩阵元素; (4)定义矩阵输出函数,将矩阵格式化输出到cout; (5)定义矩阵相加的函数,实现两个矩阵相加的功能,结果保存在另一个矩阵中; (6)定义矩阵相减的函数,实现两个矩阵相减的功能,结果保存在另一个矩阵中; (7)动态申请三个矩阵:A1、A2、A3; (8)初始化A1、A2; (9)计算并输出A3 = A1加A2,A3 = A1减A2; (10)释放矩阵空间。-Matrix (two) write C++ program performs the following functions: (1) assuming matrix size of 45 (integer) (2) matrix spaces using new dynamic applications, stored in the pointer (3) define the matrix initialization function, you can Enter the matrix elements from cin (4) defines the output function matrix, the matrix format the output to cout (5) defines a function of matrix addition, to achieve the function of two matrices and stores the result in another matrix (6) Define the matrix subtraction function, the realization of the function of two matrices subtraction result is stored in another matrix (7) for the three matrices Dynamic: A1, A2, A3 (8) initialization A1, A2 (9) calculate and output A3 = A1 plus A2, A3 = A1 minus A2 (10) release matrix space.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 熊炜伟 | Hits:


Description: matrix 3x3 Hello all Taringueros, for those who need to multiply, add or subtract matrices with C + + I bring this code, I just need to change the credits, that is, take my name and put yours. This code while not completely mine, if the changes are. The code in Dev C + + shows no errors, not even a warning. I reiterate that this program is more complete than the one that was posted recently, just as the other multiplied matrices, however this gives you the option to choose whether to multiply, add or subtract matrices, another change is that the operations are as functions, this gives you ease of modification to the program ...
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Salvador | Hits:


Description: matriz 3x3 Hello all Taringueros, for those who need to multiply, add or subtract matrices with C + + I bring this code, I just need to change the credits, that is, take my name and put yours. This code while not completely mine, if the changes are. The code in Dev C + + shows no errors, not even a warning. I reiterate that this program is more complete than the one that was posted recently, just as the other multiplied matrices, however this gives you the option to choose whether to multiply, add or subtract matrices, another change is that the operations are as functions, this gives you ease of modification to the program ...
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Salvador | Hits:


Description: MPI程序,矩阵乘以向量,自行输入需要计算的矩阵和向量,计算输出结果并输出时间信息,用于对比加速和效率-MPI program, matrix multiply vectors, matrices and vectors need to enter their own calculation, calculate the output and output time information, for comparing the acceleration and efficiency
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Andee | Hits:

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