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Description: The JICQ is the bureau area which JAVA writes according to \"Customer s Machine/Server\"(C/S) mode message solid hour correspond by letter tool system, the system adopted the SQL Server2000 of Microsoft company as a backstage database, the system passes a JDBC interview database. The system is divided into the server procedure and customer s procedure two parts, server and customer adoption \"Transmission Control Protocol\"(TCP), connect a word (Socket) conjunction through a set, the adoption \"User Datagram Protocol \"(UDP) of the customer s, pass a data report a set to connect a word (DatagramSocket) establishment a conjunction. The system has customer registration, customer to register, increase good friend, delete good friend and send out and receive news etc. function.-JICQ The bureau is the area which write Java s according to the "Customer s Machine / Server" (C / S) mode message solid hour correspond by letter tool system. the system adopted the SQL Server2000 of Micros oft company as a backstage database, the system passes a database JDBC interview. Th e system is divided into the server procedure an d customer s procedure two parts. server and customer adoption "Transmission Co. ntrol Protocol "(TCP), connect a word (Socket) through a conjunction s et. the adoption "User Datagram Protocol" (UDP) of the customer s, pass a data report a set to connect a word (Datagr amSocket) establishment a conjunction. The sy stem has customer registration, customer to register, increase good friend, delete good friend and send out and
Platform: | Size: 17802 | Author: 乔峰 | Hits:


Description: TCP/IP协议的网络通讯DLL,用于向指定数据站发送数据-TCP/IP network communications DLL for the data to the designated stops sending data
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 任静 | Hits:


Description: The JICQ is the bureau area which JAVA writes according to "Customer s Machine/Server"(C/S) mode message solid hour correspond by letter tool system, the system adopted the SQL Server2000 of Microsoft company as a backstage database, the system passes a JDBC interview database. The system is divided into the server procedure and customer s procedure two parts, server and customer adoption "Transmission Control Protocol"(TCP), connect a word (Socket) conjunction through a set, the adoption "User Datagram Protocol "(UDP) of the customer s, pass a data report a set to connect a word (DatagramSocket) establishment a conjunction. The system has customer registration, customer to register, increase good friend, delete good friend and send out and receive news etc. function.-JICQ The bureau is the area which write Java s according to the "Customer s Machine/Server" (C/S) mode message solid hour correspond by letter tool system. the system adopted the SQL Server2000 of Micros oft company as a backstage database, the system passes a database JDBC interview. Th e system is divided into the server procedure an d customer s procedure two parts. server and customer adoption "Transmission Co. ntrol Protocol "(TCP), connect a word (Socket) through a conjunction s et. the adoption "User Datagram Protocol" (UDP) of the customer s, pass a data report a set to connect a word (Datagr amSocket) establishment a conjunction. The sy stem has customer registration, customer to register, increase good friend, delete good friend and send out and
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 乔峰 | Hits:


Description: 本附录介绍一些新的A P I函数,有了这些函数,便可在自己的计算机上对I P协议统计情况 进行查询和管理。它们有助于获得下面的能力: ■ I p c o n f i g . e x e(或适用于微软Windows 95的Wi n i p c f g . e x e):显示I P配置信息,允许释放 和更新D H C P分配的I P地址。 ■ N e t s t a t . e x e:显示T C P连接表、U D P监听者表以及I P协议统计情况。 ■ R o u t e . e x e:显示并处理网络路由表。 ■ A r p . e x e:显示并修改供“地址解析协议”(A R P)使用的I P到物理地址翻译表。-This appendix to introduce some new API functions, these functions can be on your computer to the IP protocol statistics query and management. Their ability to contribute to the acquisition of the following: ■ I pconfig. Exe (or apply to Microsoft Windows 95 s Wi nipcfg. Exe): display IP configuration information, allowing the release and update DHCP allocated IP address. ■ N etstat. Exe: show TCP connection table, UDP Listener Table, as well as IP protocol statistics. ■ R oute. Exe: display and handle the network routing table. ■ A rp. Exe: display and modify for ARP (ARP) to use the IP to physical address translation table.
Platform: | Size: 427008 | Author: 楼洛阳 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackconnect+disconnect

Description: linux c 网络编程 实tcp的链接和断开 非常适合于初学者-linux c network programming is tcp disconnect the link and very suitable for beginners
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 1.说明 类似于QQ的局域网聊天软件,包括服务器端和客户端程序,采用tcp/ip socket多线程编程,服务器端主要负责客户端用户的注册登陆,用户资料的获取.客户端负责与其他客户端进行信息控制与传递(包括聊天和传送文件). 2.特点 a.采用tcp非udp的socket编程,保证传输的稳定性和实时性. b.在同步操作时大多数采用了多线程和超时控制.例如:在传送文件的同时能继续聊天. c.服务器只负责用户登陆,查询,修改用户的基本信息和实时的在线用户列表.而不参与客户端之间的信息传递. d.每个客户端既是聊天的发起端,又是接收端,实现了多点同时聊天和传送文件. -err
Platform: | Size: 248832 | Author: 肖武华 | Hits:


Description: securité du systéme d exploitation linux : Introduction La sécurité physique La sécurisation du processus d’amorç age Le BIOS Les principes fondamentaux relatifs au système et à l’utilisateur La sécurité du réseau TCP/IP La sécurité du système de fichiers Les avantages à tirer des PAM L’utilisation de ipchains pour le routage et la mise en place d’un pare-feu Les pare-feu et le routage avec iptables La sécurité d’Apache et des services FTP et  SMTP La sécurité réseau: DNS avec BIND La sécurité réseau: NFS et SAMBA Le chiffrement des flux de données Conclusion -securité du systéme d exploitation linux : Introduction La sécurité physique La sécurisation du processus d’amorç age Le BIOS Les principes fondamentaux relatifs au système et à l’utilisateur La sécurité du réseau TCP/IP La sécurité du système de fichiers Les avantages à tirer des PAM L’utilisation de ipchains pour le routage et la mise en place d’un pare-feu Les pare-feu et le routage avec iptables La sécurité d’Apache et des services FTP et  SMTP La sécurité réseau: DNS avec BIND La sécurité réseau: NFS et SAMBA Le chiffrement des flux de données Conclusion
Platform: | Size: 495616 | Author: faaa | Hits:


Description: 这是用C#做的一个简易的Windows平台下的聊天软件,包括了客户端和服务端的全部源码,注释很详细,有兴趣学习.net应用开发的同学可以下载来学习学习。这个示例包含了了C/S架构软件开发的很多基础知识和思想。 功能包括群发,私聊,发送震动,收到消息发声,闪屏提示等等,大致类似于QQ的多人聊天会话功能。 涉及到的知识主要包括: 1. TCP/IP通信,包括TcpClient , TcpListener , Socket , NetworkStream等几个用于TCP通信的类的实际应用。 2. WIN平台下的多线程程序开发,后台监听线程是网络应用程序开发中的一个基本技术,这个实例的客户端和服务器端都用了后台监听数据包的线程。 3. 客户端和服务器之间交换消息的方法,主要是byte[ ]格式的消息包的消息格式设计和识别,以便让客户端和服务器能够正确交互。 4. 服务端对连接客户的信息存储和状态监控,这个实例用了Hashtable来存储客户连接信息-a chat tool develop by c# in the desk of windows,including source code of client sever ,which can help the students who want to study .net and c#
Platform: | Size: 831488 | Author: sunrong | Hits:


Description: 根据自定义的协议规范,使用Socket编程接口编写基本的网络应用软件。  使用操作系统提供的Socket编程接口,而不使用任何封装Socket接口的类库或组件  协议可以自己定义,只要完成指定的功能即可  程序界面不做要求,使用命令行或最简单的窗体即可   功能要求如下: 1. 运输层协议采用TCP 2. 服务端运行后,即监听指定的端口。允许多个连接并发运行 3. 服务端接收到客户端请求后,根据客户端传过来的指令完成特定任务: a) 向客户端传送服务端所在机器的当前时间 b) 向客户端传送服务端所在机器的名称 c) 向客户端传送当前连接的所有客户端信息 d) 将某客户端发送过来的内容转发给指定编号的其他客户端 4. 客户端运行后,使别如下的人机命令,然后执行不同的任务: a) conn <ip> <port>: 连接到指定地址和端口的服务端(代码中用的5050端口) b) disconn:断开与服务端的连接 c) time: 请求服务端给出当前时间 d) name:请求服务端给出其机器的名称 e) list:请求服务端给出当前连接的所有客户端信息(编号、IP地址、端口等) f) send <id>:给对应编号的其他客户端发送键盘输入的内容 g) quit:退出客户端程序 -According to the custom of the protocol specification, using Socket programming interface to prepare a basic network applications.  Use Socket programming interface provided by the operating system without the use of any package, library or component Socket Interface  protocol can define their own, as long as you can to complete the assigned functions  program interface not do requests, use the command line or the most simple form can be  In this study should form groups to complete, service and client should be done to different people  functional requirements are as follows: 1. The transport layer protocol using TCP 2. Server running, that is, the designated monitor port. Allows multiple connections to run concurrently 3. Service is received on the client requests, based on the client-side pass over the instructions to complete specific tasks: a) transmission service to the client side where the current time machine b) trans
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 杨子坤 | Hits:


Description: Le simulateur ns permet la description et la simulation de réseaux IP. Le réseau est représenté (modélisé) par ses sources de trafic (applications), ses protocoles (UDP, TCP), ses routeurs (avec leurs files d attente) et les liens qui les relient. Le réseau est xgraph pour dessiner des courbes). L utilisateur décrit le modèle de son réseau, c est-à-dire les éléments qui le constituent, dans le langage OTcl (une extension objet du langage tcl). Ce fichier est ensuite passé au simulateur proprement dit. Celui-ci se nomme ns. Le modèle étant décrit dans le fichier modele.tcl, on exécute : > ns modele.tcl-Le simulateur ns permet la description et la simulation de réseaux IP. Le réseau est représenté (modélisé) par ses sources de trafic (applications), ses protocoles (UDP, TCP), ses routeurs (avec leurs files d attente) et les liens qui les relient. Le réseau est xgraph pour dessiner des courbes). L utilisateur décrit le modèle de son réseau, c est-à-dire les éléments qui le constituent, dans le langage OTcl (une extension objet du langage tcl). Ce fichier est ensuite passé au simulateur proprement dit. Celui-ci se nomme ns. Le modèle étant décrit dans le fichier modele.tcl, on exécute : > ns modele.tcl
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: hassan | Hits:


Description: TCP传输图片,不过是修改过他人的代码,路径要在程序中修改(选择路径的空间是没有用的)默认的是把C盘中bmp文件夹里图片循环传输到D盘保存在传输时间的文件夹里,可以把文件夹的图片不断传输并显示保存。服务器端要先启动-TCP transmission, but is the modified code to others, the path to change in the program, can put the folder pictures continuously transmit and display save. The server must first start
Platform: | Size: 6157312 | Author: 通信小菜 | Hits:


Description: 异步传输 C#异步传输 TCP/IP Socket 通讯-failed to translate,TCP/IP Main Geid sadfa sdswdfd wdfsd swead aswdfs sesd wesdf qwe2323 sdfaw dswesdf ss sds sds ss dd we 2dw wsdss swd w2 d w ds sa as qa sdf sads
Platform: | Size: 125952 | Author: mfk | Hits:


Description: 国外大学教授书写的简单TCP服务器和客户端 注释超多,讲的很清楚-Simple C/C++ tcp server demo whriten by Ph.D University UQAC Canada. With lot of annotate.
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 德里克 | Hits:

[Linux driverrawsocket

Description: 基于RawSocket的数据包过滤程序,共包含7个文件:inetheader.h、rawsocsniffer.h、rawsocket.h、rawsocket.c、rawsocsniffer.c、main.c、makefile。 编译:命令行模式下,切换到代码所在目录,输入make即可编译。编译后将生成一个可执行文件main,以及一些obj文件。 运行:命令行下输入 ./main [-s 源IP] [-d 目的IP] [-atui] 即可运行程序,可以通过设置不同的参数可以实现简单的过滤功能。参数功能如下: s是根据源IP地址过滤数据包 d是根据目的IP地址过滤数据包 a是过滤ARP包 t是过滤TCP包 u是过滤UDP包 i是过滤ICMP包-RawSocket based packet filtering program, contains a total of seven files: inetheader.h, rawsocsniffer.h, rawsocket.h, rawsocket.c, rawsocsniffer.c, main.c, makefile. Compile: command line mode, switch to the code directory, enter to compile make. Generates an executable file main, and some obj files compiled after. Run: command line input/main [-s source IP] [-d purpose IP] [-atui] to run the program, you can set different parameters can be achieved simply filtering. Parameter functions are as follows: s is to filter packets based on the destination IP address d is filtered packet is a packet filtering ARP is to filter TCP packets t u i is a UDP packet filtering based on source IP address filtering ICMP packets
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: xuting | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackTCP

Description: 用C语言或其它程序设计语言实现TCP协议工作过程D的程序,要求用开发语言中的数据类型实现TCP协议涉及到的相关数据结构,定义与其它协议模块的调用接口。-Using C language or other programming languages ​ ​ work process D TCP protocol procedures required to achieve call interface TCP protocol related to the relevant data structures, definitions and other protocol module development language data types.
Platform: | Size: 480256 | Author: never | Hits:


Description: Using Csharp language, TCP data on the C/S architecture of data communication between client and server D data connection example
Platform: | Size: 497664 | Author: liuzhao | Hits:


Description: 1.说明 类似于QQ的局域网聊天软件,包括服务器端和客户端程序,采用tcp/ip socket多线程编程,服务器端主要负责客户端用户的注册登陆,用户资料的获取.客户端负责与其他客户端进行信息控制与传递(包括聊天和传送文件). 2.特点 a.采用tcp非udp的socket编程,保证传输的稳定性和实时性. b.在同步操作时大多数采用了多线程和超时控制.例如:在传送文件的同时能继续聊天. c.服务器只负责用户登陆,查询,修改用户的基本信息和实时的在线用户列表.而不参与客户端之间的信息传递. d.每个客户端既是聊天的发起端,又是接收端,实现了多点同时聊天和传送文件. -1 Description LAN chat software like QQ, including server and client program, using tcp/ip socket multithreaded programming, registration login server is responsible for client users, access to user data The client is responsible for client information with other control and delivery (including chat and transfer files). 2 Features a. using non udp tcp socket programming, to ensure stability and real-time transmission. . b synchronous operation when most uses multithreading and timeout control such as: transferring files at the same time continue to chat. c. servers are only responsible for user login, query, modify the user s basic information and real-time online user list. not participate in the transmission of information between clients. d. Each client is both initiator chat, but also the receiving end, to achieve a multi-point simultaneous chat and transfer files.
Platform: | Size: 248832 | Author: 胡一立 | Hits:


Description: 程序为网络程序,应使用socket编程,服务器要实现对每一个访问的客户机发送一个欢迎消息,可选用select()函数实现I/O多路复用,服务器通过socket相关函数来建立TCP连接,监听每一个访问的客户端,当有客户端向服务器发起连接时,将客户端文件描述符加入监听描述符集,客户端向服务器发送信息,同时也收到服务器发来的”Hello,Welcome Client!”。 本题需要写两个程序,分别是“server.c”和“client.c”。前者主要是在服务器端执行并等待客户端访问操作然后发欢迎信息,后者主要是向主机发送访问命令并接收服务器发来的欢迎信息。-Procedures for network programs, you should use socket programming, server to achieve for each visit to a client sends a welcome message, the choice of () function to achieve I/O multiplexers, server through socket correlation function to establish a TCP connection, monitor each client visit, when a client initiates a connection to the server, the client file descriptor join listening descriptor set, the client sends a message to the server, and also received a server sent Hello, Welcome Client !. That the need to write two programs, namely server.c and client.c . The former is mainly d and waiting for clients to access operations and then send a welcome message on the server side, which is mainly access to the host sends commands and receives the welcome message sent the server.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: chenli | Hits:


Description: a.确定本机的IP和端口,socket只有与某一IP和端口绑定,才能发挥其功能。 b.确定通讯协议:TCP 或 UDP。 编程步骤: a.建立一个套接字 b.绑定本机的IP和端口 c.如果是TCP,因为是面向连接的,要利用Listen()方法来监听网络上是否有人给自己发东西 如果是UDP,因为是无连接的,所以来者不拒。 d.TCP情况下,如果监听到一个连接,就可以使用accept来接收这个连接,然后就可以利用Send/Receive来执行操作了。而UDP,则不需要accept,直接使用SendTo/ReceiveFrom来执行操作。(注意,因为UDP不需要建立连接,所以在发送前并不知道对方的IP和端口,因此需要指定一个发送的节点才能进行正常的发送和接收) e.不继续发送和接收时使用close。-a. determine the machine s IP and port, socket only with an IP and port binding, in order to function. . b determine protocols: TCP or UDP. Programming steps: a. to establish a socket b. Bind the machine IP and port . c If TCP, because it is connection-oriented, and to take advantage of Listen () method to listen if anyone on the network to send their own thing if it is UDP, because it is not connected, so all comers. Under d.TCP case, if listening to a connection, you can use the accept to accept the connection, then you can use the Send/Receive to perform the operation. The UDP, you do not need accept, directly SendTo/ReceiveFrom to perform the operation. (Note that because UDP does not need to establish a connection, so before sending did not know each other s IP and port, so you need to specify a sending node can perform normal transmission and reception) e. not to continue sending and receiving using close.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 刘洋 | Hits:


Description: A<========>B<=========>C<=====>D<======>E A与B进程之间通过TCP的socket传递 主要掌握socket的流程: A服务器端: socket -->bind---->listen---->accept send read B客户端: socket-->connect->read send 不懂的可以man一下 man socket B与C使用共享内存来交互 步骤是:shmget->shmat->直接读写--->shmdt shmctl(删除) 可以man C与D之间使用消息传递进行 msgget-->msgrcv->msgsnd (注意这里的返回值判断发送正确与否 不是发送的字节数) D使用fork() 创建了一个进程 E D跟E之间使用无名管道进行交互 E程序中可以使用有名管道 进行通讯。(A<========>B<=========>C<=====>D<======>E Between the A and the B processes, the process of master socket is passed through the socket of the TCP: A server side: Socket -->bind---->listen---->accept send read B client: Socket-->connect->read send Do not understand the ability to man man socket B and C interact with shared memory The step is: shmget->shmat-> read and write --->shmdt shmctl directly (delete) Can man Message passing between C and D Msgget-->msgrcv->msgsnd (note that the return value here determines whether to send correctly or not the number of bytes sent) D uses fork () to create a process E Interaction between D and E using anonymous pipes E programs can communicate with famous pipes.)
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 数据包 | Hits:

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