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NRF2401 模块的C8051收发程序-NRF2401 C8051 Receive And Send
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 80kb Publisher : yzdel7

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设计了基于射频nRF2401和数字温度传感器DS18B20的无线测温报警系统。整个系统由测温发射机和显示、控制接收机组成:首先利用温度传感器DS18B20采集测温信号 ,第二步把温度信号存储在主控芯片中,通过无线射频nRF2401发送到接收机,第三步由接收机控制LCD动态显示,最后接收机控制指示灯和报警器做出相应的反应。形成无线通信、控制等功能于一体的新型系统。系统设计了简明的人机交流按键和指示灯,能够实现实时设置上下限报警温度,有效传输距离达到20-40米,测试表明其便携性与实用性兼备,工作性能良好。-Considering the low-power, small size, easy to use and so on. I design the base of RF-based nRF2401 and digital temperature sensor DS18B20 wireless temperature alarm system. The whole system composed by the transmitter and receiver. For the first, using temperature sensor DS18B20 to collect temperature signal. Second, the temperature signal is stored in the master chip and I use the adoption of radio frequency nRF2401 to send it to the host computer. Third, the host computer control LCD to dynamic display. Final, the host computer control lights and alarms to make a corresponding response. Constitute a new wireless communications, control functions system. The system was designed a simple human-computer exchanges, such as the keys and indicator lights. It is able to realize real-time alarm setting upper and lower limits of temperature, the effective transmission distance to reach 20-40 meters. Tests show that it has the portability and practicality, good performance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 76kb Publisher : qinyu

c8051-nrf2401 测试程序 发送部分-NRF2401_receive2 c8051f330
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41kb Publisher : chenminhua

[SCM] 1
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C51无线发射接受模块控制nRF2401-C8051 NRF2401
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 张鹏

基于单片机c8051的nrf2401无线传输编程方案-Based on the the microcontroller c8051 s nrf2401 wireless transmission solution for programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 221kb Publisher : wen

NRF2401基于C8051开发,亲自调试,绝对OK,测试完成,2012年6月-NRF2401 developed based on the C8051, personally debugging is absolutely OK, the test is completed in June 2012
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 140kb Publisher : seed
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