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《有线数字电视机顶盒和遥控器功能实施指导意见》,数字有线电视行业标准。-"Digital Cable TV Set-Top-Box and remote control functions for the application of the guidelines," Digital Cable TV industry standards.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.7kb Publisher : citycenter123

This demo uses the selected hardware platform as an SD card reader. Connect the hardware platform to a computer through a USB cable. To run this project, you will need to load the corresponding firmware into the devices. There are two methods available for loading the demos: Precompiled demos and source code projects. Precompiled Demos are available in the “\USB – Precompiled Demos” folders. Each demo should be prefaced with the hardware platform it is compiled for. Select the file that matches the hardware that you have and the demo that you want to run. For more information about how to load a precompiled project, please see the “Getting Started – Loading a precompiled demo” guide. The source code for this demo is available in the “Topics…->MPLAB IDE). Please note that when using either the C30 or C32 demo projects you will be required to select the correct processor for the demo board. 1) Open the associated project file 2) In MPLAB Select “Configure->Select Device” 3) In the device list box in the top left corner of that window, select the desired device. NOTE WHEN USING THE HID BOOTLOADER (for PIC18F87J50 PIM): The “USB Device - Mass Storage - SD Card reader” and “USB Device - Mass Storage - SD Card data logger” demos make use of the SD Card PICtail Daughter Board (Microchip® Direct: AC164122). This PICtail uses the RB4 I/O pin for the card detect (CD) signal, and is actively driven by the PICtail. The active drive overpowers the pull up resistor on the RB4 pushbutton (on the PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module board). As a result, if the PIC18F87J50 is programmed with the HID bootloader, and an SD Card is installed in the socket when the microcontroller comes out of reset, the firmware will immediately enter the bootloader (irrespective of the RB4 pushbutton state). To exit the bootloader firmware, remove the SD Card from the SD Card socket, and tap the MCLR button. When the SD Card is not plugged in, the PICtail will drive the card detect signal (which is connected to RB4) logic high, which will enable the bootloader to exit to the main application after coming out of reset. Once the main application firmware is operating, the SD Card can be plugged in. The SD Card is “hot-swappable” and should be recognized by the host upon insertion. To avoid this inconvenience when using the bootloader with the PICtail, it is suggested to modify the bootloader firmware to use some other I/O pin for bootloader entry, such as RB0 (which has a pushbutton on it on the HPC Explorer board).
Update : 2009-05-17 Size : 755.27kb Publisher : bluntpig

《有线数字电视机顶盒和遥控器功能实施指导意见》,数字有线电视行业标准。-"Digital Cable TV Set-Top-Box and remote control functions for the application of the guidelines," Digital Cable TV industry standards.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 37kb Publisher : citycenter123

介绍了基于嵌入式实时操作系统uCOS - ii 的有线数字电视机顶盒的设计及其组成,并阐述其 具体实现,该机顶盒以实时多任务操作系统uCOS - ii 为核心,以信道解码模块、信号解码模块和网络链 接接口模块、遥控交互模块为基础,以有线电视机顶盒专用芯片MB87M2140 为主要实现方式,有效实现 了数字电视信号的交互应用-Introduce a real-time operating system based on embedded uCOS- ii cable digital TV set-top box design and its components, and explains its concrete realization of the set-top box in real-time multi-tasking operating system uCOS- ii as a core and channel decoding module, signal decoding modules and network link interface module, remote control-based interactive module to cable TV set-top box ASIC MB87M2140 realize as the main way of effective realization of the digital TV signals in interactive applications
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 90kb Publisher : pengrong

DL : 0
有线电视数字机顶盒技术4,做机顶盒的朋友可以看看!-4 cable TV digital set-top box technology, set-top box so friends can see!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 148kb Publisher : 王俊

DL : 0
有线电视数字机顶盒技术4,做机顶盒的朋友可以看看!-4 cable TV digital set-top box technology, set-top box so friends can see!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 280kb Publisher : 王俊

DL : 0
有线电视数字机顶盒技术6,做机顶盒的朋友可以看看!-Digital cable set-top box technology 6, set-top box so friends can see!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 180kb Publisher : 王俊

DL : 0
有线电视数字机顶盒技术9,做机顶盒的朋友可以看看!-Digital cable set-top box technology 9, set-top box so friends can see!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 649kb Publisher : 王俊

DL : 0
我国有线电视条件接受标准目前还没有统一,该源程序是机顶盒条件接受系统的典型模式。由C语言写成。-The standard cable to accept the conditions of our country there is no unity, the source is a set-top box to accept the conditions of a typical model system. By the C language.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 52kb Publisher :

DL : 0
数字机顶盒原理、应用与维修.rar详细讲述了数字有线电视机顶盒的原理、应用及维修。-Principles of digital set-top boxes, application and maintenance. Rar detailed explanation on the principles of digital cable set-top boxes, application and maintenance.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6.74mb Publisher : fangxin

目前有线数字电视机顶盒作为消费类电子产品,已经得到了大范围的发展和应用。鉴于我市数字电视建设需要,应用的机顶盒应遵循相应的国家或行业标准,以规范机顶盒的功能和各项性能,为统一入网机顶盒标准,特制定本规范。-At present, cable digital TV set-top boxes, as consumer electronics products, has been a wide range of development and application. In view of our city-building needs of digital television, set-top box applications to be followed in the corresponding country or industry standards to regulate the functions of set-top boxes and various performance standards for a unified network set-top boxes, special norms of the final version.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 172kb Publisher : junjun

基于DVB-SI的数字有线电视机顶盒电子节目指南的设计实现 -DVB-SI based on the digital cable set-top box electronic program guides the design to achieve
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 267kb Publisher : 刘德花

SANYO双向海量有线机顶盒技术白皮书:介绍了SANYO双向有线机顶盒的特点,软件和硬件功能说明,很详细,每项功能都有图片说明-SANYO massive bi-directional cable set-top box technology White Paper: SANYO introduced the bi-directional cable set-top box features, software and hardware features that are detailed picture of each function description
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 56.72mb Publisher : star

DL : 0
xilinx和altera的下载电缆电路图。 altera_dl.pcb是altera下载电缆的PCB版图,protel 98格式, 可放在一个并口盒里。已经实践验证,保证可用。-Xilinx and altera circuit diagram of the download cable. altera are altera_dl.pcb download the PCB layout cable, protel 98 format, can be placed in a parallel box. Has been the practice of verification, guarantee available.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 103kb Publisher : 天下第三

学习使用SQLite3的很好的资料,SQLite3由于其小型化,无须配置,开源的特性越来越受到嵌入式方向的青睐。-Today, there are millions and millions of copies of SQLite running unnoticed inside computers and gadgets made by hundreds of companies from around the world. You have probably used SQLite before without realizing it. SQLite might be inside your new cell phone or MP3 player or in the set-top box from your cable company. At least one copy of SQLite is probably found on your home computer it comes built in on Apple’s Mac OS X and on most versions of Linux, and it gets added to Windows when you install any of dozens of third-party software titles. SQLite backs many websites thanks in part to its inclusion in the PHP5 programming language
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5.7mb Publisher : euerka

The STi7141 is a highly integrated SoC (systemon- chip) designed to meet the demanding needs of the interactive cable set top box market place. The STi7141 integrates all the major system functions into a single device, and provides world leading, multi-layer, advanced security technologies to protect valuable video and audio assets.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 64kb Publisher : 猫咪

基于DVB-SI的数字有线电视机顶盒电子节目指南设计-Based on DVB-SI of the digital cable set-top box electronic program guide design
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 650kb Publisher : 陳炎役

Source code for GUI in Zaptor cable tv set top box
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 725kb Publisher : muk

Java简介 Sun Microsystems 于1995年推出 1991 年Sun公司的James Gosling等人开始开发名称为 Oak 的语言。希望用于控制嵌入在有线电视交换盒、PDA等的微处理器 1994年将Oak语言更名为Java Java 既安全、可移植,又可跨平台,而且人们发现它能够解决Internet 上的大型应用问题-About Sun Microsystems Java launched in 1995, 1991, Sun' s James Gosling, who began developing the name for the Oak language. Hope for controlling the exchange is embedded in the cable box, PDA and other microprocessor in 1994 was renamed the Oak language Java Java is safe, portable, but also cross-platform, and it was found to be able to solve the problem of large-scale applications on the Internet
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 12.55mb Publisher : 刘明永

有线电视机顶盒完美设计,1080p的设计,一定是商业版本的!-Cable box perfect design, 1080p is designed, it must be commercial version!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1008kb Publisher : 王元
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