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linux下面的一个矢量绘图开发软件源代码-linux following a vector drawing software source code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : 全不知

按照官方的说法:Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. 翻译过来,就是cairo是一个支持多种输出的向量图形库。 具体解释一下,也就是说,cairo是种画图的工具库,他可以向多种设备上画图,比如: cairo可以输出到png,可以输出到pdf,可以输出到ps,可以输出到xlib,可以输出到XCB,可以输出到win32,以后还要输出到svg 我们可以展望一下,如果cairo能够统一linux下所有的画图接口,那么,所见所得可能就会成为显示。-according to the official statement : Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-d evice output support. translated, cairo is the support of a variety of output vector graphics library. Explain, in other words, cairo drawing is a kind of tool library, he can draw on a variety of equipment, such as : cairo can export to png, pdf can output to be exported to ps, xlib can output to be exported to XCB, can output to win32. we still svg output to look ahead to what we can, cairo reunification can be achieved if all the linux interface drawing, then they may see will be shown.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : 周文

linux下面的一个矢量绘图开发软件源代码-linux following a vector drawing software source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : 全不知

按照官方的说法:Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. 翻译过来,就是cairo是一个支持多种输出的向量图形库。 具体解释一下,也就是说,cairo是种画图的工具库,他可以向多种设备上画图,比如: cairo可以输出到png,可以输出到pdf,可以输出到ps,可以输出到xlib,可以输出到XCB,可以输出到win32,以后还要输出到svg 我们可以展望一下,如果cairo能够统一linux下所有的画图接口,那么,所见所得可能就会成为显示。-according to the official statement : Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-d evice output support. translated, cairo is the support of a variety of output vector graphics library. Explain, in other words, cairo drawing is a kind of tool library, he can draw on a variety of equipment, such as : cairo can export to png, pdf can output to be exported to ps, xlib can output to be exported to XCB, can output to win32. we still svg output to look ahead to what we can, cairo reunification can be achieved if all the linux interface drawing, then they may see will be shown.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : 周文

c语言实现的2D矢量图形算法库,提供跨平台特性,通过基于OPENGL扩展模块能够实现硬件加速。-c language algorithm for 2D vector graphics library to provide cross-platform features, the expansion module OPENGL based hardware acceleration can be achieved.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.31mb Publisher : xiao mao

2D矢量图形库cairo的c++版本,简化2D矢量图形软件的开发。-2D vector graphics library cairo in c++ version, simplified 2D vector graphics software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 834kb Publisher : xiao mao

cairo 绘制图形的一个完整例子,学习cairo图形库开发的人,值得一看,支援共享,共同进步。-cairo drawing graphic example of a complete learning cairo graphics library developed by people, worth a visit, to support sharing, common progress.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : xielihua

cheese 是一款用你的摄像头拍照片和视频的软件,并带一些有趣的特殊效果,让你同别人分享快乐的软件。cheese最初是作为Google’s 2007 Summer of Code一部分,主要由 daniel g. siegel和 Rapha?l Slinckx主持的,经过几个月的发展,cheese已经有大部分经典大头贴的功能。在后台,cheese是利用GStreamer来实现照片和视频的各种效果的。   cheese主页 Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects Cheese currently requires: - glib-2.0 >= 2.16.0 - gobject-2.0 >= 2.12.0 - gio-2.0 >= 2.16.0 - gtk+-2.0 >= 2.17.4 - gdk-2.0 >= 2.14.0 - gnome-desktop-2.0 >= 2.26.0 - gconf-2.0 >= 2.16.0 - gstreamer-0.10 >= 0.10.20 - gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10 >= 0.10.20 - gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10 >= 0.10.8 - gnome-vfs-2.0 - dbus-1 - dbus-glib-1 - hal - cairo - pango - librsvg >= 2.18.0 - libebook-1.2 (evolution-data-server) - postr for Flickr export (optional) - f-spot for F-Spot export (optional) - nautilus-sendto for better export mechanism (optional) - a webcam - a brain The official website is: How to get your camera working: To get your camera working with cheese, you will have to ensure that it works with the Gstreamer Framework and Video4Linux2 (V4L2) or Video4Linux (V4L). T
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.86mb Publisher : JANKY

GTK Arm embedded system all pack file and install guide 1、tslib: download tslib-1.4.tar.gz 2、tiff : 3、jpegsrc.v6b : 4、libpng-1.2.33 : 5、glib-2.19.0 : 6、pango-1.20.2 : 7、gtk+-2.12.9 : 8、atk-1.24.0 : 9、cairo-1.8.4 : 10、DirectFB-1.3.0 : 11、expat-2.0.1 : 12、fontconfig-2.6.0 : 13、freetype-2.3.7 : 14、libxml2-2.6.31 : 15、pixman-0.12.0 : 16、zlib-1.2.3 : ,GTK Arm embedded system all pack file and install guide 1, tslib: download tslib-1.4.tar.gz 2, tiff: 3, jpegsrc.v6b: 4, libpng-1.2. 33: 5, glib-2.19.0: 6, pango-1.20.2 : 7, gtk+-2.12.9: 8, atk-1.24 .0: 9, cairo-1.8.4: 10, DirectFB-1.3.0 : 11, expat-2.0.1: 12, fontconfig-2.6.0:, freetype-2.3.7: 14, libxml2-2.6.31: 15, pixman-0.12.0: 16, zlib-1.2.3:
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52.57mb Publisher : 小誠

Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System, Quartz, Win32, image buffers, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output. Experimental backends include OpenGL (through glitz), XCB, BeOS, OS/2, and DirectFB.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.77mb Publisher : tayfun karan

图形库-ie core
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.13mb Publisher : 兰建 飞

使用cairo实现gtk界面透明效果的源代码-Cairo interface with transparency effects to achieve the source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 67kb Publisher : 谢彦

在资讯领域中,cairo 是一个让用于提供向量图形绘图的免费函式库,Cairo 提供在多个背景下做 2-D 的绘图,进阶的更可以使用硬件加速功能。 虽然 Cairo 是使用C语言撰写的,但是当使用 Cairo 时,可以用许多其他种语言来使用,包括有 C++、C#、Java、Python、Perl、Ruby、Scheme、Smalltalk 以及许多种语言,Cairo 在 GPL 与 Mozilla Public License 两个认证下发行。 -In the information field, cairo let the free library for vector graphics drawing, Cairo 2-D drawing in multiple context can use Advanced hardware acceleration. Although Cairo is written using the C language, but when using the Cairo, can be used in many other languages ​ ​ to use C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk, and many languages, Cairo in the GPL issued under the Mozilla Public License certification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : sss

在资讯领域中,cairo 是一个让用于提供向量图形绘图的免费函式库,Cairo 提供在多个背景下做 2-D 的绘图,进阶的更可以使用硬件加速功能。 虽然 Cairo 是使用C语言撰写的,但是当使用 Cairo 时,可以用许多其他种语言来使用,包括有 C++、C#、Java、Python、Perl、Ruby、Scheme、Smalltalk 以及许多种语言,Cairo 在 GPL 与 Mozilla Public License 两个认证下发行。 -In the information field, cairo let the free library for vector graphics drawing, Cairo 2-D drawing in multiple context can use Advanced hardware acceleration. Although Cairo is written using the C language, but when using the Cairo, can be used in many other languages ​ ​ to use C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk, and many languages, Cairo in the GPL issued under the Mozilla Public License certification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : sss

在资讯领域中,cairo 是一个让用于提供向量图形绘图的免费函式库,Cairo 提供在多个背景下做 2-D 的绘图,进阶的更可以使用硬件加速功能。 虽然 Cairo 是使用C语言撰写的,但是当使用 Cairo 时,可以用许多其他种语言来使用,包括有 C++、C#、Java、Python、Perl、Ruby、Scheme、Smalltalk 以及许多种语言,Cairo 在 GPL 与 Mozilla Public License 两个认证下发行。 -In the information field, cairo let the free library for vector graphics drawing, Cairo 2-D drawing in multiple context can use Advanced hardware acceleration. Although Cairo is written using the C language, but when using the Cairo, can be used in many other languages ​ ​ to use C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk, and many languages, Cairo in the GPL issued under the Mozilla Public License certification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 57kb Publisher : sss

在资讯领域中,cairo 是一个让用于提供向量图形绘图的免费函式库,Cairo 提供在多个背景下做 2-D 的绘图,进阶的更可以使用硬件加速功能。 虽然 Cairo 是使用C语言撰写的,但是当使用 Cairo 时,可以用许多其他种语言来使用,包括有 C++、C#、Java、Python、Perl、Ruby、Scheme、Smalltalk 以及许多种语言,Cairo 在 GPL 与 Mozilla Public License 两个认证下发行。 -In the information field, cairo let the free library for vector graphics drawing, Cairo 2-D drawing in multiple context can use Advanced hardware acceleration. Although Cairo is written using the C language, but when using the Cairo, can be used in many other languages ​ ​ to use C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk, and many languages, Cairo in the GPL issued under the Mozilla Public License certification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 114kb Publisher : sss

cairo-dock配置,cairo-dock配置等!如果你希望学习它,可以参考 -build nginx
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.47mb Publisher : liu

cairo-1.4.12的源码,编译arm的gstreamer时需要用到。-cairo-1.4.12 source code, need to use when compiling arm of gstreamer.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.13mb Publisher : xie

嵌入式下安装opencv需要依赖的图形库文件gtk+所依赖的一些库(cario)。(Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+. Embedded opencv is required to rely on a number of libraries(cario) that are dependent on the graphics library file gtk+.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22.91mb Publisher : mike
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