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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 989byte Publisher : 张锐娟

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.64mb Publisher : 焦斌星

The VB BCS codes implemented by MatLab 7.0 are included in this package. BCSvb.m: VB BCS code demo_BCSvb_1d.m: example of a 1-dimensional signal demo_BCSvb_2d.m: example of a 2-dimensional image: 128x128 image 'cameraman' demo_BCSvb_2d_small.m: example of a 2-dimensional small image: 32x32 image 'indor2' cameraman.pgm, indor2.pgm: images used by 2-dimensional examples. ------------------------------ Lihan He, ECE, Duke University Created: Dec. 9, 2008 Last updated: Mar. 3, 2009, allowing [] as input arguments ------------------------------
Update : 2011-06-10 Size : 90.44kb Publisher :

用于图像处理与分析-for image processing and analysis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 魏建明

文件中包含将车轮和cameraman图像进行动画演示,两者交替出现,可将颜色和交替时间等参数进行改动以达到个人的需求。-File contains the wheel and the cameraman images animated demo, alternating between the two may be the turn of time, such as color and changes the parameters in order to achieve the needs of individuals.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张锐娟

图象处理中常用的一些经典图片,这里提供的都是tif格式的,包括lena,goldhill,cameraman-Image processing used in some of the classic picture, here are tif format, including the lena, goldhill, cameraman
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.64mb Publisher : 焦斌星

采用国际标准测试图cameraman进行测试。分别采用均匀性度量法、类间最大距离法、最大熵方法三种方法进行图像分割。并附有注释、程序清晰、易于阅读。相信图像初学者阅读后应该有很大的收益。-junyunxingduliangfa, leijianzuidajulifa, zuidashangfangfa,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : 张捷

I = imread( rice.png ) I2 = imread( cameraman.tif ) K = imdivide(imadd(I,I2), 2)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 孙强

DL : 0
基于MATLAB的图像处理源程序集,包括阈值、二值化、灰度变化,边缘提取-MATLAB based image processing source code set, including threshold, binary, gray scale, edge extraction, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 91kb Publisher : 潘超

Image Processing: Frequency Domain Enhancement Generate noisy versions of the cameraman image by adding noise with the following characteristics: Uniform with mean 40 and standard deviation 20 Gaussian of mean 40 and standard deviation 20 Salt and pepper noise density of 10 percent Filter the resulting noisy images using: 1. Ideal low pass with the following values of ro: 50, 30, and 20 2. Butterworth filters with the following values of ro: 50, 30, and 20 3. Gaussian filters with the following values of sigma: 30, 20, and 10 Show and label the magnitude spectra of your filters for all the above cases Show noisy and filtered images for all the above cases - Image Processing: Frequency Domain Enhancement Generate noisy versions of the cameraman image by adding noise with the following characteristics: Uniform with mean 40 and standard deviation 20 Gaussian of mean 40 and standard deviation 20 Salt and pepper noise density of 10 percent Filter the resulting noisy images using: 1. Ideal low pass with the following values of ro: 50, 30, and 20 2. Butterworth filters with the following values of ro: 50, 30, and 20 3. Gaussian filters with the following values of sigma: 30, 20, and 10 Show and label the magnitude spectra of your filters for all the above cases Show noisy and filtered images for all the above cases
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : engineer

PSNR of the cameraman with different wavelet families
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : hemant

国际标准测试图片,大小512*512和256*256,有灰度图和彩色图,可做算法性能测试-the criterion images
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.9mb Publisher : yanglei

Gabor滤波器经常被用于形状检测和特征提取,比如增强指纹图像。本代码用matlab实现了一个二维Gabor滤波器。 代码使用如下: function [G,gabout] = gaborfilter1(I,Sx,Sy,f,theta) from gaborfilter1 with different f(Frequency) and theta(Angle). for example f:0,2,4,8,16,32 theta = 0,pi/3,pi/6,pi/2,3pi/4 then for any input image like(eg. stereo.jpg) you have 6x5 = 30 filtered images. You can choose your desired angles or frequencies. You can put nominaly Sx & Sy = 2,4 or some one else. For instance I tested above example on ( cameraman.tif )(in MATLAB pictures) I = imread( cameraman.tif ) [G,gabout] = gaborfilter1(I,2,4,16,pi/3) figure,imshow(uint8(gabout)) -Gabor filters are often used for shape detection and feature extraction, such as the enhanced fingerprint image. Matlab implementation of the code is a two-dimensional Gabor filter. Use the following code: function [G, gabout] = gaborfilter1 (I, Sx, Sy, f, theta) from ' gaborfilter1' with different f (Frequency) and theta (Angle). For example f: 0,2,4, 8,16,32 theta = 0, pi/3, pi/6, pi/2,3 pi/4 then for any input image like (eg. stereo.jpg) you have 6x5 = 30 filtered images. You can choose your desired angles or frequencies. You can put nominaly Sx & Sy = 2,4 or some one else. For instance I tested above example on (' cameraman.tif' ) (in MATLAB pictures) I = imread (' cameraman.tif' ) [G, gabout] = gaborfilter1 (I, 2,4,16, pi/3) figure, imshow (uint8 (gabout))
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 郑碧波

读写XPG格式图像文件 imreadxpg.m 读XPG格式图像文件 imwritexpg.m 写XPG格式图像文件 cameraman.xpg 一个XPG格式图像文件 test.m 测试文件-Read and write XPG image file format imreadxpg.m read XPG XPG XPG format image files imwritexpg.m write image file format image file format cameraman.xpg XPG test.m a test file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : sinahust

参考国外网站资料,自己实现的海宁窗滤波函数。滤波测试图像为matlab自带的cameraman.tif图片。-Hanning filter program in Matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 50kb Publisher : gjf281

图像处理中最常用的各种国际标准测试图像,包括Lena、Barbara、Cameraman、Peppers等图片的多种格式。-The most commonly used in image processing in various international standard test images, including Lena, Barbara, Cameraman, Peppers, and other images in multiple formats.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.71mb Publisher : 云中帆

应用db5小波和 bior4.4小波, 对图象cameraman.tif分别进行2层小波分解和重构-The application db5 wavelet bior4.4 of wavelet image cameraman.tif 2-layer wavelet decomposition and reconstruction
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 甘德英

Cameraman Denoising using matlab code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 71kb Publisher : Manickam

DL : 0
利用图像类间方差阀值分割进行图像分割,原始图像为cameraman.tif。-Image between-class variance threshold segmentation for image segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 王占武

DL : 0
利用·图像类间方差阀值分割进行图像分割,原始图像为cameraman.tif-Image between-class variance threshold segmentation image segmentation, the original image is cameraman.tif
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王占武
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