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基于MATLAB的图像处理源程序集,包括阈值、二值化、灰度变化,边缘提取-MATLAB based image processing source code set, including threshold, binary, gray scale, edge extraction, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 91kb Publisher : 潘超

国际标准测试图片,大小512*512和256*256,有灰度图和彩色图,可做算法性能测试-the criterion images
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.9mb Publisher : yanglei

1、图像中值滤波实验 ①用imnoise函数在图像’lena.bmp’中值添加椒盐噪声,观测结果 ②用medfilt2函数对含噪声图像中值滤波。 2、使用fspecial函数生成均值、Prewitt、Sobel、Laplacian滤波模板,再用filter2函数对‘cameraman.tif’图像进行空域滤波,显示滤波结果。 3、设计高斯低通和高通频域滤波器,对‘phantom.bmp’图像进行频域滤波,显示滤波结果。然后改变滤波器截止频率,观察对结果的影响。 4、用imdilate, imerode, imopen, imclose函数对‘326.bmp’进行膨胀,腐蚀,开启,闭合运算。(结构单元均取3*3矩形模板)。-1, image filtering experiment ① with imnoise function adds salt and pepper noise image ' lena.bmp' in value, with observations ② medfilt2 function noisy image filtering. 2, using the function generation fspecial mean, Prewitt, Sobel, Laplacian filter template, and then filter2 function ' cameraman.tif' image spatial filtering, display filtering results. 3, the design of Gaussian low-pass and high-pass filter in the frequency domain, for ' phantom.bmp' image frequency domain filtering, filtering results show. Then change the filter cutoff frequency, observe the effect on the results. 4, with imdilate, imerode, imopen, imclose function ' 326.bmp' is expanded, erosion, opening and closing operations. (Structural units were taken 3* 3 rectangle template).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 114kb Publisher : 郭亚周

1.编写程序,完成灰度分段线性变换。如下图所示,输入两个点的坐标完成对图像的分段线性对比度拉伸。 2. 学习使用histeq函数,完成 ①对’lena.bmp‘的直方图均衡化; ②以’cameraman.tif’的直方图为模板,将’lena.bmp’做直方图匹配。 3. 不使用histeq函数,自己编写程序完成直方图均衡化,并显示直方图均衡化前后的图像以及其直方图。 4. 不使用histeq函数,自己编写程序完成直方图匹配,显示匹配前后的图像、模板直方图和匹配过的直方图。 -1. Write a program to complete the gray piecewise linear transformation. As shown below, enter the coordinates of two points to complete the piecewise linear contrast of the image stretched. 2. Learn to use histeq function, complete ① on ' lena.bmp' histogram equalization ② to ' cameraman.tif' histogram as a template, the ' lena.bmp' do histogram matching. 3. Do not use histeq function, write your own program to complete histogram equalization, and display the image and its histogram before and after histogram equalization. 4. Do not use histeq function, write your own program to complete histogram matching, display images before and after the match, the template histogram and histogram matching too.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 郭亚周
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