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[Video Capturevgrabbj

Description: 视频捕捉,用一个抓图应用程序进行测试,进入/test 目录,敲入./vgrabbj -f /tmp/1.jpg。应该会在/tmp 目录下生成一张摄像头拍摄的图片了。-video capture with a screen in application testing, access / test directory, Knock. / vgrabbj-f / tmp/1.jpg. Should the / tmp directory generated a camera shooting pictures of.
Platform: | Size: 20645 | Author: 杨大鹏 | Hits:


Description: PCITV is a driver and TV viewing application for RISC OS, bringing television and frame capture to the desktop for under 30 pounds, the cost of the card. The driver is free and protected by the GPL, meaning that the source is also available. I hope this will encourage others to create drivers for other PCI cards-PCITV is a driver and TV viewing applicatio n for RISC OS, bringing television and frame capture to the de sktop for under 30 pounds. the cost of the card. The driver is free and prote cted by the GPL. meaning that the source is also available. I hop e this will encourage others to create drivers f or other PCI cards
Platform: | Size: 62077 | Author: lampson | Hits:


Description: KDVoicePhone Toolkit开发工具可以使你的应用程序获得声音和电话方面的特性,如:a.. 打电话或回电话;b.. 如果对话已经在进行,可以中途接听;c.. 在电话线或声卡中回放和记录音频;d.. 从电话线中检测音频信号和脉冲信号;e.. 捕获呼叫方ID;f.. 可控制本机听筒,外部的麦克风和MODEM的外部喇叭;g.. 定时事件来跟踪回放和录音的过程;h.. 录音时可检测静音;-KDVoicePhone Toolkit development tools can make your application access to voice and telephone features, such as: a.. Call or return phone calls b.. If the dialogue already under way, you can receive half-way c.. In a telephone line or sound card in audio playback and recording d.. from the telephone line in the detection of audio signals and pulse signal e.. capture caller ID f.. can control the local handset, external microphones and MODEM external speakers g. . timing incident to track the process of playback and recording h.. recording can detect mute
Platform: | Size: 1662976 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Video Capturevgrabbj

Description: 视频捕捉,用一个抓图应用程序进行测试,进入/test 目录,敲入./vgrabbj -f /tmp/1.jpg。应该会在/tmp 目录下生成一张摄像头拍摄的图片了。-video capture with a screen in application testing, access/test directory, Knock./vgrabbj-f/tmp/1.jpg. Should the/tmp directory generated a camera shooting pictures of.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 杨大鹏 | Hits:


Description: ScreenCap: This Program captures the screen using the GDI Functionality. 一个使用GDI函数的抓屏小程序源代码-ScreenCap : This Program captures the screen using the GDI F unctionality. one use GDI functions Capturing the Screen small source code
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: izon | Hits:


Description: PCITV is a driver and TV viewing application for RISC OS, bringing television and frame capture to the desktop for under 30 pounds, the cost of the card. The driver is free and protected by the GPL, meaning that the source is also available. I hope this will encourage others to create drivers for other PCI cards-PCITV is a driver and TV viewing applicatio n for RISC OS, bringing television and frame capture to the de sktop for under 30 pounds. the cost of the card. The driver is free and prote cted by the GPL. meaning that the source is also available. I hop e this will encourage others to create drivers f or other PCI cards
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: lampson | Hits:

[Video Capturevideo-partical

Description: 提出一种人体运动跟踪算法,从无关节标记的单目视频中获取人体运动1 利用一个带外观模板的人体关节 模型,通过学习得到的运动模型及基于外观模型的相似性计算,巧妙地利用粒子滤波的概率密度传播策略鲁棒地跟 踪普通单目视频中的人体运动1 当出现跟踪丢失时,能在后续序列中自动恢复正确跟踪,且能较好地处理遮挡和自 遮挡问题1 实验表明,该算法鲁棒性好,跟踪结果令人满意- In this paper , a novel approach is proposed for t racking markerless human motion in monocular videos to capture the articulate motion data1 With an articulated human model const ructed , the new ap2 proach uses the probability density propagation of the particle filters through the learnt motion model and likelihood computing with the appearance models to t rack the human motion1 The method is capable of auto2 matically recovering f rom t racking failures1 It can also process the occlusion and auto2occlusion problem cor2 rectly1 Experimental result s f rom real monocular videos show that the new approach is robust and the t rack2 ing result s are satisfactory1
Platform: | Size: 355328 | Author: 丁行 | Hits:

[Special EffectsExample-Based_Automatic_Portraiture

Description: 摘  要  提出了一种基于样本学习的人脸肖像画自动生成算法.文章采用非均匀的马尔科夫随机场模型来描述肖 像画与人脸图像之间的统计关系 ,并使用基于训练样本的非参数化的概率表示 ,在贝叶斯优化的框架下设计了迭 代采样算法 ,可以自动的从人脸图像生成特定风格的肖像画.在该方法中 ,使用非均匀的统计模型是保持肖像中人 脸结构准确性的关键.文中所提供的例子表明了该文方法的有效性-Abstract In this paper , we present a new approach for automatically generating a life2like port rait f rom a f rontal face image. We learn the port raiture f rom a set of real artwork examples. Different f rom previous texture synthesis and image synthesis works that assumed modeling is homogeneous , Inhomo2 geneous Markov Random Field Model is employed as the statistical model , and a non2 paramet ric sam2 pling scheme is used to capture the complex statistical characteristics of face image and corresponding artist drawing in this paper . In our st rategy , only those pixels corresponding to a port rait point are sampled. Such a st rategy is crucial for maintaining facial st ructure and guaranteeing coherence of por2 t rait lines. Experimental result s demonst rate the effectiveness and life 2likeness of our approach.
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: alsocc | Hits:

[Video Captureflvtc

Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: ldj | Hits:

[DSP programDSP

Description: 通过TLC320AD50采集音频信号(f.max<10kHz),编写DSP的FFT处理程序(自定频谱分辨力),获得幅频特性之后,在点阵液晶(128*64)中大致显示出幅频图。并在液晶中用文字显示频率幅值前三的频率值。-By TLC320AD50 capture audio (f.max < 10kHz), the preparation of the FFT DSP processing (custom spectral resolution), obtained after the amplitude-frequency characteristics, in the dot-matrix LCD (128* 64) in general show that the amplitude frequency diagram. LCD used in the first three words show the frequency of the frequency amplitude value.
Platform: | Size: 287744 | Author: 莫思 | Hits:


Description: 用MATLAB在产生的观测数据中捕获其中PRN 号码为“5”C/A 码。 (1) 观测数据应该有一定的多普勒频偏D f(-10kHz〈D f〈+10kHz); (2) 加入高斯白噪声,使其信噪比为-20dB; (3) 捕获成功后,应给出捕获标志,并给出估计的频偏和码偏值。-Generated by MATLAB in which observed data capture PRN number is " 5" C/A code. (1) there should be some observations of Doppler shift D f (-10kHz < D f < +10 kHz) (2) by adding Gaussian white noise, so SNR is-20dB (3) capture success After the capture flag to be given, and given the estimated frequency offset and code bias values.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李伟 | Hits:


Description: PIC单片机的CCP功能 //220V的交流电源直接用电阻限流,经光耦隔离,形成脉冲送到CCP2, //CCP2模块的捕捉功能,设置为每16个上升沿捕捉一次,相当于平均滤波,目的是为了减小误差 //TMR1计数的分频系数计算:假设电源为50Hz,即一个周期为20ms,16个周期为320ms //320ms=320000us,单片机用4MHz晶振,指令周期为1us,设TMR1的分频系数为K:65536×K=320000 //得K=4.88,取K=8,即TMR1的预分频系数设为1:8 //电源频率计算,假设频率显示为2位小数,即频率值放大100倍,16次捕捉值为TTZ, //则f=1000000×100/(TTZ×8/16)=200000000/TTZ-PIC microcontroller CCP function// 220V AC power directly limiting resistor, the optocoupler isolation, a pulse sent CCP2,// ​ ​ CCP2 module' s capture function, set to capture rising once every 16, equivalent to an average filter The purpose is to reduce the error// TMR1 counter division ratio calculation: Suppose power is 50Hz, ie a period of 20ms, 16 cycles of 320ms// 320ms = 320000us, microcontroller 4MHz crystal, the instruction cycle is 1us, setting TMR1 divider coefficient K: 65536K = 320000// get K = 4.88, take K = 8, ie the TMR1 prescaler is set to 1:8// power frequency, assuming that the frequency is displayed as two decimal that frequency value magnified 100 times, 16 times to capture value TTZ,// ​ ​ then f = 1000000100/(TTZ8/16) = 200000000/TTZ
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: XIA | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackmujia

Description: CF抓包可以实现CF的过检测与提哦是功能-F can capture detection and Realization of the CF function is oh
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: 刘翠翠 | Hits:

[Audio programusbcamara-2012-07-05

Description: 我们在luvcview这个项目的基础上进行了修改,使之能够在s3c6410平台上运行,采用了6410特有的硬件空间色彩转换和图像缩放功能,也就是 post processor功能。 3 另外需要说一下我们修改后的luvcview可以运行在PC Linux平台和s3c6410平台,源码里面有两个makefile文件,一个针对嵌入式版本一个针对PC Linux版本, 嵌入式版本里面分硬件实现YUV to RGB和软件实现 YUV to RGB ,缺省配置是硬件实现YUV to RGB 及图像的缩放。 4 使用方法: 把 luvcview拷贝到 /mnt目录下面,执行 ./luvcview -d /dev/video2 -f jpg -s 800x600 在LCD屏幕上即可看到采集到的图像。 -d 指定摄像头的设备节点 -f 指定摄像头传给系统的数据格式,-jpg代表为 mjpeg 码流,另外还有 -yuv 这样传给系统的数据yuv422格式的码流。 -s 指定摄像头采集的分辨率为 800x600 如何查看您的摄像头支持的分辨率呢? ./luvcview -d /dev/video2 -L -We were modified on the basis of luvcview on this project, so that it can run on s3c6410 platform, using the 6410 unique hardware color space conversion and image scaling, that is, post processor function. 3 In addition we need to talk about luvcview modified to run on PC Linux platform and s3c6410 platform, there are two makefile source files, one for a PC Linux versions, an embedded version of which points for the hardware and the embedded version of YUV to RGB software YUV to RGB, the default configuration is implemented in hardware YUV to RGB and image scaling. 4 Usage: luvcview copied to the/mnt directory, ./luvcview-d/dev/video2-f jpg-s 800x600 on the LCD screen to see the images collected.-d Specifies the camera device nodes-f specified camera system to pass data format,-jpg representatives mjpeg stream, in addition to-yuv pass this data stream system yuv422 format.-s Specifies the camera capture resolution of 800x600 how to view your camera with a resolution of it? ./luvcview
Platform: | Size: 5756928 | Author: aaa | Hits:


Description: 抓取网卡流量中的图片。driftnet是一款简单而使用的图片捕获工具,可以很方便的在网络数据包中抓取图片。该工具可以实时和离线捕获指定数据包中是图片,当然在kali里是有的。 语法: driftnet [options] [filter code] 主要参数: -b 捕获到新的图片时发出嘟嘟声 -i interface 选择监听接口 -f file 读取一个指定pcap数据包中的图片 -p 不让所监听的接口使用混杂模式 -a 后台模式:将捕获的图片保存到目录中(不会显示在屏幕上) -m number 指定保存图片数的数目 -d directory 指定保存图片的路径 -x prefix 指定保存图片的前缀名 使用举例: 1.实时监听: driftnet -i wlan0 2.读取一个指定pcap数据包中的图片: driftnet -f /home/linger/backup/ap.pcapng -a -d /root/drifnet/(Driftnet is a simple and used image capture tool, it can be very convenient to capture pictures in network packets. The tool captures the data in the specified packet in real time and offline, of course, in kali.)
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: aagg | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net