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    Web服务器的核心是对Html文件中的各标记(Tag)作出正确的分析,一种编程语言的解释程序也是对源文件中的保留字进行分析再做解释的。实际应用中,我们也经常会碰到需要对某一特定类型文件进行要害字分析的情况,比如,需要将某个HTML文件下载并同时下载与之相关的.gif.class等文件,此时就要求对HTML文件中的标记进行分离,找出所需的文件名及目录。在Java出现以前,类似工作需要对文件中的每个字符进行分析,从中找出所需部分,不仅编程量大,且易出错。笔者在近期的项目中利用Java的输入流类StreamTokenizer进行HTML文件的分析,效果较好。在此,我们要实现从已知的Web页面下载HTML文件,对其进行分析后,下载该页面中包含的HTML文件(假如在Frame中)、图像文件和ClassJava Applet)文件。






    StreamTokenizer类的构造器为: StreamTokenizer(InputStream in)


    该类有一些公有实例变量:ttypesvalnval ,分别表示令牌类型、当前字符串值和当前数字值。当我们需要取得令牌(即HTML中的标记)之间的字符时,应访问变量sval。而读向下一个令牌的方法是调用nextToken()。方法nextToken()的返回值是int型,共有四种可能的返回:


    StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: 表示读到的令牌是数字,数字的值是double型,可以从实例变量nval中读取。


    StreamTokenizer.TT_Word: 表示读到的令牌是非数字的单词(其他字符也在其中),单词可以从实例变量sval中读取。


    StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL: 表示读到的令牌是行结束符。




    开始调用nextToken()之前,要设置输入流的语法表,以便使分析器辨识不同的字符。WhitespaceChars(int low, int hi)方法定义没有意义的字符的范围。WordChars(int low, int hi)方法定义构造单词的字符范围。









    import java.io.*;

    import java.lang.String;

    class HtmlTokenizer extends

    StreamTokenizer {



     static int HTML_TEXT=-1;

     static int HTML_UNKNOWN=-2;

     static int HTML_EOF=-3;

     static int HTML_IMAGE=-4;

     static int HTML_FRAME=-5;

     static int HTML_BACKGROUND=-6;

     static int HTML_APPLET=-7;


    boolean outsideTag=true; //判定是否在标记之中



     public HtmlTokenizer(BufferedReader r) {


    this.resetSyntax(); //重置语法表

    this.wordChars(0,255); //令牌范围为全部字符

    this.ordinaryChar('< '); //HTML标记两边的分割符


     } //end of constrUCtor


     public int nextHtml(){

    int token; //令牌



    case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF:


    return HTML_EOF;

    case '< ': //进入标记字段


    return nextHtml();

    case '>': //出标记字段


    return nextHtml();

    case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD:


    if (allWhite(sval))

     return nextHtml(); //过滤其中空格

    else if(sval.toUpperCase().indexOf("FRAME")

    !=-1 && !outsideTag) //标记FRAME

     return HTML_FRAME;

    else if(sval.toUpperCase().indexOf("IMG")

    !=-1 && !outsideTag) //标记IMG

     return HTML_IMAGE;

    else if(sval.toUpperCase().indexOf("BACKGROUND")

    !=-1 && !outsideTag) //标记BACKGROUND

     return HTML_BACKGROUND;

    else if(sval.toUpperCase().indexOf("APPLET")

    !=-1 && !outsideTag) //标记APPLET

     return HTML_APPLET;


    System.out.println ("Unknown tag: "+token);

    return HTML_UNKNOWN;

     } //end of case

    }catch(IOException e){


    return HTML_UNKNOWN;

     } //end of nextHtml


    protected boolean allWhite(String s){//过滤所有空格


     }// end of allWhite


    } //end of class


    以上方法在近期项目中测试通过,操作系统为Windows NT4,编程工具使用Inprise Jbuilder3

Platform: | Size: 1066 | Author: tiberxu | Hits:


Description: 带进度条的文件上传(java+ajax源码) 在写代码的时候,还要用到关于servlet的包servlet-api.jar。   写完后调试的过程中,老报错:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream,后来一查才知道少了commons-io-1.2.jar,加上后,就ok了。   关于获取及显示进度部分,用了我原来自己写的一个ajax的应用架构,从中抽取了部分代码出来,注意,js文件只适用于UTF-8编码的页面,因为现在我只写UTF-8编码的页面了,国际化方便。  progressUpload.jar中,包含了commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar,servlet-api.jar,commons-io-1.2.jar,在progressUpload.jar中,还包含一个属性文件,里面是一些默认配置,可根据自己的需要修改。   由于有源码,怎么用可以自己看源码,此外,那个例子中也写了,在此不再赘述。例子中只取到了FileItem,再将item保存一下就ok了,示例代码: File upFile = new File(remoteFilePath) try \\{ item.write(upFile) fileInfo.put(\"infotip\", \"上传成功.\") } catch (java.lang.Exception e) \\{ fileInfo.put(\"infotip\", \"上传失败.\") }-with the progress of the file upload (java ajax OSS) in writing code, also used on packages servlet servlet-api.jar. After the finish debugging process, the old errors : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : org / apache / commons / io / output / DeferredFil eOutputStream. Later, an investigation will know less commons-io - 1.2.jar, plus, on the ok. On access and display some progress with my own original written by a ajax application architectures, from taking part code, and the attention js document only applies to UTF-8 encoded pages. now I just write UTF-8 encoded pages, international convenience. ProgressUpload.jar, contains commons - fileupload - 1.1.1.jar. servlet-api.jar, commons-io - 1.2.jar. In progressUpload.jar, also includes an attribute documents, There is some of the default conf
Platform: | Size: 578002 | Author: 商务通 | Hits:


Description: jSP编写的了BBS系统 架設方法 : 解壓縮dzbbs.zip後,打開dzbbs/set.jsp,修改以下 try{ cn=DriverManager.getConnection(\"jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=big5\",\"root\",\"pass\") // mysql為資料庫名稱,root 為用戶帳號 , pass為用戶密碼 }catch(Exception e){ } String bbs_name=\"DzBBS\" //論壇名稱 String temple=\"default\" //風格模版 String adminpass=\"pass\" //管理員密碼 設定好後運\行http://user.net/dzbbs,然後再注冊成為會員即可,密碼需要和上面所設定的一樣 免費論壇空間推荐 MyJavaServer+db4free 完美組合 MyJavaServer是國外免費5mb空間 如何申請請看 http://blog.csdn.net/leafxx/archive/2006/10/02/1317960.aspx db4free是國外免費Mysql空間
Platform: | Size: 840358 | Author: James | Hits:

[Other resourceAsprise-OCR-CSharp-Windows_Server_32bit-4.0

Description: 识别图片上的文字,识别率有80% 附加c#调用 [DllImport(\"AspriseOCR.dll\")] static extern string craboOCR(string file, int type) private void GetVeryfyCode() { if(File.Exists(_imgPath))//ok now? { try { this.picbVeryfyCode.Image=System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(_imgPath) _veryfyCode=craboOCR(_imgPath,-1) _veryfyCode=_veryfyCode.Substring(0,4) this.txtVeryfyCode.Text=_veryfyCode } catch(Exception e) { this.lblResult.Text+=e.Message } } }
Platform: | Size: 6479709 | Author: 似的 | Hits:





import org.smslib.IOutboundMessageNotification;
import org.smslib.Library;
import org.smslib.MessageEncodings;
import org.smslib.MessageProtocols;
import org.smslib.OutboundMessage;
import org.smslib.Service;
import org.smslib.modem.SerialModemGateway;
import java.util.List;

public class SendSms {
    public SendSms() {

    public void sendSMS(String[] phoneNumber) throws Exception {
        Service srv;
        OutboundMessage msg;

        OutboundNotification outboundNotification = new OutboundNotification();

        srv = new Service();
        SerialModemGateway gateway = new SerialModemGateway("modem.com1",
                "COM1", 9600, null, null);

        try {

            for (int i = 0; i < phoneNumber.length; i++) {
                msg = new OutboundMessage(phoneNumber[i], "您有会议待处理,请登陆查看!");


        } finally {

    public class OutboundNotification implements IOutboundMessageNotification {
        public void process(String gatewayId, OutboundMessage msg) {
            System.out.println("Outbound handler called from Gateway: " +

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        SendSms app = new SendSms();
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {


Platform: | Size: 1040178 | Author: idhuanghao | Hits:


Description: 带进度条的文件上传(java+ajax源码) 在写代码的时候,还要用到关于servlet的包servlet-api.jar。   写完后调试的过程中,老报错:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream,后来一查才知道少了commons-io-1.2.jar,加上后,就ok了。   关于获取及显示进度部分,用了我原来自己写的一个ajax的应用架构,从中抽取了部分代码出来,注意,js文件只适用于UTF-8编码的页面,因为现在我只写UTF-8编码的页面了,国际化方便。  progressUpload.jar中,包含了commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar,servlet-api.jar,commons-io-1.2.jar,在progressUpload.jar中,还包含一个属性文件,里面是一些默认配置,可根据自己的需要修改。   由于有源码,怎么用可以自己看源码,此外,那个例子中也写了,在此不再赘述。例子中只取到了FileItem,再将item保存一下就ok了,示例代码: File upFile = new File(remoteFilePath) try \{ item.write(upFile) fileInfo.put("infotip", "上传成功.") } catch (java.lang.Exception e) \{ fileInfo.put("infotip", "上传失败.") }-with the progress of the file upload (java ajax OSS) in writing code, also used on packages servlet servlet-api.jar. After the finish debugging process, the old errors : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFil eOutputStream. Later, an investigation will know less commons-io- 1.2.jar, plus, on the ok. On access and display some progress with my own original written by a ajax application architectures, from taking part code, and the attention js document only applies to UTF-8 encoded pages. now I just write UTF-8 encoded pages, international convenience. ProgressUpload.jar, contains commons- fileupload- 1.1.1.jar. servlet-api.jar, commons-io- 1.2.jar. In progressUpload.jar, also includes an attribute documents, There is some of the default conf
Platform: | Size: 577536 | Author: 商务通 | Hits:


Description: jSP编写的了BBS系统 架設方法 : 解壓縮dzbbs.zip後,打開dzbbs/set.jsp,修改以下 try{ cn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=big5","root","pass") // mysql為資料庫名稱,root 為用戶帳號 , pass為用戶密碼 }catch(Exception e){ } String bbs_name="DzBBS" //論壇名稱 String temple="default" //風格模版 String adminpass="pass" //管理員密碼 設定好後運行http://user.net/dzbbs,然後再注冊成為會員即可,密碼需要和上面所設定的一樣 免費論壇空間推荐 MyJavaServer+db4free 完美組合 MyJavaServer是國外免費5mb空間 如何申請請看 http://blog.csdn.net/leafxx/archive/2006/10/02/1317960.aspx db4free是國外免費Mysql空間 -JSP prepared to set up a BBS system Methods: dzbbs.zip decompress, open dzbbs/set.jsp, amendments in the following try (cn = DriverManager.getConnection (jdbc: mysql:// localhost/mysql? useUnicode = true
Platform: | Size: 839680 | Author: James | Hits:


Description: 识别图片上的文字,识别率有80% 附加c#调用 [DllImport("AspriseOCR.dll")] static extern string craboOCR(string file, int type) private void GetVeryfyCode() { if(File.Exists(_imgPath))//ok now? { try { this.picbVeryfyCode.Image=System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(_imgPath) _veryfyCode=craboOCR(_imgPath,-1) _veryfyCode=_veryfyCode.Substring(0,4) this.txtVeryfyCode.Text=_veryfyCode } catch(Exception e) { this.lblResult.Text+=e.Message } } }-The text on the picture identification, identification rate of 80 surcharge c# Calls [DllImport ( AspriseOCR.dll )] static extern string craboOCR (string file, int type) private void GetVeryfyCode () (if (File.Exists (_imgPath) )// ok now? (try (this.picbVeryfyCode.Image = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile (_imgPath) _veryfyCode = craboOCR (_imgPath,-1) _veryfyCode = _veryfyCode.Substring (0,4) this.txtVeryfyCode.Text = _veryfyCode) catch (Exception e) (this.lblResult.Text+ = e.Message)))
Platform: | Size: 6479872 | Author: 似的 | Hits:


Description: A、B、C、D、E五人合伙夜间捕鱼,凌晨时都疲惫不堪,各自在河边的树丛中找地方睡着了,日上三竿,A第一个醒来,他将鱼平分作五份,把多余的一条扔回湖中,拿自己的一份回家去了,B第二个醒来,也将鱼平分为五份,扔掉多余的一条,只拿走自己的一份,接着C、D、E依次醒来,也都按同样的办法分鱼。问五人至少合伙捕到多少条鱼?每个人醒来后看到的鱼数是多少条?-A, B, C, D, E five-member partnership night fishing, when the early morning, exhausted, each of the bush beside the river looking for a place to sleep,日上三竿, A first woke up, he will fish for five bisector the superfluous扔回a lake, using their own went to a home, B second wake up, will also be divided into five fish, throw a redundant, only take away their own a, and then C, D, E in order to wake up, have the same approach at the fish. Asked at least five the number of partner catch fish? After everyone woke up to see how many fish are?
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 爱因斯坦 | Hits:

[Data structsHaffmancode

Description: 课程设计: 1.求出在一个n×n的棋盘上,放置n个不能互相捕捉的国际象棋“皇后”的所有布局。 2.设计一个利用哈夫曼算法的编码和译码系统,重复地显示并处理以下项目,直到选择退出为止。 【基本要求】 1) 将权值数据存放在数据文件(文件名为data.txt,位于执行程序的当前目录中) 2) 分别采用动态和静态存储结构 3) 初始化:键盘输入字符集大小n、n个字符和n个权值,建立哈夫曼树; 4) 编码:利用建好的哈夫曼树生成哈夫曼编码; 5) 输出编码; 6) 设字符集及频度如下表: 字符 空格 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 频度 186 64 13 22 32 103 21 15 47 57 1 5 32 20 字符 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 频度 57 63 15 1 48 51 80 23 8 18 1 16 1 -Curriculum design: 1. Obtained in an n × n chessboard, the place to catch each other should not n个chess "Queen" of all the layout. 2. The design of a use of Huffman coding and decoding algorithms systems, and deal with duplicate to show the following items until the exit date selection. The basic requirements 【】 1) will be the right value data stored in data files (file named data.txt, located in the implementation of procedures in the current directory) 2), respectively, dynamic and static storage structure 3) Initialization: keyboard input character set size of n, n and n characters of the right value, set up Huffman tree 4) Coding: Using the built Huffman tree generated Huffman coding 5) output coding 6) The character set and the frequency of the following table: Space characters A B C D E F G H I J K L M Frequency of 186 64 13 22 32 103 21 15 47 57 1 5 32 20 Character N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Frequency 57 63 15 1 48 51 80 23 8 18 1 16 1
Platform: | Size: 550912 | Author: 赵刚 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMyGame

Description: In the game, there are two moving objects on a game board, a thief and a police. The thief is controlled by the computer and moves around in the game board randomly. The user (i.e., the player) moves the police left, down, right and up by pressing ‘A’, ‘S’, ‘D’ and ‘W’ respectively, so as to catch the thief. When the police successfully arrested the thief, i.e., came to the same location as the thief, the player won the game. Your program should then display a “congratulation message” and the number of moves the player took to arrest the thief. -In the game, there are two moving objects on a game board, a thief and a police. The thief is controlled by the computer and moves around in the game board randomly. The user (i.e., the player) moves the police left, down, right and up by pressing ‘A’, ‘S’, ‘D’ and ‘W’ respectively, so as to catch the thief. When the police successfully arrested the thief, i.e., came to the same location as the thief, the player won the game. Your program should then display a “congratulation message” and the number of moves the player took to arrest the thief.
Platform: | Size: 1638400 | Author: 潘家能 | Hits:

[SQL ServerHashTable

Description: HashTable实例 public class HashTable_msg { public HashTable_msg() { String sum_sql="select mobilenum,count(*) from SJSJ_Msg where (left(in_date,6)=(select left(CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 112 ),6)))group by mobilenum" Hashtable<String,Integer> ht = new Hashtable<String,Integer>() try{ ResultSet rs= DBAccess.getInstance().select(sum_sql) while(rs!=null) { ht.put(rs.getString(1),rs.getInt(2)) rs.next() } } catch (Exception e) { Logs.printError(e) } } } -HashTable
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 黄杰贞 | Hits:


Description: jsp 留言系统try { Class.forName("com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver").newInstance() } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace() } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace() } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.out.println("Driver not found") }-try { Class.forName("com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver").newInstance() } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace() } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace() } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.out.println("Driver not found") }
Platform: | Size: 1391616 | Author: haizhijiao | Hits:


Description: java 线程 静态锁,对象锁, synchronized 是锁方法还是锁对象?还是锁类?如何实现?? 部分代码如下, public static Object lock=new Object() //静态锁,锁类,不是锁对象了!!所以两个线程同时 运行两个 TestThread 的execute( ),也可以同步!!! public void execute(){ // synchronized(lock){ for(int i=0 i<20 i++){ try { Thread.sleep(30) } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace() } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+Thread.currentThread ().getName()+" "+i) } } } - java 线程 静态锁,对象锁, synchronized 是锁方法还是锁对象?还是锁类?如何实现?? 部分代码如下, public static Object lock=new Object() //静态锁,锁类,不是锁对象了!!所以两个线程同时 运行两个 TestThread 的execute( ),也可以同步!!! public void execute(){ // synchronized(lock){ for(int i=0 i<20 i++){ try { Thread.sleep(30) } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace() } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+Thread.currentThread ().getName()+" "+i) } } }
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: firezxm | Hits:


Description: C++电子书,C++捉虫记--常见C++BUG围剿打行动,-C++ e-books, C++ to catch the worm in mind- Common C++ BUG suppression play action
Platform: | Size: 4254720 | Author: 于丰 | Hits:


Description: 深入分析了数值分析书中的追赶法的理论,编写了该程序,数据来源于《数值分析》(北航)-Depth analysis of the numerical analysis of the book to catch up with the theory of law, has prepared the program, data from the " Numerical Analysis" (BUAA)
Platform: | Size: 1218560 | Author: GongChun | Hits:


Description: Jamm itself: * Investigate case-sensitivity in JNDI, LDAP, and the LdapFacade. * Implement timestamp and enabled attributes. * Delete account. * Delete domain. * Assign "postmasters" * Change/delete assign postmaster@domain s password * Create/manage catch-alls (web pages) * Create more meaningful exceptions for mail manager (i.e. subclasses of MailManagerException). * Handle exceptions better on web site * Javadoc, javadoc, javadoc! Also, javadoc * Access control so users playing with URLs can t go someplace bad * Install doc * Send e-mail after account creation to assure creation of user directory * Domain capabilities: AllowAddAccount, AllowAddAlias Jamm related items: Webpage: * screen shots -Jamm itself: * Investigate case-sensitivity in JNDI, LDAP, and the LdapFacade. * Implement timestamp and enabled attributes. * Delete account. * Delete domain. * Assign "postmasters" * Change/delete assign postmaster@domain s password * Create/manage catch-alls (web pages) * Create more meaningful exceptions for mail manager (i.e. subclasses of MailManagerException). * Handle exceptions better on web site * Javadoc, javadoc, javadoc! Also, javadoc * Access control so users playing with URLs can t go someplace bad * Install doc * Send e-mail after account creation to assure creation of user directory * Domain capabilities: AllowAddAccount, AllowAddAlias Jamm related items: Webpage: * screen shots
Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: Krithick | Hits:


Description: java 资产管理public class BaseDAO { protected Connection conn=null protected PreparedStatement ps=null public BaseDAO(){ try{ this.conn = JdbcUtils.getCurrentConnection() }catch(SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace() } }-java
Platform: | Size: 3095552 | Author: zhengfei | Hits:


Description: 一个打地鼠的游戏,初始时随机生成一个点击我的图标,在点击后,地鼠会跳到别的地方去,当点击非我的图标时,没有反应-Upon initialisation, the application should randomly choose where to locate the button containing the text "Click me". ii) When the user attempts to follow the instruction on the labelled button (i.e. to click it!), the application should detect the mouse movement in the display area of the labelled button and randomly relocate the button text to another location (i.e. another button) onscreen. The user should never actually be able to successfully click the button containing the "Click me" text. iii) Clicking on any other button2 should produce no result.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: yalyka | Hits:


Description: Exception variables used in try-catch should be scoped, e.g.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: nuzerzi | Hits:
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