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ICA can be used in brain activation studies to reduce the number of dimension and filter out independent and interesting activations. This demonstration shows two studies. One provided by Hvidovre Universitets Hospital, Denmark, that consists of fMRI scannings of humans. Another provided by the EU sponsored MAPAWAMO project from fMRI scannings of monkeys. In the demo comparison between icaMS, icaML, icaMF, icaMF (positive sources) and PCA can be made. More detailes can found in [2]. -ICA can be used in brain activation studies to reduce the number of dimension and filter out independent and interesting activations. This demonstration shows two studies. One provided by Hvidovre Universitets Hospital, Denmark, that consists of fMRI scannings of humans. Another provided by the EU sponsored MAPAWAMO project from fMRI scannings of monkeys. In the demo comparison between icaMS, icaML, icaMF, icaMF (positive sources) and PCA can be made. More detailes can found in [2].
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.64mb Publisher : 海心

A wonderful ica toollbox about blind source separation for the beginners
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : wfs

infomax的ICA算法的扩展程序源码-Infomax ICA algorithm for the expansion of the program source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : 林峰

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : weizhiwen

DL : 0
实现Fast ICA算法的一个例子,实现音频分离-Fast ICA algorithm to achieve an example of the realization of the audio
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.6mb Publisher : 李理

This matlab code for ICA-This is matlab code for ICA
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : uyen

一共包含了5个ICA的算法,其中: fastica.m文件中的ICA算法是基于负熵的; m_fastica.m文件中的ICA算法是基于负熵的改进算法; fastica_kurt.m文件中的ICA算法是基于峭度的; fastica_ML.m文件中的ICA算法是基于互信息的; NLPCA.m文件中的ICA算法是基于非线性PCA的。-Contains a total of five ICA algorithm, in which: fastica.m file in the ICA algorithm is based on negative entropy m_fastica.m file in the ICA algorithm is based on negative entropy of the improved algorithm fastica_kurt.m file in the ICA algorithm is Based on Kurtosis fastica_ML.m file in the ICA algorithm is based on mutual information NLPCA.m file in the ICA algorithm is based on nonlinear PCA' s.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : nifeng

Demo of some Garch models, include ugarch, dcc-garch, ica-garch, and neural network garch, and ica-nn-garch. the last two model are proposaed by me
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 111kb Publisher : harry

Advanced ICA-Based Receivers for DS-CDMA Systems
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 509kb Publisher : Moncef

rake ica receiver This program generates the Walsh Functions and does the job of a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Transmitter and Receiver -rake ica receiver This program generates the Walsh Functions and does the job of a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Transmitter and Receiver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Sumeet M

Blind Source Seperation (BSS) now is a important technology. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is the main technique of BSS. Suppose we mix many non-Gausse signal sources,ICA can seperate the mixed signal to orignal signals without any information. This Matlab Code simulate the using ICA for Multi User Detection (MUD) in CDMA system. We demo the CDMA system with 30 Users, and use ICA seperate the signal of each user at Base Transmit Station (BTS) with the only 30 Users signal.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.1mb Publisher : Tuyen

IEEE文章,带ICA算法源码,很好的参考,给大家分享一下-ICA matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1011kb Publisher : david
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