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程序代码说明 P0701:细胞边缘检测 P0702:癌细胞形态学分析 P0703:癌细胞颜色分析-code P0701 Note : Cell Edge Detection P0702 : Morphological analysis P0703 cancer : cancer color analysis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 东东

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在给出燃料电池汽车动力系统结构的基础上,基于Matlab 软件环境,建立了前向式燃料电池汽车动力系统模型,模型结构和实际的动力系统有着严格的对应关系,各部分模型采用物理分析与数据处理相结合的方法建立。-given in fuel cell vehicle power system architecture based on Matlab-based software environment, to the establishment of a fuel-cell vehicle power system model, model structure and the actual power system is closely related to the use of some physical model analysis and data processing combined method .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.18mb Publisher :

细胞边缘检测及癌细胞识别系统,在matlab环境下操作!-cell edge detection and cancer identification system in operation Matlab environment!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 67kb Publisher : 马会玲

图像处理,用matlab编程,细胞边缘检测及癌细胞的识别!-Image processing, using matlab programming, cell edge detection and identification of cancer cells!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 64kb Publisher : 亚涛

CELP (CELl Processing) is a functional programming package for Matlab. It is often better to use FP instead of loops: - it s more compact - it s more clear.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 栗子

这个程序的作用是从细胞图像中的识别出镰刀形红细胞,类似的方法也可以用来识别其他类型的细胞。-The role of this procedure is from the cell image in the identification of sickle-shaped red blood cells, similar methods can be used to identify other types of cells.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : zengjiang

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matlab的元胞自动机程序的源代码,胞自动机程序状态演化规则 ①如果一个元胞的状态是0,则当它有状态为1的邻元时,该元胞的状态以概率a×b变为1,并且当它的临域中状态为1的邻元越多,其状态转变为1的概率越大 ②如果一个元胞的状态是1,则该元胞的状态保持不变。初始传播者位于中心单元格25×25处 取50×50的网格,临域为Moore型,经过50个仿真时钟,知识传播结果的模拟图 -matlab Cellular Automata procedure source code, cellular automata evolution rules of procedure state ① If a cell' s state is 0, then when it has a status of one element of the neighborhood, the cellular state to the probability of a × b into one, and when it' s Pro domain status is one more element of the neighborhood, its status into a greater probability of 1 ② If a cell' s state is 1, the cellular status remains unchanged. Initial spreaders center cell 25 × 25 obtain 50 × 50 grid, the Pro domain for the Moore-type, after 50 simulation clock, the dissemination of knowledge of the simulation results of Figure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 袁逸扬

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太阳能电池模型 艾斯黛拉发生了的附件上附件了释迦佛-Solar cell model艾斯黛拉occurred in an annex to the annex of the Sakyamuni Buddha
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : hello

边缘提取算法提取细胞轮廓 适用于前景背景反差巨大-An object can be easily detected in an image if the object has sufficient contrast from the background. We use edge detection and basic morphology tools to detect a prostate cancer cell.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : cicy

对传统的多小区系统中的干扰控制技术进行了简单的回顾,对多用户和多用户MIMO系统中的干扰抑制技术进行分析,这些是后续对多小区MIMO研究的基础。重点对多小区MIMO系统展开深入研究,揭示了系统干扰受限的原因,将单用户和多用户的千扰抑制技术扩展到多小区系统,分别给出了基于接收端和发送端的多种抑制干扰的系统结构和算法,推导了其容量并进行了性能分析。同时也结合实际系统的设计对各种干扰抑制技术进行比较和评价,得到了许多对于系统设计具有参考价值的结论。-he traditional system of multi-cell interference control technology a simple review of multi-user and multi-user MIMO system analysis of the interference suppression techniques, which are the follow-up of multi-cell MIMO research. Emphasis on the multi-cell MIMO system launched an in-depth study revealed the system interference limited reasons, single-user and multi-user interference suppression techniques extended to multi-cell systems, respectively, gives the receiver and sender based on a variety of interference suppression The system architecture and algorithms derived its capacity and conducted performance analysis. But also with the actual system design on a variety of interference suppression techniques to compare and evaluate system design by many for a reference value is reached.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.87mb Publisher : 方周

太阳能电池仿真模型,可根据不同的温度和日照仿真电池的I-V,P-V曲线-solar cell simulate model
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 唐世强

DL : 1
光伏太阳电池的仿真,基本的数学公式与基本知识-PV solar cell simulink
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : hy

设计了燃料电池的分布式发电系统,将分布式发电系统与电网进行并联。并对其进行了仿真。-Has designed fuel cell s distributional generating system, carries on parallel the distributional generating system and the electrical network. And has carried on the simulation to it.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : 彭汛

电磁波Yee Cell FDTD交错网格场量位置示意图 画图程序 TE 波TM波 TEM波都有-Yee Cell FDTD electromagnetic field quantity staggered grid position diagram drawing program TE, TM waves are TEM wave
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : better1234

DL : 1
不同蜂窝系统,不同移动台速率的情况下 信道保持时间,驻留时间,切换概率仿真计算-The simulation for multi size cell and multi speed MS s Channel hold time and stay time and the probability of handover
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : huang

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本书第一章系统讲述 MATLAB6.5 的集成工作平台,引导读者初会MATLAB 基本用法。第二、三章系统叙述MATLAB6.1 的四大基本数据类型(数值数组、字符串数组、元胞数组、构架数组),至于其它扩展数据类型(函数句柄、符号数据、内联函数、unit 数组、稀疏类)则另辟章节专述。此后,本书用九个独立章分述MATLAB6.5 的数值计算、符号计算、函数和数据可视、面向对象编程、GUI 交互操作界面设计、EXE 独立应用程序生成、实现不同软件平台交互的API、M-book 数据图形文字环境集成等八大通用功能。本书用专门的一章深入浅出地阐明SIMULINK 的分层建模、仿真功能、与MATLAB 交互的功能。 全书包含 390 多个计算范例。所有算例的程序是可靠、完整的。读者可以在自己的MATLAB 环境中完全准确地重现本书所提供的算例结果。算例的举一反三,将使读者很快掌握要领,从模仿走向灵活应用。-This book chapter describes the system integration MATLAB6.5 work platform, the reader will be the beginning of the basic use of MATLAB. Second, the four chapters, system, MATLAB6.1 basic data types (numeric arrays, strings, arrays, cell arrays, structure arrays), while the other extended data types (function handle, symbol data, inline functions, unit array , sparse class) are separate sections above. Since then, the book points out with nine separate chapters MATLAB6.5 of numerical computation, symbolic computation, functions, and data visualization, object-oriented programming, GUI interactive interface design, EXE standalone applications generated, to achieve interaction of different software platforms API, M-book data, graphical environment for integration of the eight general-purpose language Function. Book with a special chapter in layman s language to clarify the hierarchical SIMULINK modeling, simulation, and the MATLAB interactive features. The book contains more than 390
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.3mb Publisher : 小天

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solar cell for improvment of efficiency
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : sajad

燃料电池的simulink模型,该燃料电池的原型为Ballard Mark-700,75kw-fuel cell simulink model
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : james

血液细胞图像中某一种细胞的分割方法代码,这种细胞是环形的。-Blood cell image segmentation method of a code for a cell, this cell is circular.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : yangna

实施细胞分割,先对图片进行前期处理,然后二值化处理,在进行滤波,并且计算细胞数。-cell segmentation,Pre-processing of the picture first, and then binarization, during filtering, and calculation of cell number.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : LWH
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