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基于wince系统的RFID识别程序 支持多种RFID协议自动转化-Wince-based RFID system to identify RFID protocol process supports a wide range of automatic conversion
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 370kb Publisher : lichanglei

Write a game using the analog wiz This fixed and better configur Easy Language- Triumph Xiao Tang Easy language type CF Daohao Troj Easy language MOYU BOSS position Stationmaster newest warm-bloode Principle and external production dozens external source pool is de game external Guide UO source plug-in tools, would li pool of external technical articl packet interception of the source packet interception operation, VB A network of plug-in Offline PLXX game external prepared Principle game system NProtect GameGuard -Write a game using the analog wiz This is fixed and better configur Easy Language- Triumph Xiao Tang Easy language type CF Daohao Troj Easy language MOYU BOSS position Stationmaster newest warm-bloode Principle and external production dozens external source pool is de game external Guide UO source plug-in tools, would li pool of external technical articl packet interception of the source packet interception operation, VB A network of plug-in Offline PLXX game external prepared Principle game system NProtect GameGuard 99
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : zx1

PHP - Sistema de Calculo de Venda de Produtos - Versã o II.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : fernandoagz

Este sistema foi desenvolvido VIAGIZ.COM modificado por mim para quebrar nosso galho, sistema de cotaç ã o.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : fernandoagz

Listador de arquivos que possui no diretório onde o arquivo se encontra.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : fernandoagz

Calcule o determinante exato de uma matriz de ordem qualquer através do teorema de Laplace. Se você gosta de matemática e programaç ã o, este script foi feito para você.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : manolee

PL/0编译器C++/C版本 1. 测试文件必须是以testin.pl0命名的文件。 2. 成功运行测试程序后,会生成testout.txt的文件,里面包括代码、指令和运行结果。 3、First.cpp--只包含词法语法分析,Error.cpp--加入了出错处理,All.cpp--包含代码生成和解释程序,是完整编译器。-请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 PL/0 biānyì qì C++/C bǎnběn 1. Cèshì wénjiàn bìxū shì yǐ testin.Pl0 mìngmíng de wénjiàn. 2. Chénggōng yùnxíng cèshì chéngxù hòu, huì shēngchéng testout.Txt de wénjiàn, lǐmiàn bāokuò dàimǎ, zhǐlìng hé yùn háng jiéguǒ. 3,First.Cpp--zhǐ bāohán cífǎ yǔfǎ fēnxī,Error.Cpp--jiārùle chūcuò chu lǐ,All.Cpp--bāohán dàimǎ shēngchéng hé jiěshì chéngxù, shì wánzhěng biānyì qì. 您是不是要找: pascal 子语言 pl 0编译器 解释器 pascal编写 PL/0 compiler C++/C version 1 test file named file must be based testin.pl0. (2) After successfully running the test program will generate testout.txt file, which includes the code, instructions and operating results. 3, First.cpp-- contains only syntax analysis, Error.cpp-- added error handling, All.cpp-- include code generation and interpretation procedures are complete compiler.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : 夏日星

使用C#编写的一个简易的C语言词法分析器,对汇编语言的一个活学活用的例子,供大家参考学习。-英语中文德语检测语言 中文(简体)英语日语 翻译文字或网页 使用C#编写的一个简易的C语言词法分析器,对汇编语言的一个活学活用的例子,供大家参考学习。 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Shǐyòng C#biānxiě de yīgè jiǎnyì de C yǔyán cífǎ fēnxī qì, duì huìbiān yǔyán de yīgè huó xué huóyòng de lìzi, gōng dàjiā cānkǎo xuéxí.Use C# to write a simple C language lexical analyzer, an example of the assembly language of a live learning, for your reference study.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 113kb Publisher : wangbin
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