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Carrier-phase synchronization can be approached in a general manner by estimating the multiplicative distortion (MD) to which a baseband received signal in an RF or coherent optical transmission system is subjected. This paper presents a unified modeling and estimation of the MD in finite-alphabet digital communication systems. A simple form of MD is the camer phase exp GO) which has to be estimated and compensated for in a coherent receiver. A more general case with fading must, however, allow for amplitude as well as phase variations of the MD. We assume a state-variable model for the MD and generally obtain a nonlinear estimation problem with additional randomly-varying system parameters such as received signal power, frequency offset, and Doppler spread. An extended Kalman filter is then applied as a near-optimal solution to the adaptive MD and channel parameter estimation problem. Examples are given to show the use and some advantages of this scheme.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 808.2kb Publisher : 吴大亨

基于simulink的uwb仿真 uwb.mdl: UWB model - open this to begin. uwb_lib.mdl: Library blocks for UWB model. uwb_init.m: Initialization called before model is loaded. uwb_settings: Sets up structure containing system parameters ( uwb in workspace). uwb_imr.m: Initializes UWB channel impulse response. uwb_sv_*.m: Four M-files used to generate channel impulse responses (MAT files).-based on Simulink simulation of UWB uwb.mdl : UWB model-open this to begin. uwb_lib.mdl : Library blocks for UWB model. uwb_init.m : Initialization called before model is loaded. uwb_settings : Sets up structure containing system parameter s (UWB in workspace). uwb_imr.m : Initializes UWB channel impulse response. UWB _sv_*. m : Four M-files used to generate channel impulse r esponses (MAT files).
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 47kb Publisher : 案件评

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Carrier-phase synchronization can be approached in a general manner by estimating the multiplicative distortion (MD) to which a baseband received signal in an RF or coherent optical transmission system is subjected. This paper presents a unified modeling and estimation of the MD in finite-alphabet digital communication systems. A simple form of MD is the camer phase exp GO) which has to be estimated and compensated for in a coherent receiver. A more general case with fading must, however, allow for amplitude as well as phase variations of the MD. We assume a state-variable model for the MD and generally obtain a nonlinear estimation problem with additional randomly-varying system parameters such as received signal power, frequency offset, and Doppler spread. An extended Kalman filter is then applied as a near-optimal solution to the adaptive MD and channel parameter estimation problem. Examples are given to show the use and some advantages of this scheme.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 808kb Publisher : 吴大亨

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Comparison of the performances of the LS and the MMSE channel estimators for a 64 sub carrier OFDM system based on the parameter of Mean square error
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : guoyanpeng

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经典的短波信道模拟程序——wattson模型,比较好用,适当设置参数-Classic short-wave channel simulation program- wattson model, easy to use, the appropriate parameter settings
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 胡成

实时监视 实时监视功能有二种播放方式,直接方式和数据回调方式。直接方式是指通过服务器传送过来的视频数据不需要用户自己去解码就能够显示播放,用户只要调用接口CLIENT_API LONG CLIENT_RealPlay(LONG lLoginID, int nChannelID, HWND hWnd),将窗口句柄传入形参hWnd就能够实时播放视频了;数据回调方式是指服务器传送过来的视频数据通过回调函数由用户自己来处理,如果用户需要播放的话,可以调用解码库dhplay.dll解码播放。 多画面预览方式是指在一个画面上显示多路视频图像。 云台控制 云台控制功能可分为常用控制功能和扩展控制功能。常用控制有云台的上、下、左、右、镜头伸缩、焦距远近、光圈大小等控制。扩展控制功能有预置功能、巡航功能、巡迹功能、线性扫描功能、三维定位、水平旋转等。 -Real-time monitoring functions of two kinds of playback mode, the direct method and the data the way back. Refers to direct them through the server to send the video data does not need to decode the user s own players will be able to display the user interface as long as the call CLIENT_API LONG CLIENT_RealPlay (LONG lLoginID, int nChannelID, HWND hWnd), the window handle hWnd parameter into the the video in real time data callback is referring to the video server to send back data from the user s own callback function to deal with, if the user needs to play, you can call dhplay.dll decoding broadcast decoder library. Multi-screen preview mode is the display screen in a multi-channel video images. PTZ control functions can be divided into the control functions and expansion of commonly used control functions. Yuntai common control of the upper and lower, left, right, telescopic lens, focal distance, aperture size control. Expansion of pre-function control functions, cruise functi
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8.05mb Publisher : yang

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频率偏差估计由信道参数估计和频率偏差估计两部分组成 环路滤波器设计-Frequency offset is estimated by the channel parameter estimation and frequency offset is estimated that two-part loop filter design
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 92kb Publisher : 王琴

关于语音处理的英文书籍,其中特征提取部分(MFCC)讲解的很好很详细-The performance of speech recognition systems receiving speech that has been transmitted over mobile channels can be significantly degraded when compared to using an unmodified signal. The degradations are as a result of both the low bit rate speech coding and channel transmission errors. A Distributed Speech Recognition (DSR) system overcomes these problems by eliminating the speech channel and instead using an error protected data channel to send a parameterized representation of the speech, which is suitable for recognition. The processing is distributed between the terminal and the network. The terminal performs the feature parameter extraction, or the front-end of the speech recognition system. These features are transmitted over a data channel to a remote "back-end" recognizer. The end result is that the transmission channel does not affect the recognition system performance and channel invariability is achieved.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 99kb Publisher : gqy

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A signal is transmitted using a carrier frequency of 900 MHz. It is transmitted through a multipath channel which can be modelled as Rayleigh fading. Assumingthe Dopper spread as 10Hz and the number of multipaths as 10, generate the Rayleigh faded signal. Compute the outage rate (the probability of the signal falls below certain rate, say ?10 dB) of the signal. Using MATLAB, demonstrate the path loss as a function of loss parameter for distances ranging from 2 km to 40 km. Calculate the power loss in dB
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : Johnathan

传输环境是移动通信中的重要参数,采用了一种更加普遍的多入多出(MIMO)系统传输模型,在此基础上深入讨论了MIMO的信道结构、系统性能和传播环境之间的关系,指出了针孔信道存在的条件,最后通过仿真指出了在不同的信道条件下MIMO系统的容量别。 -Transmission environment is an important parameter in mobile communications, using a more general Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system transmission model, based on in-depth discussion of the MIMO channel structure, system performance and dissemination of environmental relationship between the pointed out the existence of pinhole channel conditions, the final adoption of simulation that in different conditions, the channel capacity of MIMO systems do not.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 38kb Publisher : 集思广益

Author: Vinay Uday Prabhu E-mail: Function: Comparison of the performances of the LS and the MMSE channel estimators for a 64 sub carrier OFDM system based on the parameter of Mean square error Assumptions: The channel is assumed to be g(t)=delta(t-0.5 Ts)+delta(t-3.5 Ts) {Fractionally spaced} For more information on the theory and formulae used , please do refer to the paper On "Channel Estimation In OFDM systems" By Jan-Jaap van de Beek, Ove Edfors, Magnus Sandell Sarah Kate wilson and Petr Ola Borjesson In proceedings Of VTC 95 Vol 2 pg.815-819 - Author: Vinay Uday Prabhu E-mail: Function: Comparison of the performances of the LS and the MMSE channel estimators for a 64 sub carrier OFDM system based on the parameter of Mean square error Assumptions: The channel is assumed to be g(t)=delta(t-0.5 Ts)+delta(t-3.5 Ts) {Fractionally spaced} For more information on the theory and formulae used , please do refer to the paper On "Channel Estimation In OFDM systems" By Jan-Jaap van de Beek, Ove Edfors, Magnus Sandell Sarah Kate wilson and Petr Ola Borjesson In proceedings Of VTC 95 Vol 2 pg.815-819
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : venkat

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The source code for LS ESPRIT and TLS ESPRIT - an algorithm for channel parameter estimation.-The source code for LS ESPRIT and TLS ESPRIT- an algorithm for channel parameter estimation.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : zhang li

本论文在简要阐述了各种光纤数字传输系统技术及其原理的基础上,通过比选确定出了符合钦州至崇左路段的较先进的光纤数字传输系统方案,确定其光纤通信系统采用SDH传输方案。在SDH传送网分层模型的基础上,对SDH传送网各层功能、信号流程、网络配置作了详细的阐述,同时说明了SDH传送网特有的复用映射原理。根据钦州至崇左路段的实际情况计算确定了系统中的重要参数,选择出了网络拓扑结构,按最坏值设计法进行了中继段长度的计算,编制了网络组织图、通道组织图及通信系统总体框图等。所设计的的高速公路光纤数字传输系统达到了能够同时传输语音、数据及图像的要求,并且满足了容量要求,实现了与相邻高速公路通信系统的相互连接。-The article,through compared to elects to determine,has conformed to Qinzhou to the Chongzuo road section ,which advanced optical fiber digital transmission system plan, had determined the optical fiber communications system using the SDH transmission plan in the principle foundation.In the SDH transmission network model foundation, each function of SDH transmission network,the signal flow simultaneously explained the SDH transmission network which uniqued multiplying mapping inciple.The computation had determined the system important parameter,had carried the worst value design law,the channel drafted pattern and the communications system overall diagram and so on. The highway optical fiber digital transmission system, hadbeen designed had achieved simultaneously transmiting the pronunciation on,the data and the image requestion has satisfied the capacity which has realized neighboring highway communications system mutual connection. Keywords: Expressway communication system O
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 832kb Publisher : lsj

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The Nakagami distribution or the Nakagami-m distribution is a probability distribution related to the gamma distribution. It has two parameters: a shape parameter μ and a second parameter controlling spread, ω.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 20kb Publisher : ahmad

主要讲解了航空信道模型的仿真实现和参数选择,给出了各信道场景下的接收信号星座图以及概率密度曲线。-Mainly on the aviation simulation channel model implementation and parameter selection are given scenarios each channel received signal constellation and the probability density curve.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 12kb Publisher : 吴晓蔓

AFC信道参数估计,实验结果是估计衰落系数和频率偏移-AFC channel parameter estimation, the experimental results is to estimate the fading coefficients and the frequency offset
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : andy

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matlab通信信道仿真实验,代码和模块,AWGN信道下的扩频通信仿真,里面有详细的参数设置-matlab communication channel simulation, code and modules, the AWGN channel spread spectrum communication simulation, there are detailed parameter settings
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : 胡凯

遍历容量仿真程序代码 发送端已知信道参数仿真程序代码-The ergodic capacity simulation program code sender known the channel parameter simulation program code
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : Red

channel parameter identification using least mean square method for new beginners.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : kim

winner+项目信道校正数据,大尺度、小尺度、视距、非视距信道参数校正测量数据-winner+ project channel calibration data, large-scale \ small scales, sight, NLOS channel parameter calibration measurement data
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : 聚类
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