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Description: TreeView中Checkbox的单选-Checkbox in TreeView radio
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: universe | Hits:


Description: 带checkbox的dtree,比较不错,建议大家下载练习。-Checkbox with the dtree, relatively good, it is recommended to download U.S. practice.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: howey | Hits:


Description: 利用VC编程过程中 CListCtrl 的风格、扩展风格、插值或删除数据、选中取消一行、得到checkbox的状态等等.........,很多很实用的操作-VC programming course using CListCtrl style, extended style, interpolation, or delete data, select Cancel and his party, the state of checkbox ........., so a lot of very practical operation
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李章林 | Hits:

[Windows Developcoolgrid

Description: 完全继承了微软的软件设计风格,继承MSFlexGrid和MSHFlexGrid的强大功能。 控件小巧,执行速度快。 输入方便。可以不用任何编程在表格中设置六种输入方式:文本框(TextBox)、下拉框(ComboBox)、复选框(CheckBox)、日历(Calendar)、按钮(Button)、超级链接(hyperlink),完全可以实现复杂的数据输入。 -Fully inherited the style of Microsoft s software design, inheritance MSFlexGrid and MSHFlexGrid power. Controls a small, fast implementation. Convenient input. Do not have any programming in the table set up six input methods: text boxes (TextBox), the drop-down box (ComboBox), check box (CheckBox), calendar (Calendar), button (Button), hyperlinks (hyperlink), is entirely possible to achieve complex data entry.
Platform: | Size: 362496 | Author: 许庭洲 | Hits:

[Button controlGridCtrl

Description: GirdCtrl控件进行的扩展,以支持button、checkbox\radio\combo等功能!-GirdCtrl controls expansion to support the button, checkbox adiocombo functions!
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: stefanie | Hits:


Description: 用Javascript动态添加和删除表格行,该程序解决了radio,checkbox分组的问题。 -Using Javascript to add and remove dynamic table row, the program solved the radio, checkbox grouping problem.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 曾次清 | Hits:

[WEB Codetpl_checkbox

Description: 使用template_lite模板做的checkbox的例子,旨在学会尝试在php中用模板开发-Template_lite template using the checkbox to do the examples to learn to try to develop in php using template
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: cxc | Hits:


Description: 这是一个简单的datagridview中添加checkbox 的程序,一些基本的操作都实现了 希望对一些朋友有所帮助-This is a simple checkbox in datagridview to add procedures, some basic operations to achieve a wish to help some friends
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 熊文涛 | Hits:


Description: 微软的SQL SERVER数据库的Image、text等字段都属于二进制的大对象。这些对象的存取和其他轻型对象略有不同。   微软.NET Framework的System.IO命名空间下给我们提供了一个FileStream文件流类。我们可以使用这个文件流对二进制大对象轻松进行读写。   我实现了一个简单的WinForm程序,这个程序通过点击“Open”按钮选择一个bmp或者jpg文件,并显示在图形控件PictureBox中。通过“Save”按钮存入数据库。点击“View”CheckBox可以切换到浏览状态,观看存入数据库的图片。   由于对二进制大对象使用的流操作,所以对于任何文件都具有通用性。读写文本文件也可以这么做-odbc
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: tanpan | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTuckDroitTreeView

Description: checkbox树,不用任何代码,可以轻松制作权限管理-checkbox tree, without any code, you can make it easy to create rights management
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 聂风 | Hits:


Description: 在dtree基础上改造的带checkbox的树形结构,并可遍历生成树,取得选中的checkbox id,并可设置checkbox默认选中-Dtree transformation in the basis of the tree structure with checkbox, and spanning tree traversal to obtain the selected checkbox id, and set the checkbox to select the default
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: paddy | Hits:


Description: 网上收集的多个javascript树形结构的代码,其中部分带checkbox的树形结构,非常值得学习-javascript tree menu checkbox
Platform: | Size: 191488 | Author: allen | Hits:

[WEB CodeGraphicalASP.NET_Controls_source

Description: It is possible to create very nice web pages and you can even change the look of some form controls using CSS (for example, it is possible to change the look of textboxes and buttons), but there is no way to change the look of checkboxes and radio buttons. This article describes two custom controls with the same functionality as standard ASP.NET CheckBox and RadioButton and with properties that allow you to change the design of the controls using images. Another way of how to use controls like these is when you want to place an icon with checkbox functionality on your web page for example, I wanted to mark some data as hidden, so I used checkbox control with lock and stricken lock icons-It is possible to create very nice web pages and you can even change the look of some form controls using CSS (for example, it is possible to change the look of textboxes and buttons), but there is no way to change the look of checkboxes and radio buttons. This article describes two custom controls with the same functionality as standard ASP.NET CheckBox and RadioButton and with properties that allow you to change the design of the controls using images. Another way of how to use controls like these is when you want to place an icon with checkbox functionality on your web page for example, I wanted to mark some data as hidden, so I used checkbox control with lock and stricken lock icons
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: netyjj | Hits:


Description: jQuery的radio,checkbox,select操作-jQuery‘s radio, checkbox, select the operation
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 文浩 | Hits:

[Web Servercheckbox

Description: checkbox 设置和取值脚本,代码简洁,没有多余的部分。稍微修改,也可用于实现ajax动态效果。-check box demo
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: fast man | Hits:


Description: 梅花树形菜单,实现了checkbox的多选功能,数据的抓取,支持xml,js文件等!在后台的管理和开发中,有着相当不错的效果-Plum tree menu to realize the multi-selection checkbox function crawl data to support xml, js files! In the background of the management and development, has a very good results
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 唐名 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopCheckBox

Description: 一款另类的彩色图形复选框控件源代码(CheckBox2009) (v3),支持彩色混合透明通道的GUI显示,彩色标题显示。-A different type of color graphics check box controls the source code (CheckBox2009) (v3), support for transparent color channel mixing GUI display, color display title.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: Anew | Hits:


Description: 增强的MessageBox功能,具有超时、自动关闭、自定义按钮、自定义图标、CheckBox等功能。-MessageBox function enhanced with time-out, self-closing, custom button, custom icon, CheckBox functions.
Platform: | Size: 245760 | Author: 张爽 | Hits:


Description: netbean6.5.1的例子checkbox。netbean6.5.1的例子netbean6.5.1的例子-netbean6.5.1 example checkbox. Examples of netbean6.5.1 example netbean6.5.1
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 莉莉 | Hits:

[Browser Clientcontrol

Description: Vista 网格 Radio, CheckBox,Select,TreeView 等。
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 杨懿 | Hits:
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