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[Windows Developchild_popup

Description: 一个窗口的类型在Child和Popup之间互换-The exmaple of the interchange of a windows style between child and popup
Platform: | Size: 283648 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[GUI Developpopu_child_wnd

Description: 弹出窗口和子窗口互换的例子。拖拽窗口,从父窗口拖出时成为Popup型,拖进就成为Child类型的示例。-Pop-up window and sub-exchange example. Drag a window out from the Father became Popup window type, dragged on to become an example of type Child.
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 张先生 | Hits:


Description: Windows编程基础 源程序组成结构 MFC编程基础 鼠标应用程序实例 消息映射-PostMessage() The PostMessage function places (posts) a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the specified window and then returns without waiting for the thread to process the message. Messages in a message queue are retrieved by calls to the GetMessage or PeekMessage function. BOOL PostMessage( HWND hWnd, // handle of destination window UINT Msg, // message to post WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter LPARAM lParam // second message parameter ) 其中 hWnd Handle to the window whose window procedure is to receive the message. Two values have special meanings: ValueMeaningHWND_BROADCASTThe message is posted to all top-level windows in the system, including disabled or invisible unowned windows, overlapped windows, and pop-up windows. The message is not posted to child windows.NULLThe function behaves like a call to PostThreadMessage with the dwThreadId parameter set to the identifier of the current thread. Msg Specifies the messa
Platform: | Size: 479232 | Author: 李毅 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringspBufferWnd

Description: 窗口类CBufferWnd: l 能够作为子窗口或者时弹出窗口 l 支持滚动,自动根据滚动位置调整显示的内容 l 支持光标显示 l 在光标处或是指定位置插入文字 输出辅助类CConsoler: l 与指定的输出窗口对象进行绑定 l 能够支持printf方式的输出 l 能够对汉字进行处理避免出现换行时出现半个汉字的情况,在半个汉字时利用空格进行替换,并在下一行继续显示文字 利用字符窗口可以方便的开发类似与控制台的面向字符显示的应用。-Window class CBufferWnd: l can be used as a child window or a pop-up window when l support for scrolling, automatically displays the contents of the scroll position to adjust l support l cursor displayed at the cursor location, or insert the specified text output auxiliary class CConsoler: l with the specified output window object to bind the way l can support the printf output l be able to handle Chinese characters for row to avoid the emergence of half-Chinese, Chinese characters in the half, when the use of spaces to be replaced, and the next line continues to show the use of characters in the text window can easily develop similar to the console-oriented character display applications.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: pushimin | Hits:


Description: 自用的Asp.net操作JavaScript的通用类,封装了一些常用的如弹出对话框,刷新父、子窗口,关闭并跳转等小功能-Asp.net own use common JavaScript operation class encapsulates a number of commonly used, such as pop-up dialog box, refresh the parent, child window, close and jump and other small features
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lxp1116 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopTestDlg

Description: 有一个主对话框,里面有一个或多个子对话框,点击弹出,将会是子对话框弹出主对话框外面,点击插回,将会让该子对话框插回到主对话框内。-A main dialog box, which has one or more sub-dialog box, click the pop up dialog box will pop up child outside the main dialog box, click the plug back to the sub-dialog box will be inserted back to the main dialog.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 黄炳快 | Hits:


Description: 网上流传的TipTool气泡窗口 是以控件为基础的,作为控件的子窗口。 我做了改良,以点为基础, 根据某点,弹出窗口-TipTool circulated on the Internet is a bubble window-based control as child window control. I made improvements to the basis points, according to a certain point, the pop-up window
Platform: | Size: 11615232 | Author: 七夜狐 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVB_child_form_control_background_color_code

Description: VB弹出子窗体控制其变换背景色代码 一个不错的代码-VB child form the pop-up control of its change the background color code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lijing | Hits:


Description: VC++ 孙鑫第六讲 菜单的工作原理及编写应用,菜单命令消息在MFC框架程序的几个类中的传递顺序和处理过程。标记菜单、缺省菜单的实现原理、图形菜单的实现及常犯错误的分析,GetSystemMetrics的应用,快捷弹出菜单的实现方式及其命令响应函数有效范围(与弹出菜单时所指定的父窗口有密切的关系,最底层的子窗口具有最优先的处理机会)。动态菜单的编写,如何让程序在运行时产生新的菜单项及如何手工为这些新产生的菜单命令安排处理函数,如何在顶层窗口中截获对菜单命令的处理,更进一步掌握CString类的应用。-VC++ Xin Sun Lecture The working principle of the menu and write applications, the menu command message in the MFC framework program passed a few classes in the order and process. Marking menu, the default menu of the implementation principle, the realization of the menu graphics and the analysis of common mistakes, GetSystemMetrics application, fast way to achieve pop-up menu and order response function range (with pop-up menu, specify the parent window when the close the relationship between the child window of the bottom of the treatment with the highest priority opportunities.) Dynamic menu preparation, how to make the program run time and how the new menu items created by hand for these new arrangements for dealing with the function menu commands, how to capture top-level window handle of the menu commands, and further control the application of CString class.
Platform: | Size: 57769984 | Author: 匣子 | Hits:


Description: 菜单的工作原理及编写应用,菜单命令消息在MFC框架程序的几个类中的传递顺序和处理过程。标记菜单、缺省菜单的实现原理、图形菜单的实现及常犯错误的分析,GetSystemMetrics的应用,快捷弹出菜单的实现方式及其命令响应函数有效范围(与弹出菜单时所指定的父窗口有密切的关系,最底层的子窗口具有最优先的处理机会)。-The working principle of the menu and write applications, the menu command message in the MFC framework Procedure of the class order and delivery process. Marking menu, the default menu of the implementation principle, the realization of the menu graphics and the analysis of common mistakes, GetSystemMetrics application, fast way to achieve pop-up menu and order response function range (with pop-up menu, specify the parent window when the close the relationship between the child window of the bottom of the treatment with the highest priority opportunities.)
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 王晓坡 | Hits:

[WEB CodeWebqq

Description: 主要技术: (1)弹出新窗口时,自动关闭父窗口。 (2)弹出窗口居中显示 (3)从网页对话框中选择头像 (4)应用Ajax技术实现用户名的检测,同时应用ASP实现UTF-8到GB2312的编码问题进行解决。 (5)验证输入的日期格式是否正确 (6)客户端验证输入的Email地址格式是否正确 (7)在ASP中使用ctrl+enter实现表单提交。 (8)解决ASP进行程序开发时遇到的错误。 (9)解决当前用户在不在线的问题,如果在线的话就显示彩色头像,如果不在线就显示灰色的头像。(这个问题不太好解决,浪费我很多时间) (10)对XML文件节点的读取。 (11)关闭子窗口时刷新父窗口 (12)cookie集合的应用 (13)实现左右菜单的动态添加与删除 (14)JS控制文本框内有值按钮可用,无值按钮为灰色不可用 (15)使用XML实现不刷新页面查询数据 (16)对查询结果进行锁定 主要功能: (1)实现用户昵称的在线修改 (2)用户登录,应用AJAX实现无刷新的用户名的检测功能。 (3)完成用户密码功能的修改。 (4)好友分组管理操作,框架技术的应用。 (5)让在线的用户置顶显示。 (6)查看用户的详细信息 (7)清楚当前用户的聊天记录 (8)复制当前聊天记录到剪贴板,再对当前记录进行备份。-Technical: (1) a new window pops up automatically when closing the parent window. (2) pop-up window is centered (3) dialog box, select the picture from the web (4) application of Ajax technology for the detection of the user name, and application of ASP to achieve UTF-8 to GB2312 encoding problem solved. (5) validate the input date format is correct (6) client input validation Email address format is correct (7) in ASP using ctrl+ enter to achieve the form submission. (8) solution developed in ASP program encountered an error. (9) to solve the current problem of the user is not online, if online, then it shows color picture, if you do not show the gray line on the head. (This problem is not Good solution, I wasted a lot of time) (10) reads the XML document node. (11) close the child window parent window refresh (12) cookie collection application (13) to achieve approximately the dynamic add and delete menu (14) JS has the value text box control button is
Platform: | Size: 553984 | Author: 宁远夜 | Hits:


Description: 菜单的工作原理及编写应用,菜单命令消息在MFC框架程序的几个类中的传递顺序和处理过程。标记菜单、缺省菜单的实现原理、图形菜单的实现及常犯错误的分析,GetSystemMetrics的应用,快捷弹出菜单的实现方式及其命令响应函数有效范围(与弹出菜单时所指定的父窗口有密切的关系,最底层的子窗口具有最优先的处理机会)。动态菜单的编写,如何让程序在运行时产生新的菜单项及如何手工为这些新产生的菜单命令安排处理函数,如何在顶层窗口中截获对菜单命令的处理,更进一步掌握CString类的应用。-The menu works and the preparation of the application, the menu command message delivery order in a few classes in MFC framework program and process. Marking menu, default menu principle, graphical menus and analysis of common mistakes, the GetSystemMetrics application, fast and effective range of its command-response function, pop-up menu (with the specified parent window when the pop-up menu relationship, the bottom of the child window has the highest priority processing). The dynamic menu preparation, how to make the new menu items and how to manual for the arrangements for dealing with these new menu command function at run time, how to intercept the menu command in the top-level window handling further grasp the application of the CString class.
Platform: | Size: 54694912 | Author: shawning | Hits:

[OS programformmiddle

Description: VC++让子窗口居中显示,打开主程序窗体后,在主窗体框架内弹出一新窗口,程序将自动设置新窗口居中于主窗口框架内,有意者请下载参阅源代码。-VC++ the child window centered, open the main form, the main form within the framework of a new pop-up window, the program will automatically set a new window centered in the framework of the main window, interested, please download to see the source code.
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: 张贡献 | Hits:


Description: dx下弹出窗口 类似金山游侠的功能 通过hook dx-create a windows pop not child in full screen
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: 第五大道 | Hits:


Description: 介绍: 一个带动画的按钮,用户点击后会弹出子按钮。子按钮的个数可自定义(3~6个),再次点击所有子按钮会有收缩动画。用户可自定义每个子按钮的action,可以自定义按钮图片。 -Introduction: a button with animation, the user clicks the button will pop up child. The number of sub-buttons can be customized (3 ~ 6), click again to all sub-buttons will shrink animation. Users can customize each child button action, you can customize the button image.
Platform: | Size: 299008 | Author: | Hits:

[Menu controlCode

Description: 菜单的工作原理及编写应用,菜单命令消息在MFC框架程序的几个类中的传递顺序和处理过程。标记菜单、缺省菜单的实现原理、图形菜单的实现及常犯错误的分析,GetSystemMetrics的应用,快捷弹出菜单的实现方式及其命令响应函数有效范围(与弹出菜单时所指定的父窗口有密切的关系,最底层的子窗口具有最优先的处理机会)。动态菜单的编写,如何让程序在运行时产生新的菜单项及如何手工为这些新产生的菜单命令安排处理函数,如何在顶层窗口中截获对菜单命令的处理,更进一步掌握CString类的应用。-Menu works and preparation of applications, messaging menu command sequence and processes in several classes in the MFC framework program. Marking menus, implementation and analysis of common mistakes realization of the principle of the default menu, menu graphics, GetSystemMetrics application, quick way to achieve pop-up menu and command response function effective range (with the pop-up menu, specify the parent window has a close relationship, the bottom of the child window having the highest priority processing opportunities). Write dynamic menus, how to make the program generated at runtime new menu items and how to manually produce these menu commands arrange new handler, how to intercept the menu command for processing in the top window, and further grasp the CString class applications.
Platform: | Size: 551936 | Author: wangguozhang | Hits:


Description: 标记菜单、缺省菜单的实现原理、图形菜单的实现及常犯错误的分析,GetSystemMetrics的应用,快捷弹出菜单的实现方式及其命令响应函数有效范围(与弹出菜单时所指定的父窗口有密切的关系,最底层的子窗口具有最优先的处理机会)。动态菜单的编写,如何让程序在运行时产生新的菜单项及如何手工为这些新产生的菜单命令安排处理函数,如何在顶层窗口中截获对菜单命令的处理,更进一步掌握CString类的应用。-Marking menu, implementation and analysis of common mistakes of default menu realization of the principle, the graphics menu, GetSystemMetrics application, quick implementation of pop-up menus and command response function range (pop-up menu and specify the parent window close The relationship between the bottom of the child window has the highest priority processing opportunities). Write dynamic menus, how to make the program generated at runtime new menu items and how to manually produce these new menu command arrangements handler, how to deal with interception of the menu commands at the top of the window, and further grasp CString class applications.
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: bean | Hits:


Description: 实现控件的变形自绘制等等,可以实现对标题栏的更改和变形(Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window. It specifies the window class, window title, window style, and (optionally) the initial position and size of the window. The function also specifies the window's parent or owner, if any, and the window's menu.)
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 哥哥/ | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net