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ChipGenius是一款USB设备芯片型号检测工具,可以自动查询U盘、MP3/MP4、读卡器、移动硬盘等的主控芯片型号、制造商、品牌、并提供相关资料下载地址.当然也可以查询USB设备的VID/PID信息、设备名称、序列号、设备版本等.软件绿色小巧,即插即用,是数码消费者、电子爱好者、 DIY人士和数码维修人员身边的好帮手.我们还将在后续版本中完善更多功能.-ChipGenius is a USB device chip type detection tool that can automatically query U disk, MP3/MP4, card readers, mobile hard disk controller chips, such as type, manufacturer, brand, and provide relevant information to download address. Of course, you can check USB device VID/PID information, device name, serial number, equipment versions. software green compact, plug and play, is the digital consumer electronics enthusiast, DIY and digital maintenance personnel are a good helper around. we will improved in subsequent versions of more features.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 139kb Publisher : sdfssdf
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