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[Other resourcechord

Description: chord演算法 用以改善p2p環境下的傳送速度-chord algorithm used to improve the environment p2p transmission speed
Platform: | Size: 325559 | Author: victorshu | Hits:

[Other resourcechord

Description: MIT最新的chord源码 chord算法是结构式的P2P搜索与管理协议,相比比非结构式算法简单高效。
Platform: | Size: 607786 | Author: 陈曦 | Hits:

[Other resourceChord Asp 服务器(Service) V3.0 绿色版

Description: Chord Asp 服务器(Service) V3.0 绿色版 单文件ASP服务器,性能可与IIS媲美!
Platform: | Size: 722585 | Author: binghe551 | Hits:


Description: MIT最新的chord源码 chord算法是结构式的P2P搜索与管理协议,相比比非结构式算法简单高效。-MIT latest source chord is the chord algorithm for structured P2P search and management agreements, compared with non-structured than the simple and efficient algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 608256 | Author: 陈曦 | Hits:


Description: chord 源码 http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/chord/-chord source http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/chord/
Platform: | Size: 1006592 | Author: lemonangel_c | Hits:


Description: chord的详细介绍和相关算法-chord detailed introduction and related algorithms
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: zjf | Hits:


Description: peersim下用于模拟chord的源码-peersim under the source code used to simulate the chord
Platform: | Size: 199680 | Author: kun | Hits:


Description: chord的实现源码,相当全-the realization of chord source, rather the whole
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: shinn | Hits:

[File Formatchord

Description: chord article Chord: A Peer-to-Peer Protocol Hoeteck Wee May 1, 2003
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: sh | Hits:

[Program docchord

Description: chord算法 P2P资源定位算法 利用哈希函数的分布式散列-chord algorithm for P2P resource location algorithm using distributed hash function hash
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: yyn928 | Hits:


Description: peersim仿真chord协议的测试过的环境,可以直接运行,也可以在此基础上改变初始设置来做仿真实验。在eclipse下打开源文件夹为工程即可使用。-chord simulation environment build on peersim.could execute under eclipse.no further modification required.
Platform: | Size: 1612800 | Author: 石宝前 | Hits:


Description: Chord Algorithm Presentation
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: Satya | Hits:


Description: 主要是描述了Chord网络中传递信息时所用的跳数的最大值,最小值和平均值。-This tutorial describes the maximum value,minimum value and average value in Chord when forwarding message.
Platform: | Size: 560128 | Author: 丁薇儿 | Hits:


Description: 主要描述了Chord中,网络规模和传递信息时所用的跳数之间的关系。-This source code mainly describes the relation between the network size and the hop counter in Chord.
Platform: | Size: 925696 | Author: 丁薇儿 | Hits:


Description: chord的java实现,需要使用ant进行编译-chord of the java implementation, need to be compiled using the ant
Platform: | Size: 9205760 | Author: liys | Hits:


Description: MIT的chord源码,经典p2p,学习人员的必备-MIT' s chord source, classic p2p, learning essential personnel
Platform: | Size: 785408 | Author: wang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopChord-Source-Code

Description: chord源代码,用c语言编写。有需要的朋友可下载学习。-code of chord
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: kawaii | Hits:


Description: 基于p2p的chord的算法介绍与实现 在才环境下运行-The chord-based p2p introduction and implementation of the algorithm was run under the
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: fanhao | Hits:


Description: 本文的分析是基于麻省理工(MIT)的Chord-0.1 发布版本(2005-04-09-Chord-0.1.tar.gz), Chord 0.1 的代码主要包括两个模块:Chord 和协作文件系统(Cooperative File System,CFS),-This analysis is based on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Chord-0.1 release version (2005-04-09-Chord-0.1.tar.gz), Chord 0.1 of the code consists of two modules: Chord and collaborative file system (Cooperative File System, CFS)
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: laozhudetui | Hits:


Description: p2p网络中对chord模拟 单机模拟N个节点 自己毕设中修改过的代码-p2p chord simulation
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 张博 | Hits:
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